Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2051: Revenge

After extorting a sum of money from Mu Haoqiang, Lin Fei had no idea to find another person's trouble.

A few days later, Mu Haoqiang personally sent 800 black crystal cards. When he left, the face was very ugly. It seemed to be a dead parent. The only good thing was that at least a potential big problem was solved.

The troubles are not small. The expedition Wei has personally visited a group of corpses, and has won a lot of rewards. The expedition has won the credit and everyone is happy.

After the matter was arranged properly, Lin Fei left the unparalleled star field and returned to the Emperor Peak.

Although Lin Feiren was not in Xiaoyao Palace, everyone did not dare to despise the Xiaoyao Palace. Who knows if there is a strong person who stayed in the town and could not offend Lin Fei.

As Lin Fei left, everyone was relieved, such as Mu Haoqiang.

This time against Lin Fei, he suffered a big loss, his reputation was affected, and he also took 800 black crystal cards. I don’t know when I can get it back.

At least for a long time, Mu Haoqiang had to save money.

Lin Fei returned to Emperor Peak.

Chen Yuanshan, Li Xiong, they came to congratulate.

The land, the country of the country, is something that ordinary people can have.

They are all well-informed people who have been paying attention to the unparalleled star field. They are not surprised at Lin Fei’s means. In their eyes, Lin Fei has always been synonymous with mystery, and now it is worthy of the name.

After returning to the emperor's peak, Lin Fei lived a low-key life, almost all in the emperor's peak, and the emperor's peak usually opened a large array, said this, keep quiet, good practice.

No one in the Imperial College doubts Lin Fei’s words.

In fact, Lin Fei went back and forth, and Xiaoyao Palace became a new secret base. Emperor Peak has become the main place for planting raw trees, and it is rich in energy.

Lin Fei is still very valued at this planting base.

After Lin Fei came back, he found some strange pictures outside the emperor's peak. From time to time, like a spy, he read the information a little and knew that it was the emperor's power. It seems that there was news to spread it and cause their concern.

"Fortunately, I have arranged a transmission array in the Xiaoyao Palace. As long as I don't have the Emperor Peak, you can only blink!"

Lin Fei was the last auction, causing them to doubt themselves. Don't underestimate these forces. When you are smart, it is very smart, and any details can be taken into consideration.

The reward for Tianjitang still exists. The entire empire, whether it is a fame or an underground force, is looking for the Avengers Alliance, and the enthusiasm continues.

Lin Fei is very clear about the ability of Tianjitang. It is really a super power. It is rich and rich. The things on the famous auctions are very precious. There are even more rumors. There are various good things inside Tianjitang.

The strength of that place is not inferior to the Imperial Palace.

From this aspect, we can see the essence of Tianjitang.

Lin Fei is very strong now, but he wants to play against the Tianjitang. It is still a little worse. He relies on energy units. Once exhausted, he becomes a fish on the chopping board.

Continue to accumulate!

This is Lin Fei's next major task.

The secret base of Emperor Peak can make a large amount of energy wall stone every day. For Lin Fei, it is not enough. If you want to accumulate energy units in a short time, you can only do some big business.

"Tianjitang, are you not going to want me all the time, just take your hands and start a few more!"

Lin Fei had a hint of killing at the bottom of his eyes.


Tianjitang is a unique force. It is above the forces. From the inheritance to the present, it has not exploded any ambitions. In their eyes, there are only various kinds of money transactions, and then various studies.

Right, it seems to be dismissive in the eyes of Tianjitang.

Its own Tianjitang has an unparalleled influence.

These influences are no less than the imperial imperial power. The imperial emperors can't recruit Tiantangtang. The secret of Tianjitang is not a fool.

Tianjitang is big. Naturally, there are branches in various parts of the empire. A branch of a home is opened, which sells various treasures of Tianjitang, thus forming an upscale place.

Any one of the Tianjitang branches, treasures like clouds, no one dared to rob the hands, because the hands-on people are all dead, and still the Zhulian nine people, the people who are killed are completely afraid.

This evening, the moon star is thin.

One of the thirty-eight stars, the Tianyan Star, ushered in a mysterious guest.

This guest is Lin Fei.

From the unparalleled star field to the Tianyan star field, Lin Fei spent half a day, quietly and quietly came to a special place in the Tianyan Star Field.

The Tianjitang branch, any branch, is not built in the city, but is a self-contained system, opening up a unique station outside the big city.

No matter where it is, the Tianjitang branch is open outside.

The treasures of Tianjitang are worthless. Even if they are not opened in the city, they still have a lot of people every day. I don’t know how many people want to buy treasures in the Tianjitang branch.

Here, even if it is a higher identity, it must be honest.

"A big heaven hall, and it is still a big deal!" Lin Fei came to a virtual space outside the Heavenly Hall, and saw the Tianjitang at a glance. He was quite surprised. "The material is made into a treasure, and the attack and defense is integrated. Tianjitang is really It’s hard work!”

The establishment of the Tianjitang branch is actually a treasure.

This extravagant and generous, the entire empire, is also available in the heavenly machine.

The more money the Tianjitang performs, the better Lin Fei’s mood will be.

"Scanning the Heavenly Church!"

Lin Fei didn't hurry to start, and he couldn't eat hot tofu.

A large heavenly hall, quickly scanned by the system, a three-dimensional appearance, a matrix method is displayed, layer by layer analysis, if the people of Tianjitang know the power of Lin Fei, they will definitely not go to the night, this is purely trouble making.

“It’s not a Tianjitang, a branch. It’s actually stationed in the early five strong three-eight-eight-turners. In the late eight-turn period, there are more than 30 seven-turn jobs. Moreover, this Tianjitang can block eight. Turning to the peak attack attack, there is no certain person, I want to break the defense of the heavenly machine!"

In this case, anyone must shake his head and say that he is helpless.

Lin Fei is very calm.

"Analyze the array and find out the loopholes. Tonight, I will break through the Heavenly Hall. Let them know. In front of the Avengers. A treasure in the district is useless!"

Lin Fei sneered.

"Start analyzing!"


The system has powerful analysis and calculation ability, less than a fragrant time. All of them are analyzed, and they appear one by one. As long as they are hands-on at these positions, they can break the heavenly hall.

"Retaliation begins here!"

Lin Fei moved, a scroll of scrolls, smashed at the position, and this moment, just the flaws are in the most suitable time.

Boom! ! !

In the quiet night, the loud rumbling sounds were heard and the earthquake shook. The entire Tianjitang, including the nearby city, was all alarmed at this moment.

The knowledge of a great man quickly turned to Tianjitang. (To be continued.)

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