Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2057: Know how and how

Fan Luoyu is uninvited.

The imperial princess ate a closed door because of the big array of emperor peaks.

"This bastard!"

Fan Luoyu did not know why, every time he came to Emperor Peak, he couldn't help but want to lose his temper.

"Lin Fei, you will not let me in, you will die!" Fan fell in the rain and gnashed his teeth, this is not the first time to eat closed doors.

The whole empire can let her eat closed doors, and now only Lin Fei is a bastard, and the impression is extremely bad.

"Hah, what kind of wind blows the school sister, it is a rare guest!"

Relatively last time, this luck is still good.

Lin Fei came out from the Emperor Peak and said with a smile.

Fan Luoyu always feels that Lin Fei’s eyes are not quite right, and the other party is shining with excitement. This is not the same in peacetime.

"You finally come back!" Fan Fanyu said how to feel how weird, she did not know.

Lin Fei’s serious way, "Sister, I am not busy, I haven’t been back for a few days. I don’t want to go to school sister!"

Fan Luoyu naturally does not believe Lin Fei's words, especially after guessing a trace of clues.

"I don't plan to ask my sister to go in and sit down?"


Come to the emperor again.

Still in that yard.

Fan Luoyu felt it necessary to make Lin Fei clear and awake. "Lin Fei Xuedi, you should be a member of the Avengers Alliance!"

Just sitting down, Fan Luoyu directly threw a word.

She is watching Lin Fei's expression change. He believes that this time, Lin Fei will certainly be able to eat. Whoever makes him not salty in front of himself, no one dares to do this to himself, let alone he is an imperial princess, even In Lin Fei, I don't see any respect.

Fan Luoyu is ready to scare Lin Fei, and he secretly prides himself on his intelligence.

From some clues, Fan Luoyu believes that Lin Fei must be associated with the Avengers Alliance. He is not sure what the specific position is. If he did not see the scrolls, he would not doubt his body for a lifetime. .

Fan Luoyu is now full of confidence, and he believes that he has caught the weakness of the other side.

Regrettably, Fan Luoyu was once again disappointed.

"It’s the imperial princess, so I think of it so soon, you are the first person to discover that I have a relationship with the Avengers!"

Lin Fei smiled and looked calm.

Fan fell into the rain and breathed quickly. "This bastard, how can he not be nervous, why not nervous, why confess!"

This is totally different from the script.

Lin Fei laughed in his heart. "I want to count me, it’s a long way off. Even if you know it, you dare to say that you can’t go out!"

Fan Yunyu took what thoughts, Lin Fei was clear, but unfortunately this method was too small for pediatrics. After the completion of the transmission array, he really had no worries.

The empire does not leave people, and has its own place to stay.

"Lin Fei, you are so courageous, the empire is all night in the Avengers League. Do you believe it or not? If you go to the palace in one sentence, you will be thrown into the dust. Even the Imperial College will not want to say good things for you!" Fan Luoyu Drinking.

The imperial princess Fan Luoyu, this drink, with his own gas field, is still quite powerful, and the face is the high pressure on the top.

For the royal family, for the empire, the feared person suddenly fell short, and it was really scared to be weak.

Lin Fei has no change at all. "Princess, I am not a three-year-old child. If you are scary, don't use it, shame your face. From the moment you came, you already know that since you know, you have not taken the expedition. Wei people come over, you think this person said who will believe it!"

Fan fell to the rain and thought about it. It was such a truth. For a time, she even took Lin Fei’s method.

"Let me guess, you come over, actually want to get the reel scroll from me!" Lin Fei smiled. "You want the reel scroll, you can say it straight. You don't say, How do I know, isn't the reel of the array, I reported it in the past, plus you are a princess, as long as you have money, what reel can not be sold to you!"

Lin Fei waisted, his face was full of businessmen's savvy.

"This **** is waiting for himself to come to the door!" Fan Luo rain pressed the anger in his heart, restored calm, and immediately understood.

After I understood it, Fan Luoyu only felt that everything fell into the calculation of this kid. It seems that the other party has waited for some time. Isn’t he afraid of reporting it?

This point is Fan Fanyu can't figure out.

As big as the earth, as long as the empire wants to catch a person, Lin Fei’s strength is one. At that time, he still has no idea what to reveal.

"You are different from the average person, and you admit it so quickly!" Fan Yuyu, who recovered from it, seemed very calm. "The courage is not that big."

Lin Fei laughed. "I am just a small contact. The Avengers League has no interest in the forces. It is only interested in making money, and inspirational to create a unique existence."

"That said, the demon empire had some powerful treasures before, is it also sold to you by the Avengers Alliance?" Fan Luoyu suddenly remembered one thing.

"You guessed it, but the person in charge is not me. The Avengers are like me. Countless people contact various forces and secretly sell treasures. Maybe your brothers and sisters also cooperate with the Avengers. !! Lin Fei smiled, said that humans and animals are harmless.

Fan Luoyu's eyes flashed a touch of color.

"Your Avengers League is really ready to compete with the Heavenly Machine Hall!" Fan Luoyu turned quickly, realizing the terrible of the Avengers.

Such a mysterious force, if it really cooperates with certain forces, will undoubtedly be a very terrible thing.

Lin Fei said, "What happened to Tianjitang? Last time, our Avengers Alliance dispatched a deacon, and swept two Tianjitang branches. Now Tianjitang is also helpless, like a headless fly, everywhere. Turning around, it’s really a laugh!"

Fan Luoyu knew that he was right, and vaguely seemed to see the tip of the iceberg of the Avengers.

"This palace wants a reel of scrolls, wants an energy gun, do you have these things?"

Lin Fei really does not worry that Princess Fan Luoyu will leak out, proudly said, "The princess can find this, that is, smart people, the simplest to talk to smart people, the array of scrolls, first to eighth, everything, energy There are also guns from beginner to advanced. As long as the princess gets a black crystal card, the Avengers will not let you down. And, to ensure that the information will not leak out, this is a one-on-one transaction, only you and I know, There is also God knows!" (To be continued.)

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