Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2174: Go to Nanyunzhou

"Ice family, it’s really rich and rich!"

Looking at the back of the ice and elegant leaves, Lin Fei's face flashed a dignified.

Three thousand black crystal cards, it is a big number, such a big temptation, Lin Fei will certainly not refuse, there is no reason to refuse, listen to the meaning of ice and elegant, is to use the powerful attack of the array method, break a place As for other issues, then there is no more.

It is only necessary to break a place. For Lin Fei, this kind of thing is too simple. It is not like a simple, it does not consume much energy units.

Bai earned three thousand black crystal cards, and Lin Fei didn't mind going to the last time.

Now that the body is small, even if it is in danger, Lin Fei is sure to leave, don't forget, short-distance transmission array, this thing can leave at any time, the system space is always with you, ready to go.

"Sister, Lin Fei's kid's realm is not too low. It will be a trouble to go!"

Yun Xiaodie rarely asked a trace of doubts.

The ice is very calm and the heart is like water. "The danger of the place, you should know something, Xiaodie, do you think that with our strength, can we succeed in the end?"

Yunxiaodie is not sure, "Should, it seems to be!"

Bing Qingya shook his head. "You have to have doubts about yourself. You have no confidence in breaking the place. To put it another way, that is, we have broken through the place, how much strength we can get, and we can’t get it. In the field, have you fulfilled others?"

Yunxiaodie’s murderous road, "Who dares, we~"

"Don't forget, this place is a world of ancient wilderness. Those indigenous people can't be underestimated. What's more, we have strong people, maybe we will hear the wind, and the place is not normal!"

"So, if you look for Lin Fei in the past, you want to use the method to break the place and avoid our worries? Can he do it?" Yun Xiaodie holds a skeptical attitude.

"If you don't try to know, there is not much time left for us. I heard that Nangong and Xujia have received the wind and we must act now!"


After a day.

Lin Fei is ready.

The other party seems to be in a hurry.

Yun Xiaodie personally came to pick up Lin Fei, but it made many people feel surprised. But this person, can't you just look at Lin Fei?

Everyone thinks at most.

The horror of the man, they asked themselves to be offended, and they must be unlucky in the other's ears.

"Let's get to the place!"

Yun Xiaodie took Lin Fei to a yard. This yard is more refined than the courtyard where Lin Fei lives. It seems to be re-arranged, giving people a bright feeling.

"Sister, people are coming!"

At this time, there were several people standing in the yard, chatting with each other. When they saw the clouds, they all smiled, but when they noticed Lin Fei at the entrance of the yard, their faces changed.

During this time, Lin Fei has made a lot of limelight.

I have offended a few strong people in the first place, so that everyone is crowding out Lin Fei, and when they meet, they are also going around.

"It's him!"

Everyone has a different color.

"Well, people are coming, you can leave!"

Ice Qingya came out of the house, still dressed in a black palace dress, it looked very cold, not close to people.

Several people in the yard have recovered their eyes, "Qingya Sister!"

Bing Qingya nodded slightly, everyone is used to this way, "This Lin Fei, you should know, this time you have to rely on him to go to that place!"

A few people on the scene clearly showed a trace of accidents. One of the more handsome young people, with a long red hair, was very eye-catching.

"Qingya school sister, it is enough for us to go, why bother to find him." The red-haired young man said directly, "His strength is too low, it will be a burden to go!"

"Cold thorn, are you suspicious of my vision?" Bing Qingya's eyes swept away, a chill came over and there was a hint of frost on the ground.

The blushing young man is called the cold thorn, and the master of the college base is the first step, and the hero is almost the same level.

As a character in the family circle, Cold Spur does not like Lin Fei.

When a cold disciple came up, he provoked a large family disciple and offended it in one breath. It is very difficult for such a person to survive in this world.

"I don't mean this!" Cold thorns and ice Qingya have been working together for a long time. There are very few times when they will retort. It is only this time that they can’t understand Lin Fei. "Just~"

Ice is cool and cold, "Nothing, the person I choose, naturally has what I mean, you can choose not to go, I will not have opinions!"

Cold thorns smiled, "No opinion, I have no opinion!"

The rest of the people are even afraid to have an idea!

Once Bingqing Ya Xuejie was angry, no one could eat it. From this, it can be clearly seen that the school sister appreciates the Lin Fei schoolmate, even if those people know it, it is hard to say anything.

Lin Fei didn't care about the cold thorns. The big family disciples all had a virtue. Instead, they were very strong in the performance of the ice, and the arrogant cold thorns were suppressed.

"Let's go in!"

Ice Qingya turned and walked into the house.

Cold thorns looked over, glanced at Lin Fei, strode up, other people are also the same enemy, Lin Fei as a potential enemy.

"Xiao Lin, you know, sister, but very angry, cold thorns they deserve!" Yun Xiaodie did not have so many concerns, said with a smile, "you have to perform well, or you will be unlucky, Hey!"


Lin Fei smiled and followed.

In the house, there is a hole in the interior, and the interior is actually a small space, not as imagined outside.

The first thing Lin Fei saw was a transmission array.

This transmission array should be a medium-range distance transmission to an area of ​​the ancient world.

"Everyone comes up together, let's transfer to Nanyunzhou!"

In the ancient world, Lin Fei knows some things. For example, this ancient world is very big. It is divided into four continents. Nanyunzhou is one of them, in the south.

The indigenous people in that place are relatively friendly, and the forces of the Terran have built various forces there and traded some goods at the same time.

A mid-range transmission array also allowed Lin Fei to see that the ice was very big, and it was not easy to control a transmission array. It was not a real local tyrant.

If Lin Fei does not have a system, he also wants to have such a high-level thing as the transmission array. The ice house has this stuff, and the foundation is still very thick. At the same time, it can prove that the ice house has a certain influence in the ancient world.

Huaguang flashed, and the group started the transmission array to the mysterious Nanyunzhou. (To be continued.)

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