Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2195: Anti-kill

Things are going too fast.

The people from Bing Shengtao and Bingshengshan attacked each other, and the other side killed two people. The atmosphere is now tense, but a little time.

Evolving into this situation, at least the ice wins the sea and the ice is elegant.

The venom of the Avengers is more overbearing than expected.

"Block, how to stop it!" Bingshenghai showed a hint of helplessness. "They are clearly looking for something. This muyan is not a troublesome person. Have you noticed a situation, that is, this mutan, coming in from After that, it was always very calm and indifferent. When people first came to our ice house, who was not worried, but he was not, and it was a big deal!"

Ice wins the sea to see a person is still accurate.

This wood inflammation is not simple, it is not easy.

Nowadays, Bingshenghai can only hope that there will be too much trouble, and it is impossible to stop it.

"In front of this seat, no one really said this. If this is the case, this seat will be yours!" Lin Fei was here to trade, and people took the initiative to fight, anyway, the 350,000 black crystal card started, the rich and the rich , pack up an eight-turn career, or hand in hand.

The people in the forum are really skeptical.

Even if the Tianjitang did not dare to openly engage the ice family, but the Mu Yan of the Avengers League, do not dare to do it, do not look at this place.

Here is the ice house.

The headquarters of the big family, the master is like a cloud, and the other person can be arrogant.

"Come on, come on!" Bingshengshan was angry and laughed. "I am afraid that you will not dare to do it!"

As an eight-turn career, Bingshengshan has never seen him. He will debunk the true face of the Avengers tonight. If you can kneel down, it would be better. Tianjitang began to offer a reward. A good thing to send to the door, where to find it.

This is one of the reasons why Bingshengshan constantly stimulates each other.

Everyone knows that the Avengers Alliance has some foundation. If you take the opportunity to dig out the secrets of the Avengers, whether it is for himself or for the ice family, it is a good thing. If you can't get it, you can take it to the sky.

Bingshengshan is really worried that the other party will not dare to start, will be scared by the ice family's name, it is really busy.

The ice resort looked at it like this, and the confidant next to it whispered, "The master, we have arranged good people outside, and will never let the other person get rid of it!"

"well done!"

For the head of the mysterious Avengers League, the ice resort has great interest. In the expeditionary empire, a mysterious adventurous alliance is full of enthusiasm, although this is not a lot of people in the ancient world. However, he still arranged for people to investigate, the more the investigation, the more it was found that the Avengers Alliance was not simple.

In the matter of learning about cooperation, the ice resort moved.

All the plots start as calculated.

"Stupid younger brother, you will do it well. You have to test each other and save me a lot of trouble. In the end, I still need to go to the end!" The ice resort’s mouth is rising, showing a smugness, not rushing to shoot, sit and watch It’s just fun.

Originally, the Muscle of the Avengers League did not come. The ice resort was really no way. His arrangement could not work. Now that the other party is coming, it is difficult to fly and take the other side on the site of the ice house. He still has a lot. Confidence, even after the event, the elders will not blame, but will stand on their side.

The ice resort decided to gamble and look at the situation. It is obvious that the person who won is the one who lost his brother.

Lin Fei is not anxious or slow. "I didn't intend to care about you. However, you have offended our Avengers Alliance. As one of the responsible persons, it is your responsibility to deal with you. It would have given you a chance to live. Since you are not Know how to cherish, then you can't blame anyone!"

After the transaction was over, Lin Fei decided to make good use of the ice house to publicize the existence of the Avengers Alliance and launch the gun to tell the ancient world. The Avengers Alliance is not something that can be underestimated. The end is to pay the price.

"is it!"

Bingshengshan clap his hands and arrogantly said, "I want to remind you that before you start, you may want to look around, this is a gift I have prepared for you."

In the void, a black warrior with special equipment, more than a dozen, each hand-held special weapons, just blocked all the way to the other side.

"If you want to deal with me, you still have to solve my normal skills. As an ice house, you are not free to deal with it. It depends on whether you have this qualification. In my eyes, you seem to No such qualification!" Bingshengshan held his hand and stood up, and he seemed to have decided on the other side.

Arrange, he will also.

For this arrangement, a lot of blood has been made.

After seeing the black warrior, Bing Qingya did not reveal any concerns. She had seen the other side's powerful, high-energy guns were taken out, and there was nothing that could not be obtained.

"As far as these garbage items are concerned, how much will this seat come from!"

Lin Fei laughed loudly, with one hand and one wave, under the eyes of everyone, there was a special team behind him, and eighteen people dressed in all colors could not see the face, with a mask on his face, at the moment they appeared. A murderous sky is rising.


Eighteen people raised the advanced energy gun in their hands.

That's right, it's eighteen advanced energy guns.

They didn't need Lin Fei to order, they shot, the beams fluttered, criss-cross, and the horror of the atmosphere, the secret card of Bingshengshan, in front of these 18 people, fragile and vulnerable, with the light beam sweeping, one by one black The martial artists were shot and fell one by one on the ground, blood flowing.

One breath, or two breaths

At this moment, time seems to be so slow that there is only one ruined beam left in their eyes. The armor of the black warrior was easily shot through, and the man fell down. Every fallen black warrior almost became a sieve.

"High ~ Advanced Energy Gun"

Bingshengshan swallowed his throat, his eyes looked straight, and his body began to tremble slowly. His mind echoed the shadow of the beam, and his speech was a little trembling.

Eighteen advanced energy guns!

This kind of power, only advanced energy guns can be played out.

Those who did not agree, at this moment, widened their eyes, a face-to-face slaughter, and this time, they saw the sense of rhythm, which is a very special feeling.

"Advanced Energy Gun!"

"How can this be!"

"Even if we have a few ice houses, this is eighteen, and they are all high-energy guns!"

"18 advanced energy guns, how is it possible!" (To be continued.)

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