Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2203: focus

Nanyunzhou, a remote place.

Since the spread of a message, the place that was previously unknown has become a place that everyone knows.

"See no, that's where the Avengers organize auctions!"

"The Avengers are so daring, they grabbed their things, and took them out after a little rectification. They are not afraid of the people of Tianjitang to take it back!"

"I will admire the Avengers Alliance. If their treasures can be used for mass, then it will be a good day, no longer have to worry about resources!"


Almost all of the nearby peaks were seized, and the attention of the Avengers was not far away.

Since the news was confirmed, the spies in this place have been getting more and more every day, and they are staring at the every move of the Avengers. Well, after they came, the door of the Heavenly Hall was closed, and it has never been opened. be quiet.

In the face of the unknown danger, those who are eager to move are pressing hands. Who knows how dangerous it is to go up, it is better to continue to wait and see.

The forces of all parties quietly debut.

Seeing the treasures belonging to the Tianjitang here, more or less surprised, no one has ever been so swayed, I wish everyone knows the same.

"The Chen family is over there!"

"I don't think they are coming, the treasures are moving!"

"When Chen Jia came, what is so rare, Li people are coming, that is rare!"

"Li's strength is good, but compared with the Lin family, it is a big difference!"


Joining the hilarious people, this time is really an eye-opener.

There are a lot of people with first-rate power.

It seems that everyone is not willing to miss this opportunity.

It’s just that everyone’s long-awaited Tianjitang has not yet appeared. Everyone’s mind is clear. If the people of Tianjitang come, there will definitely be a violent storm here. I don’t know how many people are going to die.

"The great prince of the demon empire is here!"

With a loud bang, the whole world is like a shock, and there is a golden chariot on the horizon, which is very dazzling. The front puller is actually a ten-and-a-half-step ancient beast, and the half-step ancient animal roars and shakes the earth.

The golden chariot came and landed on a mountain. The man on the mountain immediately left and left, and did not dare to have any stop. Everyone knew the means of the great empire of the demon **** empire.

"Sure enough, it was a special treasure that Tianjitang refining at the beginning!"

On the golden chariot, standing with a burly young man, the boundless suffocating into a black house, from time to time came a sharp voice, so dare not face it.

In the golden chariot fell on the mountain, and then a black team appeared in the void, full of hundreds of people, all with a smothering atmosphere, a station on the mountain, killing the sky.

"It is indeed the thing of Tianjitang!" On the side of the golden chariot, there is still a middle-aged man, a pair of literary scorpions, and the flash of light shines. It seems that he will calculate very much. "This is the right thing." ”

This person is the confidant of the great prince, called An Zhongzhi, and there is also an identity, that is, the military division, the **** enemy of the great prince, can go to the present position, this An Zhongzhi has a lot of power, has been Since then, the great emperor has respected this military division.

"It is best not to let the emperor down!"

The **** enemy of the great prince is like a torch.

The demon **** empire first arrived, the most powerful one on the scene, surrounded by empty, no one will find uncomfortable.

"The great emperor of the expeditionary empire is here!"

The next day, another big emperor came, Fan Qingyuan, the great emperor of the expedition, came, and the appearance of the battle was comparable to that of the **** enemy.

When the two great emperors came, everyone was bright, and it was enough to prove that the two empires attached importance to the Avengers, so they would come.

Fan Qingyuan was stationed on the peak of the **** enemy's enemy, and it seemed to have a **** for tat.

"Fan Xiong, I can't think of you coming too. It's really a bit of a surprise. I thought it would be your brother who couldn't be a weapon!" The **** enemy laughed.

"Blood brother, this is interesting!" Fan Qingyuan was pure and white, and his body was full of refined atmosphere. He was calm and calm, and he was not as heavy as the other. "We are expeditionary empire, talented people, the Emperor actually does not want to come, a district The Avengers, there is nothing to be worthwhile, but the father’s life is hard to break!"

"Oh, pretending to be a model, your Terran is hypocritical, you want to die clearly, and you don't agree with your performance on your mouth. It's not as good as the fun of our Yaozu. It's really boring!" The **** enemy laughed.

"This is the inheritance of our human race. You can't learn from the Yaozu, so your Yaozu has been losing money and never took the most important step!"

When the two of them arrived, they immediately confronted each other and they played a big fight and competed.

Fortunately, the great emperors of the two empires are also around.

"His Highness, this demon empire has arranged for **** enemies to come over. This person does not have the princes. He is self-sufficient and proud. He is the enemy of His Royal Highness. If they have the treasure of the Avengers, they will have a reputation for him. Will reach a new height, the Highness of the Temple needs to make a decision early!" Next to the confession part-time military division said seriously.

Fan Qingyuan nodded. "The blood enemy is indeed a lot of tyrannical. It is no wonder that the emperors are not opponents, and the emperor will not lose!"


There are more and more people in this place.

The emergence of the great emperors of the two empires brought a lot of sensation, and some of the forces of the family had made decisions, and they came to this place.

Six days passed by blinking.

Nanyunzhou, and even the neighboring continents nearby, many big forces have come.

So far, the Avengers Chamber of Commerce of the Avengers has not had any movements, and has remained quiet and seemingly mysterious.

Until the morning of the seventh day.

"Everyone is watching, there is movement!"

"The door is open, is it going to start!"

"No, no, now is the seventh day!"


Many people have a bright eye.

The closed door was finally opened, and a mysterious man in a black armor came out and appeared in front of everyone.

"It's him, Muyan!"

The ice home has also come this time.

The last lesson did not let the ice family retreat, and this time the team was ice-clear, as cold as the last time, after the other party came out, Bing Qingya immediately recognized it.

"Self-introduction, my own Mu Yan, is a deacon in the Avengers League. This time the Avengers Alliance holds an auction, everything will be under the responsibility of the next, and please give us a lot of advice!"

The sound of Zhongzheng’s loudness spread throughout the region.

Many people showed a touch of emotion, and the other party was very simple.


This identity does not look high, so that the other party is responsible for all the things in the auction. This right is too much, and the deacon's right is so, then the high-level of the Avengers?


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