Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2209: Calculation

"The **** enemy of the demon **** empire, the name is domineering, the strength is also strong, and the flesh actually reaches the eighth stage of the flesh. If there is no accident, the first invitation is a blood enemy!"

It is precisely because Lin Fei has arranged in the ring, setting a limit, can suppress the strength of the challenger, seemingly fair, in fact, the **** enemy's eighth-order early body, took advantage, defeated the opponent one by one. .

This is already the ninth.

The last game left will win.

"The owner is very good at this, 15 invitations come down, the influence of the Avengers Alliance can affect the ancient world, when the master's hand has to sell it!" The little devil laughed.

"The big sale is affirmative. If you want to earn more energy wall stones, you need to chase the ancient world. My technical weapons are the source. I don’t want them to buy them. The people on the side of Tianjitang have not come yet. I don’t know what I’m doing, it’s too slow, can’t come on the tenth day!”

Lin Fei earned hundreds of thousands of black crystal cards from the Flame Flame tribe. It was considered a small upstart. A large number of heavy artillery pieces were arranged around them. When dealing with Tianhai, 18 doors were used. It was just an appetizer.

"I really hope that they come early, I have prepared a big meal for them to enjoy."


The last time the **** enemy encountered a powerful opponent, the other side suppressed the strength, but also the old strong, suppressed the strength also took the advantage.

This **** enemy used the secret law of the demon empire, paid a lot of price to defeat the other side, and seized the first invitation.

"I heard that the great prince of the demon **** empire has an amazing strength. This strength won the first invitation letter, everyone is convinced!" Lin Fei said with a smile to the **** enemy.

The **** enemy is hurt, and he doesn't care much. "That would have to thank you for your arrangement!"

This point, the blood enemy is still very grateful.

None of the old powerhouses is a good deal.

"Congratulations, you got the first invitation!" Lin Fei gave the first invitation to the **** enemy. This invitation was carefully crafted and very high grade.

There are not many people who are bloody, and they will go down with an invitation letter.

The first invitation is over.

With the beginning of the blood enemy, everyone pays attention to it, especially the **** enemy of the demon **** empire, especially the last secret technique, which beats a veteran strongman, although it suppresses the strength, then It is also the strength.

The invitation letter is very hot.

The person on the side of Tianjitang also received a message.

"Eighteen heavy artillery, Tianhai kills nothing?"

This time, the leader of the team was the fifth elder of the penalty machine. It can be seen from the number of words, that is, the elder's status is very high.

In fact, the fifth elder of the penalty is indeed very high. Those who can sit in this position need at least nine careers. This is the mid-term of the nine-turn career.

This time, Tianjitang attached great importance to the Avengers Alliance and dispatched the Tenth Law Enforcement Team.

The ancient world is the site of their heavenly church, allowing the Avengers Alliance to continue, and to fight in the final chamber, that is not the situation they are willing to see.

A spy is reporting the news.

Tianjitang’s influence spread throughout the ancient world, and there was no smashing of the Avengers’ Alliance. The first time, the spies were arranged to collect news.

The news of the 18-door heavy artillery still made the death of the fifth elder of the penalty, and the brow frowned. "We still think the Avengers League is simple!"

"Shen Elder, the heavy artillery of the 18 long-range attack, deserves our attention. As long as the energy is sufficient, we have to pay a lot of price!" said a confidant next to it.

Shen Mu is very clear about the deterrent brought by the 18 heavy guns. If a bad one, the law enforcement team they bring will suffer a lot.

"They have 18 heavy artillery pieces. Don't forget the bottom of our heavenly hall. When the elders came out, they brought a treasure of our heavenly hall, just to make their 18 heavy guns useless!"

The confidant next to it showed a hint of joy. "Is that treasure? If it is that, the 18-door heavy artillery will not threaten us!"

Shen Mu smiled and nodded. "The Avengers want to step on our heavenly hall. Then they are different. The foundation of the Heavenly Hall, even the elders, knows a small part, and dares to be an enemy of Tianjitang!"


With the first invitation coming out.

The next invitation, the battle will be fierce, the first is the **** enemy of the invitation to the demon **** empire, the second is Fan Qingyuan of the expeditionary empire, the great prince also shows terrible strength, carrying a treasure and Mystery, insisted on the end, and got an invitation.

The third, fourth and fifth are in the hands of first-rate forces and top forces.

The sixth invitation was placed in a loose hand. This is a nine-turn professional. The body has reached a rare eighth-order post-reality. The body is almost invincible and has successfully received an invitation. .

There were a total of nine invitations on the day, and some forces were rushed down during the period.

Lin Fei is very relaxed here. Everything is in accordance with the development. No one has come out to make trouble. There is a foresight of the heavenly family. If you want to come up, you have to look at it again.

"On the last day, the people of Tianjitang will definitely come!"

Lin Fei is looking forward to tomorrow. Everyone who kills the Heavenly Hall can get some treasures. After the system is reformed, it is a brand-new thing. Whether it is grade or power, it completely completes the treasure of Tianjitang.


"Avengers, oh!"

Not far from a mountain, it was occupied by a group of people at this time. This wave of people has a big background.

On the same day, Tianhai was not killed, and he never left. Instead, he informed the people of Tianjia, especially after seeing the power of the heavy artillery.

Today, the people of Tianjia are here, and all come are masters.

Tianjia was the first person to enter the ancient world in the past. Until now, no one knows the strength, but it is only the tip of the iceberg.

Tianjia has always been an ancient family in the ancient world.

Can be called the ancient family. There are really few now.

Tianjia was killed by a group of elites here. Tianhai killed himself and almost fell down. After a lot of oil and vinegar, Tianjia master came.

After seeing the person who led the team is his own vein, Tianhai killed the joy, and when he went up, he complained. "Courage elders, you are coming too soon, and the Avengers Alliance does not regard us as one thing."

Tianhai killed this tone and hated it for a long time.

The wolf howling that day will never be forgotten.

"You are reckless about this matter!" (To be continued.)

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