Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2211: Night attack

Old acquaintances are naturally elegant.

"I don't think you will come to this seat!"

Lin Fei is very clear about the purpose of the other party. In just a few days, the Avengers Alliance has shown terrible potential, and no one wants to miss a rare auction event.

The interpretation of the road to science and technology has also been recognized by countless people.

A new technological change is about to begin.

Bing Qingya also saw clearly, this preparation for an invitation letter, and later broke the idea, it is really the person or force to participate, the wheel battle, the same realm may not be able to hold.

"Congratulations to Mr. Mu Yan, the auction has not yet started, it has already started to fire!" Bing Qingya did not dare to have any more temperament. The Tianjia people smashed a batch of people, and the first time they bravely did not dare to shoot, even if they There are conspiracy, so that Tianjia does not have to do it on the spot. I can ask if there are several that can be done.

Lin Fei smiled. "The auction will be on fire. Thank you, guys. Without your support, the auction is nothing more than a farce. The formation of the technology road depends on you!"

It’s hard to imagine that the wood inflammation tonight and the wood inflammation of the day are exactly the same, a gentle, a ferocious, as if the two extremes.

"Our ice house wants an invitation letter, I don't know if it works!" Bing Qingya hesitated for a moment, took out the card, and had that thing, more or less worried in the bottom of my heart.

"No!" Lin Fei shook his head.

The ice is clear and the heart is sinking, and the worst thing happens.

"Fiveteen invitations, I can't have more than one, so that it is not easy for everyone to explain. In principle, our Avengers Alliance intends to be fair and just, and become a brand new symbol of the ancient world!"

In the past, Bing Qingya was worried about this issue. Fifteen invitations, any one of them was very precious, and those who got it would never allow others to come in through other means.

Ice Qingya smiled, "I know it will be like this!"

Lin Fei didn't want to open the back door, and it was hard to create a mysterious force that could not be changed because of one person.

"However, if you want something, you can find it for purchase. This seat will give you a preferential price. If you want to get the money, you don't want this last time!"

If the ice family comes from another person, Lin Fei will go out without saying anything. The ice is not the same, there is a little advantage, and the ancient beast and the ancient gods are all obtained through the ice.

This is a personal feeling, others may not admit that Lin Fei is different.

Ice Qingya finally showed a hint of joy, "Thank you, Mr. Mu Yan!"

It is a good thing to be able to participate in a boutique auction and to conduct transactions in private.

After getting the news, Bing Qingya couldn't sit still. He had to explain to the elders and prepare for the next transaction. This time, there must be no more accidents.


"Master, do you have a good impression on this ice?"

In the void, the little devil flew out.

Entering the realm of ancient animals, the body of Fengshen ancient beast can be large or small. After the system's blessing, it can perfectly seal the breath of the body. Even if the strong family of the ancient family is outside, there is no movement.

"You don't think this is very interesting!"

Lin Fei’s mouth was raised, showing a bad smile. “Actually, Bing Qingya can’t come. Since she is here, it’s that she will not be better in the ice house. It’s also an interesting thing!”

The little devil turned a blank eye. "Master, it’s really idle, nothing to do!"

"Ha ha ha!" Lin Fei could not help but laugh.

"Master, the special creature that we released, has already discovered that the people of Tianjitang have entered Nanyunzhou and have been hiding in one place. If it is not good, it is a conspiracy!"

The little devil talked and said.

"It should be said that they are engaged in conspiracy!" Lin Fei did not believe that Tianjitang would sit down and rest.

"Moving, they moved, these guys are actually preparing for night attack!" The little devil was a little angry, "I really want to play tricks!"

When Lin Fei opened the system, he saw a group of people sneaking in their direction.

"This should be a special equipment, and it will isolate all the breath. If it is not monitored first, it may be successful by night attack!"

Looking at the person in the screen, Lin Fei laughed.

"Master, how are you going to play with them!" The little devil looked smirk.

"It’s too boring to kill them. It’s better to play with them and close the dog. When they are most happy, it’s very interesting to knock them down from the clouds!”

Lin Fei Ling moved and came up with a method. "It’s just a good idea. There is something good in Tianjitang. The Chamber of Commerce is not selling anything good!"


In the night, a group of people quietly approached the Vengeance Chamber of Commerce.

"The wood inflammation is so powerful that it is definitely impossible to guess. We will attack at night. The temple is not so unbearable in their eyes. It is stupid to go straight."

Shen Mu and other people, the speed is very fast.

They are all in a range, surrounded by a layer of mysterious power, clearly moving, but if you are in the near future, you can't see the trace at all.

This is the blessing of a treasure of Tianjitang.

Although not very expensive, winning is rare.

Shen Mu really does not believe that there will be his own situation. After entering Nanyunzhou, he will hide his whereabouts and rely on the spies to analyze the news. The situation on Muyan side is clear on the side of Shen Mu.

Why did you start this evening, in fact, it is also accurate. The other party does not think that the Heavenly Machine Church will be hands-on. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is definitely the last day.

Tianjitang used this traditional concept to start one night in advance and kill them one by one, especially the two ancient families appeared, Shen Mu had a slight pressure.

Shen Mu knows the explanation of the road of science and technology. As a person of Tianjitang, I can see the ambition behind this technology road. This is to change the pattern of the ancient world. Lead a new trend.

This is definitely not what Tianjitang is willing to see.

Openness and monopoly, completely two extreme performances.

"In any case, you must catch the wood inflammation anyway, and torture the situation of the Avengers from his mouth. It is best to dig out the other's nest and completely solve the Avengers's crowbar!"

Shen Mu’s resentment against this Avengers League is not small. After the other party emerged, Tianjitang did not have peace, especially the skills mastered by the other party were above them.


There is a brightly lit building on the horizon, and the whole process is not long.

The law enforcement team brought this time is all equipped with excellent equipment, and the speed of action is natural.

No one knows that they are coming on the surrounding peaks. This is the magic of treasures.

"A big courage, grabbed our two Tianjitang Chamber of Commerce, and dared to take it out with great brilliance. It’s really arrogant!" Shen Mu looked at the chamber of commerce and his eyes almost spurted fire. "Alright, if not Tianjitang is a chamber of commerce, how can you sneak in!"

The treasures of Tianjitang have back doors.

The same is true of this huge building.

Shen Muben wanted to kill the other party, and he was caught off guard, and the deterrent power of the 18-door heavy artillery. Still very powerful, after seeing the treasures of Tianjitang, I immediately changed my attention.

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