Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2215: Cheap and exciting

On this day, the revenge chamber of commerce was opened to the outside world, and the movement brought about was not small.

Even if it is the person who intends to wait and see, or some financial ones, they will come to the queue immediately, afraid to miss this opportunity.

As the first person entered the Vengeance Chamber of Commerce, he immediately mobilized everyone's emotions and wished to enter the Venge Chamber of Commerce immediately.

On the ticket sales side, the action was very good. One person got the ticket and rushed into the chamber of the chamber.

"Congratulations to Mu Yan, look at this situation, the auction of the Vengeance Chamber of Commerce is bound to be a big fire!"

The forces of all parties with fifteen invitations stand together.

Fan Qingyuan took the initiative to smile and congratulate, gentle and elegant, giving people a very close feeling.

"You must be very curious to know the situation, then go in with me to have a look!" Lin Fei invited. The forces behind him did not refuse.

The group walked into the hall of the Vengeance Chamber of Commerce.

The re-arranged hall is very different from the original hall of Tianjitang. At least, the feeling is that it is the high-end grade. The various materials laid on the ground immediately make these people feel extraordinary, and there is a shock in their hearts. The Avengers Alliance has become more mysterious.

These forces have their eyesight, and the surrounding materials are clearly seen. Many of them are rare materials that can create a variety of treasures.

But now these materials have been laid on the ground, becoming an ornament, and many people have secretly pumped their mouths.

Too extravagant, too wasteful!

They want to say that the materials don't, can give us, we buy at a high price.

These people don't know that these materials are very cheap, they are all made by energy units, and they really want how much rhythm.

Lin Fei didn't care about their eyes and pointed at the hall.

“This is the Chamber of Commerce, which is divided into eight counters. Each counter has various treasures for sale. Each person can only buy one for the time being. For example, the one closest to you is the Avengers No. 1!”

In fact, needless to say, everyone looks at the past.

There was a young man with a thin body, but his body was full of hate, very cold. At this time, his eyes were fixed on the Avengers in the counter.

"You said ~ an Avengers No. 1, only need to..." The young man who has lost weight has improved a lot in a while, and his body has shivered slightly. "One hundred black crystal cards!"

The waiter on the counter replied sweetly, "Yes, you didn't get it wrong, the Avengers No. 1, now the discount price only needs one hundred black card, now the purchase will be accompanied by ten energy cards, this kind of promotion, missed this The next time, I don’t know when it will be there. Buying now is the most cost-effective."

Blood enemies, Fan Qingyuan, Tian Xianyong, Gu Ju and other forces, after listening to this, almost did not spit out a blood, this is still a priceless primary energy gun.

This price is naturally settled by Lin Fei.

A hundred black crystal cards, real, really not very high, especially here is the ancient world, producing a large number of energy wall stones, a hundred black crystal cards are really not much, it is very cheap, and the focus is now also included with the energy card. .

"Lord Muyan, are you really planning to position the price of the Avengers No. 1 for a hundred black crystal cards?" asked the giant giant, the eyes were brilliant.

Lin Fei smiled. "You really didn't get it wrong. The Avengers is priced at one hundred black crystal cards. If the technology is not broken, the price will be cheaper than this. After all, if you want to popularize it, it is best to buy it. Up!"

Everyone is in a different mood.

At the beginning, they felt that such a good grade Avengers, the price of how to have thousands of black crystal cards, Tianjitang's defective products must have five hundred black crystal cards, or priceless.

One hundred black crystal cards are now available. It feels like I am dreaming.

This price is too favorable!

It is absolutely necessary to spread to the entire ancient world.

Everyone immediately realized an important problem, and the technological storm may have come.

"I want it, I want an Avengers No. 1!" The thin young man is so excited that he can't wait to buy it right away.

"This gentleman, because you are the first customer, the Chamber of Commerce will send you a small gift!" The waiter took out a box from the counter, which contained three **** and said, "This is our Chamber of Commerce. New products, extraordinary power, we named it Thunder, a group of offensive weapons ~"

The thunder is naturally made by Lin Feigang. Thanks to the treasures provided by Shen Mu, I put on a name and the power is a little bit. It’s something new.

"The counter here, the sale of the public things, such as the thunder, to deal with the group of wild animals is still a little useful, used for self-defense is very good. At the crucial moment, give them a look, cool sky, this sky Ray is cheap, one is a black crystal card, buy a thousand, you can get a 10% discount!"

Lin Fei introduced it first.


The introduction of this pass, the face of the fifteen forces are inconspicuous, and now they really believe in the words of Muyan, the future of technology seems no one can stop.



Today, the price of the goods sold by the Chamber of Commerce will definitely spread to the interests of Tianjitang in the first time, unless they eliminate the Avengers Alliance. As long as there is a day, Tianjitang will follow the truth.

This point is very clear to everyone.

Not generally clear.

They secretly glad that today is coming, and to see the upcoming storm, the Avengers Chamber of Commerce will bring a great prelude.

The fifteen forces present at the scene were swept away from the previous dissatisfaction. Compared with the monopoly of Tianjitang, they prefer the great influence changes brought by the Vengeance Chamber of Commerce.

In the case of the popularity of this ancient world, whoever wants to take the lead will take advantage of it later.

The boutique auction has not yet started and they are looking forward to the auction.

Faced with the open mass of the treasures are so cheap, can cause a looting situation, if not the guns of that one, afraid that everyone can not suppress the thoughts of the heart.


As said, with the first person to buy the Avengers No. 1, they immediately brought a wave of crazy buying, in their eyes, they have never been so close to these things.

Too cheap!

It is cheap for them. It is hard to find a comparison with Tianjitang. The Vengeance Chamber of Commerce is simply too conscience.

“Now, come with me and join the next boutique auction to ensure that it will be the most fortunate auction in your life!”

In fact, they have long been looking forward to this moment.

The buying boom in the Chamber of Commerce is stimulating them all the time. (To be continued.)

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