Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2218: Feast

Tianjitang, headquarters.

The messy picture, with the rhythm of the beat, the scene was quiet.

"This must be stopped!"

When this sentence comes out, it is equal to the conclusion, and there is no need for too much explanation.

"The doorkeeper, who is responsible for this matter? Don't be like the elders of Shen Mu, what is not done in the end!"

Everyone still has some resentment against Shen Mu.

Obviously, I stopped it. As a result, nothing was done. Everyone complained that it was justified.

"The elders are dead, the Avengers do not know what means to blind the information, so that everyone does not know!" The first door of the door, said faintly.

The following is awkward.

Elder Shen Mu was killed. He took an elite law enforcement team and relied on the strength of his hand to sweep away the top-notch forces. As a result, he fell on the Avengers.

This is something that people can hardly believe.

"It's dead!"

"No wonder the Avengers League was not allowed to host the first auction!"

Everyone’s resentment is not small.

If a person dies, then it is understandable.

Everyone is looking forward to this time who will deal with the Revenge Chamber of Commerce in Nanyunzhou.

Let the Vengeance Chamber of Commerce continue to expand its influence. The days of Tianjitang will be even more difficult. A revenge chamber will almost make Tiantangtang unable to stand up. If there are a few more, the days will not be used.

"This time, I will let the five exercisers deal with the Vengeance Chamber!"

Five exercisers!

The high-level face in the field changed slightly.

No one knows better than them. The five exercisers are powerful. They are the secret fighters secretly cultivated by Tianjitang. Any one has nine professional combat strengths. The five exercisers join hands. Even if they are nine-turn professional peaks, they must be jealous. Dare to face up.

The degree of danger of the five exercisers is absolutely extremely dangerous.

In the Tianjitang, only the doorkeeper can command them, and no one else can do it.


Tianjitang is deep in the ground.

Jinmu water and fire, the five groups of energy floating in the void, sparkling light, not far away, a piece of crystal Unicom five groups of energy, constantly conveying energy.

The door of the Tianjitang is standing on the stone platform.

"Five exercisers, when you show your fierceness, this time, the goal you have to deal with is the Muyan of the Nanyunzhou Revenge Chamber of Commerce. I want you to bring people back, and everything about the Vengeance Chamber of Commerce!"

The five groups of energy fell on the ground and turned into five different human figures. However, their faces were all expressionless, very cold and cold, and there was a feeling of being a stranger.

They are kneeling on the ground.


They once again turned into five groups of energy through the void.

"Five exercisers, congenital five special spirits, spent more than three thousand years to eradicate their spirituality, and spent three thousand years, cultivated into what they are now, depending on how you resisted!"

The owner of Tianjitang smiled and turned and left.



The fire of the Vengeance Chamber of Commerce also made Nan Yunzhou a center of the technological storm.

It’s a happy place for people here, because they can hear any news about the Vengeance Chamber every day, and someone is shooting a weapon with a tech weapon. The news that a certain Tianjiao was killed by a firewood and so on continued.

Things that I couldn’t imagine before, did not happen constantly in Nanyunzhou, firewood counterattacks, Tianjiao was killed, and anything worthy of relishing.

The advantages of scientific and technological weapons are also constantly demonstrated.

In a short period of time, the Vengeance Chamber of Commerce has been hailed by countless people, especially those who waste wood, rich people, almost the highest worship, and the benefactors.

The result of the red fire is naturally the arrival of the forces of all parties. Near the Revenge Chamber of Commerce, those people have opened up a gathering place.

A luxurious mansion appears on the peaks of the mountains, and all the forces have set up a stronghold here to get an idea of ​​the latest developments of the Vengeance Chamber of Commerce, such as the next auction.

After the first auction, the forces gathered in Nanyunzhou, wanted to participate in the auction, and even wanted to buy the technical equipment such as the assaulter No. 1 and so on.

In the face of requests from those forces, the Vengeance Chamber of Commerce refused.

Everyone can only blink.

Force the other party to hand it over? There are many forces with this idea, but unfortunately there is no courage. At the very least, there must be a way to resist the shelling of the 18 heavy artillery, plus a counterattack by a group of terrible elite guards of the Revenge Chamber of Commerce.

After all, everyone has no confidence, even if they join hands, there is no chance of winning.

They can only buy cheap Volkswagen technology treasures, at least to enhance part of the strength.


Looking at the invitation sent in, Lin Fei smiled.

"These people are really interesting. They don't get the auction. They actually took another route!"

The special creatures scattered throughout Nanyunzhou will let Lin Fei know everything.

Although, Lin Fei did not have the curiosity to pay attention to, some important things happen every day, the little devil will be gathered on this side, just need to browse the last time.

"They feasted me, it is equal to the Revenge Chamber of Commerce to open the market, and my identity can also be walked openly, no one will have any doubts!"

After doing so much, Lin Fei finally completed the preliminary layout.


Nan Yunzhou, ushered in a grand banquet tonight.

The big people who are hard to see in peacetime will appear at the banquet in Nanyunzhou tonight, almost a grand event.

Well-informed people know that the forces of Nanyunzhou tonight are banqueting the head of the Revenge Chamber of Commerce.

After the devotee of the Vengeance Chamber of Commerce, the Muyan, who represents the Avengers Alliance, became a person who could not offend in all eyes. The other party could decide whether they could participate in the next boutique auction.

Although everyone did not participate in the boutique auction, everyone's intelligence agencies have received news, such as the actions of the two ancient families. It is said that during the transmission of a secret force, you don’t have to guess, this is definitely from revenge. The things of the Chamber of Commerce can only be found at that auction.

The people who won the 15 invitations at the beginning, the harvest must be unimaginable. Some acquaintances have learned that the other party just smiles, but in this laugh, everyone knows at least one thing, that is, this auction, They have gained a lot, and the overall strength is inevitable.

The forces that had received the wind before and didn't care, this time really regretted death, missed the opportunity of this rise, and don't mention more fires in my heart.

Tonight's banquet, everyone is looking forward to having a relationship with the Muyan, even if it doesn't work, but also to mix a face familiar, everyone knows that this muyan is a red man, the real red man, at least in the south In this place of Yunzhou, the status of Muyan surpasses everyone, and everyone has to say a word. (To be continued.)

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