Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2225: The princess is coming

Lin Fei did not know that the expedition empire was brewing a big storm, and would not know that the Avengers League, which had nothing to do with it, became an uncertain factor.

This feels, Lin Fei is refreshed.

Sitting in the yard, looking at the various information counted, the most striking thing is that the battle between the emperors has become more intense.

"The great emperor Fan Qingyuan has made great achievements this time. It is a strange thing that the five emperors can be convinced. In the future, the new army will be handed over to the commander of the great emperor. Indirect is equal to the military influence of the five emperors!"

Lin Fei touched his chin and was very aware of the impact of the technological storm and began to affect the expeditionary empire.

The news also said recent small-scale battles.

Everyone is equally divided.

This is very rare in peacetime. Generally speaking, the side of the expeditionary empire has suppressed the other side. In recent battles, the demon empire can be invincible. The biggest contribution is the power of science and technology weapons.

"The two empire are testing each other. Then they must buy a lot of weapons and equipment, and do a good job."

Lin Fei’s eyes also lit up.

The technology storm began to affect the surrounding area.

This also made Lin Fei realize that this is an opportunity to come and expand the influence of the Vengeance Chamber of Commerce again.


Lin flew out of the emperor's peak, did not expect someone to come to the door.

The two black ladies waited respectfully in front of Lin Fei.

"Lord Lin Fei, our nine princesses are there, I want you to move on!" The maid was very polite and respectful. Compared with the last time, it was completely extreme.

If it is in peacetime, Lin Fei will definitely not give his face. However, today he can’t stand the good mood. The impact of the technology storm is starting to work. There is nothing better than this.

"lead the way!"

On a mountain near the emperor's peak, Fan Yuyu was sitting in the pavilion in the palace, looking at Lin Fei, who came to see a rare resentful expression.

"Rely, what is going on here!"

Lin Fei, who was so keen, almost doubted whether he was wrong.

Is this also true?

"Lin Fei, you are a hard-working student, I should have known you are the Avengers!" Fan Luoyu really had a hint of resentment.

Lin Fei suspected that he was in the wrong place.

Fan Luoyu looked at Lin Fei so resentfully, and never left.

Lin Fei took the opportunity to sit down. "Sister is really joking, how can I become the Avengers?"

Fan Feiyu's fascinating kind of white-eyed Lin Fei, "School brother, you will continue to install, you will shoot the reel on the same day, the school sister has not gone deep into the thoughts, but you should not show up at this time!"

Lin Fei immediately understood what it meant.

When the ancient world came back, it was only through the college base. Lin Fei did not return from the college base this time, but returned it with his own transmission.

Lin Fei smiled. "Sister, you are so powerful. It’s all seen by you. Yes, I am the Avengers. I’m just a small runner. I’m afraid that I’m disappointed.” It!"

Fan Luoyu did not reveal any disappointment, still the kind of resentful expression, Lin Fei straight hair, "School brother, you are too ridiculous, you can use remote transmission if you are a small sprint leg. Array? Sister, this insight is still there!"

Lin Fei looked at Fan Liu, the delicate facial features of the five senses. "Are you going to eat my rhythm?"

"No, no, just think that this person is very magical and mysterious!" Fan Luoyu smiled, this kind of eating the feeling of the other side, it is really good, finally it can be a bad breath.

"This princess is not normal today!" Lin Fei secretly said, "Is it necessary to seduce me?"

This thought came out, Lin Fei himself was shocked.

Do you want to seduce yourself?

It is a bit ridiculous.

"Master, this princess has a good eyesight. You have to know that a woman's intuition is very terrible. If you look for one thing, then you will definitely not give up. The master has shown a lot of flaws. It won't be noticed by people!" The little devil seldom ridiculed.

Lin Fei really believed in the words of the little devil, and he himself came from the royal family. His status is extraordinary. This Fan Yuyu himself is not simple. It is hard to learn from the clues.

"Well, this is seen by you!" Lin Fei simply admitted. "You don't worry. I kill people, you have to know that the means of our Avengers alliance is not something that everyone can eat!"

Fan Luoyu laughed even more joyfully. "If the school sister is afraid, it will not come. It’s just that the younger brother is more than imagined."

This is a deliberate joke about Lin Fei.

"What do you want to say directly, this right is still there, but now your school is not very good, and it is a bit of a hassle to cooperate!"

Fan Luoyu thinks that Lin Fei will be eaten, but Lin Fei is who is who, out of thin air, has come up with an Avengers Alliance. Everyone is convinced. I will be caught by a little woman.

After saying something, Lin Fei stood up, that means you are playing slowly.

This time, it is the turn of Fan Fanyu.

She did think that she had eaten Lin Fei, and she would see Lin Fei here. The situation inside the empire has changed greatly. The Avengers Alliance, which no one really valued before, suddenly made such a big move.

After discovering Lin Fei’s secret, Fan Luoyu did not mention much excitement. The first time she came, she knew that this secret was not only that she would know that the Qin Xiao school sister might be able to see it.

Lin Fei got up and walked, Fan Fanyu couldn't sit still.

"Lin Fei, you are not allowed to go!"

In a hurry, Fan fell to the rain and shouted.

The two black clothes maids were in front of Lin Fei like lightning. "The princess said, you are not allowed to leave!"

"Yes!" Lin Fei's mouth was raised, and he had a high-level energy gun in his hand. "That, now!"

In the face of the black hole of the muzzle, the two black maids showed a slight change, not dare to move.

They are more aware of the power of this advanced energy gun, and it is very shocking to take out two of them.

Fan fell into the rain and the pupils shrank slightly. Although the two advanced energy guns were nothing, they could be for her. My own guess is fulfilled.

"This Lin Fei really has a head!"

"Don't do it!"

Fan Fanyu bound the maid, if you really want to shoot, no one can stop it, especially in close range.

"Smart, don't do it is the best!" Lin Fei smiled. "I am going now, my sister will see you again!"

Fan Luoyu did not know what to say, let Lin Fei leave, leaving a back.

Halfway through, Lin Fei turned around. "I believe that you should not talk about it. And, if you say it, some people will listen, really!" (To be continued.)

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