Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2234: Fight

"Vacuum cannon!"

In the distance, the big-name powerhouse, his face became dignified, revealing deep taboos.

"Rumors, this is one of the ten treasures of Tianjitang. It can give birth to a terrible high temperature in an instant. It can burn anything into nothingness. Even if it is a nine-turn professional, it will not last long!" There is a big heart and a heart to say.

The scene is followed by a sound of cold air.

The big guys have different minds.

Tianjitang's top ten town treasures, the people present may not have seen a few pieces. Most of the people who have actually seen it do not exist. This Zhenbao makes them very jealous. How can they study this devastating attack? If this is going to be a family, it is not going to be delisted. The real one is not left.

"Ha ha ha, what is the Avengers League, this time you are not dead!" Zhang Yong excitedly shouted.

“No one has ever survived under the vacuum cannon.”

"Oh, this is the end of our offense!"

The three strong advocates are very excited.

Although it is a waste of a special energy card, but it can kill one of the leaders of the Avengers Alliance, it is also a great credit. After all, there are five hundred heavy artillery waiting for them.

They really expect each other to die in their hands immediately. They are very convinced of the power of the top ten Zhenbao. It is notorious. If they are not the first to take the lead, they will not use this treasure.


Their happiness has not gone down, and the five hundred heavy artillery suddenly changed direction. They immediately launched a shelling, covered with five hundred beams, and drowned them completely.

The bang of the bang is constant. The scene became a super big pit.

This is still the first wave. The second wave of offensives came again, the offensive did not stop, the third wave came again, the real devastating blow, which also made the scalp that those people see numb.

Under this offensive, any treasure can't resist this kind of attack.

The big brothers all have a kind of fear. They decided to go back to the people in the Yi people. They must not go to the Alliance of the Avengers, and they should not intervene in the battle between the two.

Whether it is the Heavenly Machine Hall or the Avengers Alliance, there are two special forces, and the entire Tianji City is almost in ruins. This is the best proof.

After three consecutive wave offensives, that place was terrible, and Tianjitang sent a third person to worship the strong disappeared without a trace, no doubt that it had already vanished.

This kind of death is absolutely a horrible thing. There is no more horrible than this. It is completely dead and there is no effort to fight back. That is, three of them are dedicated to the strong, and nine are professional and strong.

"I can't think of a nine-turn professional, and under the attack of heavy artillery, the three waves will be grayed out!"

"No way, even if it is us, it is the same!"

"Fortunately, I didn't go up to help the Heavenly Machine Hall. If the heavy artillery attacked, who could eat it!"


Now everyone is paying attention to that area.

The leader of the Avengers League died in the end. It was attacked by the top ten town treasures. I remember that few people can persist, and the power that broke out at that moment can destroy a city.

Tianjitang has a strong force to sit in the town, and these treasures are also the key to establishing a reputation.

‘Vacuum cannon’ is a treasure that is fiercely named. The people who have basically been dealt with by this treasure, or the forces, do not exist. Therefore, they have left a terrible reputation.

When you hear this treasure, everyone's first impression is terrible.

Yes, it is terrible.

The real horrible treasure.

They don't think they can survive.

The main body of Shi Yan domain recovered the true body. For the death of the three strong defenders of Tianjitang, they did not care. When they were attacked by the second wave of heavy artillery, the three strong men who were enshrined were wiped out.

Under this kind of locking attack, it is really difficult to fly.

The Shi Yan domain owner only cares about the leader of the Avengers League. In fact, he did not expect it. The three dedicated strongmen will bring out such a treasure.

Around five hundred heavy artillery, it is still very heart-warming.

"Ten machine hall's top ten town treasures, the power is still there, but unfortunately still a little worse!"

Under the attention of all people, in the fire of the group, a young man came out and couldn’t see any traces on his body. It would burn people into a vain habit of fire, and when they were after each other, they would be automatically isolated.

"I am very embarrassed, they are dead, I am alive!"

Lin Fei calmly walked out, facing the Shi Yan domain master, "I don't know the stone Yan domain owner, is it still intended to obstruct the next, after all, people are dead, there seems to be no reason to intervene!"

In fact, this will make Lin Fei a bit stunned, and he was almost overcast. The other party’s treasure is very lethal and almost killed.

Under the consumption of this wave, the energy unit consumed by Lin Fei reached a horrible number. Anyone who saw it would have a heartache. In this short period of time, it consumed more than 100,000 black crystal cards.

At this time, Lin Fei was very upset.

If it is not the recent skyrocketing of the net, Lin Fei will be killed on the spot. In fact, he did not expect it. This treasure is so lethal, it consumes more than 100,000 black crystal cards. What a concept is that.

The main face of Shi Yanyu is calm and his heart is not calm. Others may not know the power of this treasure, but he is clear in his heart, even more clearly than others.

"Where is the power of the 'vacuum cannon' that he is obsessed with? What is the power of the Avengers?"

This is one thing that the Shi Yan domain master can't figure out. Because the treasure of this treasure is too overbearing, even if it is him, God can not go in and check.

"This is the star field to which the expeditionary empire belongs. You are killing here. If the domain owner does not make an account, it is not easy for everyone to explain. As long as you follow the domain owner, the domain guarantees You have nothing!"

This is actually a compromise in disguise.

‘Vacuum cannons’ have been blocked, and the Shiyan domain owner naturally dare not despise, really killing each other, the trouble is even bigger, simply go back and forget.

"Please go back, then ask the domain owner to come up with the real thing!"

The stone Yan domain owner said, "The domain owner is here!"

Although he only played against the Shiyan domain master once, Lin Fei did not dare to relax his vigilance. "Heavy cannon, attack!"

Five hundred beams of light hit the main body of the stone field.

"Infinite black hole!"

As before, the black hole appeared and all the attacks were transferred.

"You have to lose!"

A light voice. From the back of Lin Fei, the main body of Shi Yan domain came out, "The Seal of God!"

A handprint fell to Lin Fei. (To be continued.)

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