Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2245: The flesh is broken

The person who rushed out was immediately recognized.

The scene was stunned.

The person with thunder and lightning in his body is notorious. He is a leader in the arrogance. He is known as the son of Thunder, and his strength is outrageous. He is in charge of the Thunder-related profession.

The Thunder has always been hailed as the most devastating existence.

Ben Lei’s fist hit, and in a flash the thunder tears open the void, and it falls into the ears of everyone, and it’s a deafening voice. It’s really deafening.

This punch is quite scary.

Destroy the existence of everything.

Everyone looked in the direction of Lin Fei, and that area was overwhelmed by the thunder that was released by the punch. The son of Lei was standing in the thunder of the whistling, especially sacred.

"He doesn't want to avoid it. Is he going to resist the thunder with his flesh?"

"Insane, how old is his body?"

"Stupid behavior!"


The disciple of Tianjitang seems to be seeing Lin Fei’s scene of being broken by the power of Thunder.

They can't deal with the Avengers, but one Lin Fei, they can still deal with it. Even if it is killed, the top of Imperial College will not be difficult for them.

Hey, la la la!

The power of the Thunder began to madly tear, and the punch of the thunder ripped open the void, and fell heavily on Lin Fei's body. The power of terror quickly tore open, causing the whole emptiness to tremble.

"The sound is not small, but your thunder power has not reached the level of arbitrarily destroying everything!"

Lin Fei waved and smashed the power of the thunder around him, and appeared in front of everyone in front of everyone.


The thunder and the wrath, the heavens and the earth suddenly dim, and a large thunder whizzed.

"Come, come, I will!"

Lin Fei did not care about this attack in the early eighth stage of the terror.

Unless, the other party is the top powerhouse of the nine-professional level.

"How can his body be so powerful!"

Ji Shenglin's rare revealing a dignified, with his strength, saw with his own eyes, those thunders that can tear open the flesh, falling on the other side of the body was bounced, and could not cause the impact.

"This level of physical body, at least to reach the sixth or even the seventh order or more, is that the resources of the Avengers are tilted to Lin Fei, how much resources to pay!"

Ji Shenglin began to envy, and realized that one thing, that is, today’s action against Lin Fei is estimated to have failed. People with this sturdy flesh, standing still, are not what they can beat.

When this idea comes out, it can't be pressed anymore.

For others, Lin Fei’s performance was enough to shock all the school’s schoolmates, and looked at the whistling thunder and slammed down. Together, the Lin Fei, the newcomer of this session, was bathed in There is nothing in the thunder.

"Give a little more force, give it a little more strength, and it’s still far worse!"

The anger of Ben Ray’s anger instantly fell off.

"I do not believe!"

Ben Lei rushed into the sky, after a thunder, killed in front of Lin Fei, one hand grabbed, a sword of Leiguang pulled out, the sword broke out with a ray of light, a sword smashed on Lin Fei's left arm, 咔嚓A loud bang, the sword of Leiguang was shocked on the spot.

"Come back!"

Ben Lei is not reconciled, he has been submerging outside, asking himself to master the Thunder power to the extreme, back to repair, is to defeat the Imperial College of the arrogance.

The only thing I didn't expect was that the person hadn't touched it yet. He had a powerful opponent first, and he could easily bounce his own Thunder power. He was not willing to fail.

The power of horror was displayed from the hands of the slain. The people only saw a thunder between the heavens and the earth, and they could not see the figure of the rushing, except for a limited number of people.

Deep in the void.

"Teacher, his flesh~"

Qiao Qingshan was quite surprised. His face was full of expressions, he was surprised, and he had a hint of sorrow. "This is the degree to which the body of the seven or eight steps can be. How old is he!"

The old dean smiled very happy. "I said, this kid is a very interesting person!"

Qiao Qingshan smiled a bit, "Teacher, or you have a good eye, ah, this kind of kid is good, but unfortunately met a powerful opponent!"

"This kid is really enchanting, hidden deep enough, but as a student of the college, the better he performs, the better for our college!" The old dean continued to laugh.

Qiao Qingshan looked at the thunder in the distance, the figure in the thunder, "The people in Tianjitang are destined to be busy, but this is also good. Some people press the heavenly hall, at least they can suppress their arrogance. !"

As the dean of the Imperial College, Qiao Qingshan did not like the disciple of Tianjitang. Because of their background, they were together and they were arrogant in the Imperial College. He could only hold his eyes and endure them.

The stronger the performance of Lin Fei, the fact that Qiao Qingshan is really happy.

According to the analysis of the collected information, the Lin Fei is still a very reliable person. At least he is not arrogant in his actions. So far, he has not gone with that group.

"Ben Lei, admit defeat!"

The old dean suddenly said.

In the sky below, the thunder and light dissipated, still filled with the destructive power of the Thunder.

"You are very strong. So far, I can't break your body. I want to know, your body is a few orders!"

Ben Lei stopped, but I was not willing, but it was clear that the other's body was too strong and could not be completely opened. After some offensive, the car dropped the thought of vying.

At least, he still can't do it now.

Ben Lei took the initiative to admit defeat, let the people present to take a breath of cold air, Thunder power is known for destruction, but in front of Lin Fei still lost, or under the premise that the other party did not fight back, you can not be convinced, but you can not hurt the forest Flying, the other party is in an invincible position.

"The eighth order!"

Lin Fei did not go to hide.

"In the early eighth stage, I lost nothing!" Ben Lei had expected it. When he heard Lin Fei’s words, he still had a trepidation. He asked himself well. So far, with the power of Thunder, he has already tempered the body. The sixth-order body, compared with the other side, the gap is big, "However, I will not give up, in the future you are the object I want to defeat!"


Lin Fei knows very well that if there is no chance for Ben Lei, he will not be able to break his body in his life, or even fail himself.

Ben Lei turned and left, turned into a streamer, disappeared without a trace.

Lin Fei turned his eyes to Ji Shenglin.

"People are gone, do you want to come up and try it? I heard that you are the most powerful one in Tianjitang, but you should be a model!"

Lin Fei smiled and looked at Ji Shenglin.

Ji Shenglin was numb to see the scalp, and until now, the words still echoed in his mind.

"How can he be an eighth-order body, I am now a fifth-order body, and I have spent a lot of resources," he said.

"Ji brother, go up and get him!"

"Who is afraid of who!"

The disciple of the Tianjitang behind him squatted on Ji Shenglin and couldn’t stand it.

Lin Fei’s mouth is rising. “No, I can go back. You are too disappointing!” (To be continued.)

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