Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2250: I am not allowed to go up.

From this day on.ん

Qin Lan temporarily lived in the emperor's peak.

According to Lin Fei’s words, it’s time to be happy, and this is a thing of the past.

This sentence almost did not bleed the Qin qi, and finally, it was tolerated and stayed on the emperor's peak. The idea made Lin Fei's anger drop.

Every day on the emperor's peak, Qin Hao's resentment against the snake witches deepens one point. If she did not release the news behind the scenes, why would she stay on the emperor's peak.

Dance, tea and water.

These become one of the daily parts.

Qin Yu is so big, he really hasn't waited for others, but Lin Fei is a broken ring.

At the beginning, there was still some resistance. As the days passed, the shyness in my heart slowly disappeared. She could observe Lin Fei at close range every day.

The snake witch is coming.

I don't know what method the snake witch used. I entered the Imperial College with great brilliance and came to the foot of the emperor's mountain with ease.

The snake witch changed into a tight black dress and wrapped the perfect figure. The convex part of the convex, concave and concave, was very hot.

Coming in from the outside, there are many people staring behind them.

When I saw that the black tight-fitting beauty came to the emperor's peak, they suddenly lost their thoughts and disappeared.

In the past few days, the people in Tianjitang have never come, so they are reminding them.

"This does not seem to know!"

Through the system, Lin Fei saw the snake witch standing outside, can not remember any impression.

"There is someone outside, you have to deal with it!"

From that day onwards, some of the long-lasting beautiful women came to the emperor's peak.

Lin Fei didn't have to think about it. It was clearly the beauty plan that was released behind those forces. Unfortunately, he was not interested in this for the time being.

Now came a beautiful woman outside, Lin Fei handed over to Qin Hao.


Qin Lan used to the order of Lin Fei.

Except for moving things, others are still good.

Lin Fei was lying on the chair, and he was lazy with a lazy atmosphere.

"It’s a beauty plan, don’t they feel bored?”

Lin Fei is speechless and their behavior, can they not change the way?

The snake witch stands outside the emperor's peak.

She is very confident about her own beauty. For this reason, she has also prepared special means. As long as she sees Lin Fei, there is a way.


A large array of methods, slammed, opened a path.

Although the snake witch wants to go in, she still wants to go down. The news she got is the Emperor's Peak. The array here is one after another.

If you break into this time, the snake witches have no confidence in their own lives.

"you can go now!"

Qin Lan came out and said coldly.

Since Qin Yu was in this emperor's peak, Lin Fei's name was justified, and when he was a shield, he was very speechless, and his brain was thinking.

"It's you!"

The snake witch listened to the sound, felt familiar, looked up, her face was not good, and her face was stiff.

"Giggle, I said who it is, it is you!" Qin Hao also recognized the snake witch, the alternate alternate saint, the most familiar of the body, but "the snake witch, you are really good, actually can come in , courage is not small!"

"You, how are you on the emperor's peak, it shouldn't be!"

The snake witch can't figure it out.

Since the Qin dynasty left that day, the snake witch did not arrange for people to stare. This kind of thing, Qin Hao will certainly not say it, but the situation is completely wrong now.

At the beginning, the snake witch released the news, in fact, she wanted to let Lin Fei suspect that Qin Yu leaked out, and he sneaked in and replaced the position of Qin Yu.

Qin Lan looked at the face of the snake witch. The smile was very happy. He was very happy. "Why can't I be here, I can regret to tell you, Emperor Peak, you can't go up, you can go. It!"

"Why don't you let me go up!" The snake witch was mad.

Can you see Lin Fei, it is about the next layout, the snake witch must have the Emperor of God.

Qin Lan is very happy. The more the snake witch is unwilling, the more comfortable she is.

"Because I am a woman of Lin Fei, do you think that you can still be the Emperor of God?" Qin Yu threw a word that the snake witch could not believe.

"Woman?" The snake witch stepped back. "How can you become a woman of Lin Fei!"

At this time, the snake witch did not notice that the roots of the Qin dynasty raised a trace of twilight, which was just covered by a few silks. Otherwise, the role of Qin Yu’s sentence would be greatly reduced.

"No reason, just because I am older than you, how are you, OK?" Qin said high above the snake witch.

The snake witch is very conceited about her own color and does not think she will lose to others.

"Qin Wei, you are in the communiqué private enmity, everyone is for a goal, are you so unrequited?" The snake witch looked cold and stared at Qin.

Qin Hao shook his head. "I don't have a public feud. Besides, do you think that you are useful to go up? Maybe, people are waiting for you to come to the door, you have to think clearly!"

The snake witch’s heart suddenly squatted.

“Don't Qin Shi’s monk tell Lin Fei everything?”

The snake witch is deceitful and vigilant, and immediately becomes cloudy and uncertain.

Lin Fei’s realm is not high. No one dares to say that he will be able to press the other side. Who knows what is hidden on the emperor’s peak.

"The big prince, drive!"

Haven't waited for the snake witch to say something.

In the distance, a golden chariot came, and more than a dozen huge wild animals drove in, and left a sigh of sorrow. Between the shackles and the horrible sighs came to the foot of the Emperor Peak.

"It turned out to be Qin Xiaojie, how are you here!"

Fan Qingyuan changed his face with a casual dress today, and he feels very comfortable. However, compared with the previous period, Jingshen has made great changes. The most important thing is self-confidence.

"The big prince, Qin Yu is already a woman of Lin Fei, want God Huangfeng, then she has to agree!" The snake witch can not miss this good opportunity.

The snake witch who was supposed to give up, when I saw the big prince came, I immediately understood that the purpose of the other party was actually similar to myself, and it was also to win the Lin Fei.

The snake witch has moved to the idea of ​​going up.

Such a good opportunity is not used, it is really a waste.

Fan Qingyuan casually glanced at the snake witch, quite amazing, "Are you?"

"I am the sister of Qin Yu, this is not to see her!" The voice of the snake witch also became soft. "You seem to be familiar with a person, hey, I think, you are the big prince!" Continued.)

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