Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2267: Golden Horn Ancient Beast

The little devil is extremely fast. Apart from a limited number of people present, almost no one sees the real body, and some are just a looming shadow.

The body can't see, the huge arrogance that is set in the field, everyone feels clear, and the hairs are upright.

Fan Qinglong and Huang Wei Tianwei were inundated by the cover of the little devil.

A huge shield is propped up, and there is a constant embarrassment.

In addition to the inside of the shield is good, the outside is ruined, criss-crossed, and the people who watched were shocked and left a deep impression.

"The treasure of the royal family is really a cow!"

"It's all eaten!"

"If we go up, we can't hold it down!"

"The ancient beast is really too strong!"

"Come and go freely, the battle is overbearing!"


Ancient beasts, many people have never seen them in their lives.

In today’s college, everyone has seen that the seemingly ordinary offensive is no less than a peerless shot in their eyes.

"A turtle shell, also want to stop the attack of the great Fengshen adults, is simply delusional!"

Only the voice of the little devil is left in the sky.

In all directions, the shadow of a vain, constantly falling on the huge shield, the tangy and dull voice, constantly echoing in the college. ,

Qiao Qingshan started the college formation for the first time.

Must be isolated first.

If you continue to make trouble, who knows if the whole college will be demolished, it really needs to be like that. This face really doesn't know where to go. Joe Qingshan is not good at facing the old dean.

"Aeolus, your alien beast, who allowed you to make trouble!"

At this time, there was another violent voice over the college, and everyone saw a cloud floating in it, and the sound came from it.

In front of this voice, the Tianjiao teachers of the college, the body trembled, a little bit of blood on the skin, as if pierced by the tip of the knife, scared his face changed.

Qiao Qingshan looked up and said, "No, the ancient beast of the royal family is coming!"

The clouds are floating.


When the dark clouds came up, there was a violent voice. The people below felt that they could not breathe, or even could not move. They could only force the power of the body.

It’s not good for Joe Qingshan to see the dark road.


No one knows better than him. The power of the ancient beast of the royal family is the warfare of fighting with the expeditionary emperor. The status is lofty. The expeditionary emperor can lay down the name of Hehewei. This ancient beast has played a big role.

Qiao Qingshan operated the tactics and transferred the Tianjiao students who were suppressed in the distance.

This kind of formation is also in the middle of the college, placed outside, Qiao Qingshan is really powerless, a moment of effort, people around are removed, and even for them to protect the law, at least will not bear such a large area Rolling.

This area is almost empty.

If someone breaks in at this time, it will definitely be affected by the strange power of space, leading to endless danger.

This space has formed a dangerous place.


The little demon kept moving, but it was also suppressed by this power, gradually showing the body, appearing in front of Fan Qinglong.

"Unhappy, unhappy, what are you ghosts!"

The little demon keeps pushing the body, or is affected by the strange forces around him, and can't move at all.

The black cloud turned into a golden unicorn. The most striking thing was that the one-horned horn sparkled with a black danger.

"I am not a ghost thing, I am the war pet beside the emperor, you can call me the golden horn."


Fan Qinglong showed a respectful look.

"Uncle Jinjiao, this Fengshen ancient beast has made trouble in our empire, and asked Uncle Jinjiao to help him, lest it be in the college!"

The golden horned beast is Fan Qinglong who can't afford to sin.

The other party has always been supporting the father, like the brothers, the status in the empire is unparalleled, even if it is him, it must be respectful.

"Five princes, maintaining the stability of the empire is what I should do!"

The eyes of the golden horns of the ancient horns looked over. "You surrender yourself, or let me suppress you. Although you are an ancient beast, you are good at wind, but in front of me, you are not enough!"

As a special ancient beast, the Golden Horn ancient beast does have this conviction.

"Stop! You think so beautiful!"

The little devil is really not afraid of fear.


The green power of the little demon is pervasive, and the whole body seems to have eaten hormones. It quickly expands and everyone hears the sound of snoring.

It turned out that the special energy that blessed around the little devil was constantly shattered.

After the body is released, the power of the little demon is fully demonstrated.

The barrier formed by special energy is constantly shattered.

Through this opportunity, the little devil motivated the power, and the wings swept a huge tornado of the road, whistling away, and there was a constant voice.

"I really don't deserve to be the warlord of the great emperor. His ability does not know that the hero hero has fallen!"

Qiao Qingshan's body trembled slightly.

The warlords of the Great, who know what is also limited to the top, but no one dares to despise.

This ancient beast belongs to a special ancient beast. The name is an auxiliary ancient beast. They are different from aggressive ancient beasts. They are good at borrowing power.

"The ancient **** of Fengshen is fast enough, but in front of the golden horn, it still has to show its shape. I don't know how the ancient gods of Fushen can cope!"

Qiao Qingshan could not help but worry.


"Lin Fei, don't take the emperor to know your card, don't you rely on this ancient beast? Without the help of the ancient beast, see how you insist!"

Fan Qinglong can finally rest assured.

The vacuum seal broke the big trouble of Lin Fei.

The gravity field limits the movement of Lin Fei, and the power of the first-order body is not able to be exerted.

The Golden Horn ancient beast is to suppress the ancient gods of the wind and the gods. If it can surrender, it means that the empire has more than one ancient beast, and the strength is greatly increased. When the royal elders group will support their side.

"Take Lin Fei!"


"Master, this golden horn is not easy to deal with!"

The voice of the little devil came.

"This guy can use the aura of heaven and earth to carry out specific transformations, and he can display the auxiliary ability. For example, this 'condensation' is to condense the void space and form a huge squeeze force. In addition, it should still Several assistive skills!"

Lin Fei has always believed that there are ancient beasts in the expeditionary empire.

More powerful than expected, the strength is much stronger, and once it comes up, it suppresses the ability of the little demon's Fengshen ancient beast.

"Then you have fun with him, there is no loss anyway!"

Lin Fei is not worried about the little devil.

The body of this ancient **** is just a plaything of the little devil.

"One hundred times gravity!"

This side of the yellow level Tianwei started.

They seem to have a heart and soul, stimulating the gravity field, and the terror gravity is pressed down on the spot. (To be continued.)

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