Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2273: reaction

The news that Lin Fei is a quasi-big emperor spreads like a wind.

Regardless of doubt or guess.

Lin Fei of the Avengers League, at the very least, mastered the means of erupting the attack of the Great Emperor, completely making people move.

Can the power of technology really reach this level?

Some people do not believe that some people believe that there are many outside discussions.

The rare silence of the expeditionary empire.

There is no movement, as if fifty yellow-level Tianweibai died, it is beyond everyone's imagination.

It’s right to think carefully.

The power of the quasi-big emperor, unless it is the strongman who dispatched the quasi-big emperor, otherwise, it will be sent to death, not to mention anything else. The ability of Guanglinfei is enough to make everyone unable to eat.

At the beginning, everyone felt that Lin Fei lost.

After the body and the ability of the array were restricted, even if Lin Fei had the ability to pass the sky, he had to take a trip with them at the end, but he did not expect that Lin Fei was so deep.

The fighting power of the quasi-Great Emperor.

This is beyond imagination.

Mastering the power of this level, who dares to come up to die, unless he is too long to live.


At this time, another news spread.

Everyone listened to it and it was a piece of it.

The Avengers will establish a second Avengers Chamber of Commerce at Imperial College, which will be fully open to the public in the near future and will host the first auction.

This news is sensational.

The major forces are not excited, and finally they are their turn.

In the ancient wilderness, many forces could not go, naturally missed the auction, not to mention how annoyed, now to the door of the house, not laughing at the mouth.


"I don't have to go to the ancient wilderness!"

"The Avengers Chamber of Commerce is mighty!"

"Too cow!"


Whether it is the expeditionary empire or the demon empire, everyone is very excited.

This is an opportunity!

Especially the power of the emperor is more exciting than anyone.

This is really at home.

As a result, all major forces began to raise funds, crazy storage, the branches of the major stars, a steady stream of large sums of money.

All forces are prepared to purchase a batch of materials at this auction to enhance the overall strength of the family.

Whoever steps behind others at this time will be a big loss for the family.

If it is before, these forces have to contact Lin Fei, and even secretly trade in advance, they can not have this courage after the fight with the royal emperor.

Who knows if it will be hated by the royal family. After all, the royal family is still above them, and a great emperor is enough to suppress all the forces of disobedience in the empire.


Deep in the palace.

Twenty people are in the air.

These people are old-fashioned, white-haired, and their faces are quite rosy.

They are all the emperors of the royal family. They have a good practice. Anyone who goes out is a powerful person. When they are mentioned, they will become a nightmare for many people.

"Lin Fei, we all looked away. I didn't expect to be able to play the strength of the emperor. Now, we have to discuss how to deal with this!"

The royal elders are not easy.

The strength of the quasi-big man is indeed taboo.

This is an unstable factor.

The royal treasure, the Milky Way Pearl, is still in the hands of the other party, and whether it should be taken back.

"The old man suggested that members of the Royal Elders' Regiment be suppressed, and this unrest factor was suppressed, and the Avengers Chamber of Commerce was banned!" This is the voice of the opposition.

"We are expeditionary empire, can stand in the star field, control one star field, form a huge empire, although the Avengers Alliance is mysterious, as long as we really want to confront, they may not dare to dare to make a big move!"

"Banning the Vengeance Chamber!"

"Take Joe Qingshan, his behavior is to lead the enemy!"

In the eyes of the opposition, this kind of behavior is provocative and must be suppressed, even if there is a strong man who is a quasi-big man.

"This incident, the old man thinks it is better to consider it from a long time!"

The pro-affiliation is open.

"Lin Fei that kid has repeatedly refreshed our impression of him. Who is sure that in the empire, there is no hidden master. In case, we suppress it here, and there will be a strong man who will be killed. Who can Suppress them!"

"We can't suppress it. Once it causes a chain reaction, the impact will be too bad. This will shake the foundation of our empire. The outside of the empire is stunned. Who knows if it will fall into this moment? We all have to guard against it! ”


"It must be suppressed!"

"Can't suppress, our empire can't get caught in the flames!"

The elders’ battle is very powerful.

The middle school has been sitting and not speaking.

"Everyone is not convinced, then raise your hand and vote, and the minority will obey most!"

This method is also the most fair practice of the elders.

"In favor of suppressing Lin Fei, raise your hand!"

All the oppositions are raised.

No one in the middle school raises his hand.

The leaders of the opposition did not look good, and they did not let the centrists agree with them.

"A total of nine people agree!"

"Support and treat Lin Fei well, raise your hand!"

Brush and pull, raise a lot of hands.

"18 people, three abstained!"

The royal elders’ group was hammered.


At the same time, the Tianjitang base camp in the ancient wilderness.

With the news coming in, Yuan Kun’s death made the high-level face of Tianjitang darker.

At the beginning, Tianjitang strongly wanted to send out the strong, kill Lin Fei, destroy the Avengers Alliance in the expeditionary empire, and disintegrate their influence.

After the explosion of Lin Fei is a strong man of the quasi-big emperor, the high-level of Tianjitang is as disgusting as eating flies.

Quasi-Great Emperor!

These words are quite harsh.

They want to send a strong person to deal with Lin Fei, how to dispatch the quasi-big emperor, can be allowed to be a strong man is not a cat and a dog, in case of loss of one, the loss can be big.

The top of the Tianjitang can't make a decision and can only report it again.

Things are too big.

If the Avengers Alliance establishes a second branch in the Empire, then Tianjitang will completely lose its influence on the expeditionary empire.

In the face of the Avengers Chamber of Commerce, the quality of Tianjitang is always inferior to the price, but the price is also a counterweight. However, people are taking the route of cheap and good quality. The top of the Tianjitang does not know how many times it is satirical. You have to pay for it. Selling, it is clear that we are killing us.

The expedition empire is a huge consumption place and one of the sources of the Tianjitang. It is so abandoned that no one is willing.

Who can think that an Avenger Alliance that hasn’t come out for a long time will shake the interests of the Heavenly Church. If you know this, you will send a heavy army at the beginning, sweeping the Avengers Alliance, and there will be no such thing as today. .

"The hands of the Avengers are too long!"

"This is to shake our roots!"

In the depths of Tianjitang, the six groups of energy discussed.

"A strong man of the quasi-big man is nothing, but the means they have mastered are what we are most worried about!"

"This seat can confirm one thing, that is, the Avengers Alliance must have acquired technological treasures in different spaces, which is more advantageous than our Tianjitang!"

Six groups of energy after consultation.

"Starting the Destruction!" (To be continued.)

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