Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2277: meet

On the emperor's peak.

Lin Fei knows when he enters Imperial College from the other side.

If you have a big gas field, can you not know?

At Imperial College, no one can hold Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei, you really don't let Xiao Dong come over!"

Fan Luoyu was sitting on Lin Fei's thigh very well, with a hint of worry on his delicate face.

Yes, it is worry.

Don't look at Fan Luoyu in the emperor's peak, the news of the royal family is still coming from a steady stream, naturally there is first-hand information, such as the information of Xiao Dongshui.

Quasi-Great Emperor!

Xiao Jia is very concerned about this time, it is worthwhile to dispatch a quasi-big emperor.

"No problem, since it is here, it is always necessary to abide by my rules, not to say that the great emperor is strong, I am going to invite him to come up, then I am not very faceless!"

Lin Fei is not the kind of person who wants to go up the name.

He didn't have this thought.

"Nine Princesses, Lin Fei said what is what, the quasi-Great Emperor is also useless!" Qin Hao took the opportunity to attack the road.

Qin Yan is very willing to see it.

"It’s still my family’s little sister who can talk, Xiao Dongshui is even a dragon, and it’s also to be in this place!” Lin Fei laughed and pulled a Qin.

Qin Yu proudly showed his eyes to Fan Luoyu.

Lin Fei feels that it is quite interesting to listen to two beautiful women squashing every day.

"Xiao Dongshui, I heard that you are coming to me, throwing a name, and having your own skills, so that no one can see me. Then I am really busy!"

Lin Fei smiled.


"This Lin Fei!"

Qiao Qingshan shouted in his heart.

"The quasi-big emperor can glory and arrogance. People Lin Fei is not a bird, it is really a big heart!"

Xiao family, Joe Qingshan does not like it.

If there is not an old dean, Qiao Qingshan has no doubt that the other party is directly squatting up.

Lin Fei’s words made Joe Qingshan comfortable.

"Nine Uncle, this Lin Fei is too unreasonable!" Xiao Ran said coldly, "He really is a quasi-emperor-level powerhouse!"

Xiao Dongshui’s face did not change much, and he falsely slandered. “Small, don’t talk nonsense. After all, people are quasi-Great Emperor, the level is different. Since he wants us to go up, your uncle wants to see it. Is Lin Fei’s ability to deploy as powerful as rumors!”

Letting you go up and find someone, this is something you have never had before.

Xiao Dongshui really wants to see what the other party is more arrogant than himself. If it is not taboo, he will directly hit it.

Xiao Ran’s heart was happy. “Uncle is angry, Lin Fei is unlucky. I really thought that I could block the split shot. I thought I could be arrogant in front of our Xiao family, and you will feel better after waiting!”

Xiao Dongshui looked at the emperor's peak, and his eyes suddenly became deep, like two black bottomless pits.

The original Emperor Peak turned into a black spiral in the eyes of Xiaodong, and the entire Emperor Peak was shrouded in dense black swirls.

Xiao Dong’s mouth is rising, “still some famous!”


Xiao Dongshui rushed in,

"District, I will break it!"

The quasi-Great Emperor took the shot.

Xiaodong Shui rushed past the stream, and people appeared directly in the emperor's array, touched the first array, and the endless wind blew.


Xiaodong Shui is in a no-man's land, and it is a punch in the air.

The oncoming winds are on the spot.

The power of this boxing is not only the same, all the way rampage, wherever it passes, a series of methods collapsed, breaking dozens of arrays, and there is no such a way to block the Yu Wei of this boxing.

"Nine uncles, mighty!"

Xiaoran followed up.

In the face of the quasi-Great Emperor, the road to the district system is really nothing.


"The quasi-Great Emperor is the quasi-Great Emperor, and this punch is almost half of the tenth energy unit!"

Lin Fei can see that the formation is constantly collapsing.

These arrays are used to deal with ordinary people, and they are not good at meeting the level of Xiao Dongshui.

“Is this the strength of the quasi-emperor?”

Lin Fei made a skylight and could see the changes in the formation.

Whether it is Fan Yu Yu, or Qin Hao's good brushing of the taboo color, they all know that the emperor's layout of the array is so powerful, but unexpectedly in the other hand, easily torn open.

"He left his hand and didn't go all out!" Lin Fei smiled.

"You are not worried?" Fan Luoyu with a trace of worry.

"What are you worried about!"


Xiao Dongshui used violent means to crush it all the way.

Wherever they passed, the arrays were defeated one by one, and the emperor peaks that had been shrouded in white mist gradually revealed their true colors. This was the beginning of the formation of the array.

"The incompetent array is very disappointing!"

Xiao Dongshui rushed straight up. Any array of methods is a punch.

After arriving at the central position, the power of the array began to increase, and the wind and the wind were so vast that the power was instantly increased by several dozen times.

"This is not bad!"

Xiao Dongshui will not break, but it will be violent.

With the strength of the quasi-big emperor, one can find a trace of the flaws, and then the violent means to break open, or even give the opportunity to trigger the law, in a blink of an eye, close to the emperor.


Seeing that it is the emperor's peak, the last array of methods is a huge virtual shadow. It is very similar to Lin Fei. The sword is attacked and the knife is empty.

Xiao Dongshui was very calm and punched, not afraid, and his body was violent.

"The virtual shadow is gone, and dare to let go!"

The long knife river was smashed, and Xiao Dongshui pointed to the shadow, and a large shadow collapsed, and the whiteness disappeared in front of him.

"The prospective emperor is the quasi-big emperor, welcome you to my emperor!"

After the white fog dissipated, a pavilion appeared.

Lin Fei was sitting under the pavilion, drinking tea with ease and self-satisfaction. Qin Yan was holding his shoulders behind him, and Fan Yuyu was feeding the fruit. He was completely a younger brother.

Xiao Dongshui’s eyes were slightly stunned. Although he didn’t care about this Lin Fei, he could see the other’s age, and his heart still inadvertently flashed a hint of envy.

At the age of Xiao Dongshui, I wanted to attack the quasi-Greater level. It was something that was impossible at all, and I couldn’t even think about it.

Lin Fei, who is in front of him, does not know what kind of technological treasures he has used. He can definitely make a name for himself and even be invincible under the quasi-emperor.

"Your array is good for others, but you and I can't do this kind of thing!" Xiao Dongshui strode forward, and the big knife and golden horse sat down and looked at the rain. "This should be the nine princesses." Well, it is worthy of the people I saw in my family, there are couples!" (To be continued.)

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