Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2279: Strong and ridiculous old dean

The vastness of the heavens and the earth is mobilized.

The entire Imperial College practice was a mess.

No one can cultivate!

All the heavens and the earth are plundered, and everyone can only watch it. It’s really more human than the dead.



The two words blurted out from Lin Feikou.

Xiao Dongshui’s face changed again and immediately remembered one thing. “He wants to use the array method? How is it possible? Those arrays are not good”

There is a huge aura of heaven and earth in the sky above the emperor.

These heavens and auras seem to be manipulated, and they are suppressed and transformed into a big hand, and they are pressed against Xiaodong.

Hey! ! !

Lin Fei mobilized the 80% of the aura of the practice.

80% of the heaven and earth aura, what a horror, anyone must fear.

The big hand of heaven and earth is so pressed down.

Xiao Dongshui felt great pressure and dangerous atmosphere, and all over the body was shrouded in terrorist power.

"Is this your move? See how I broke him!"

Xiao Dongshui calmed down, and the atmosphere of the mighty Emperor was soaring. The hard-boiled giants of the sky slammed up, and the heavens and the earth were agile.

The quasi-Great Emperor is the strong man of the quasi-Great Emperor, and he has almost smashed the Giants.

However, Lin Fei's massive aura of earth and earth was continuously injected, and the giants of Qingtian came again. The distance was getting closer and closer, and the earth began to crack, and the cracks were shocking.

Xiao Dongshui couldn't make a punch, and once again punched out, and the fists rushed into the sky. The hard-won smashed the heaven and earth aura, punched and punched, and slammed the eight punches.

"A full blow!"

Lin Fei's face changed slightly, and the vast amount of heaven and earth aura was injected instantly, and the long dragon disappeared. Only the palm was left between heaven and earth.

"Come on, let me see, to what extent your final blow can be strong!"

Xiao Dongshui grabbed one hand and a long knife fell on his hand. The long knife was a stroke, and the knife smashed and slammed into the hand.

Everyone is far away.

I only saw a giant hand, and there was a knives of knives. I could still feel the sharp breath through a long distance.

"Is this the prestige of the great emperor?"

Joe Qingshan is still a step away.

Once again, I realized the strength of the quasi-emperor, and raised a sense of powerlessness. One step away, the heavens and the earth are different.

"Not the ultimate emperor, always like an ant!"


A loud noise.

Huge waves of air rushed in all directions.

In the place where the air wave passed, the vegetation was destroyed, and the scene became a ruin. The huge Emperor Peak, as if it had been cleaned up, was unbearable.

"Win no!"

Qiao Qingshan is the most anxious, and can't figure out why, Lin Fei does not directly shoot, but instead mobilizes the heaven and earth aura. Is it really using technology treasures?

This doubt has always echoed in my heart.

In the center of the ruins, Xiao Dongshui left the original position, his body shook slightly, and there was a trace of blood in his mouth.

"Your array is really unparalleled and almost succeeded you!"

Xiaodong water has a dignified weight.

Just after the last blow, Xiao Dongshui was quite struggling to deal with it. It seems that he is a level leader. If he is replaced by a nine-turn professional, he will die.

"You are better than I thought!"

Lin Fei is very calm.

Xiao Dong said with a cold smile. "You are more powerful than I thought. Today, you are destined to stop me from taking the Nine Princesses. What cards are there, I will take them out early!"

Lin Fei spread his hands. "Actually, I really have nothing to stop you. However, there is one person, he will not let you take the nine princesses, the old dean, you said yes!"

In the last sentence, Lin Fei said directly to a position.

Old dean?

Xiao Dong’s heart is sinking. If it’s true, it’s really hard to do.

"Grab it again!"

Whether it is true or not.

Xiao Dongshui grabbed the nine princesses with one hand, and the people brought them back and said, lest they have long night dreams. As for Lin Fei, the next time there is time to clean up, it will not turn to the sky.

This shot, Fan Luoyu feels shrouded in a huge force, involuntarily will fly over, scared his face changed greatly.

"Xiao Dongshui, who allows you to catch people here!"

There was a cold air in the void.

Xiao Dongshui’s power was shaken on the spot, and his face suddenly changed. “Old Dean, do you want to intervene?”


In the void, a hand reaches out and hits Xiaodong Water.

"Old Dean, being pretending to be a god"

When the words were not finished, the palm of the void came out on the body of Xiao Dongshui. The whole person flew out, and the void blasted behind him and was directly transferred to the void.

"The next time, kill innocent!"

The cold voice rushed.

Xiao Dongshui, who fell into the void, snorted and his face was white. Zhang mouth vomited blood, and then dared not stop, turned around and was full of fear.


"The old dean shot!"

Qiao Qingshan is delighted.

At Imperial College, only the old dean can be defeated by Xiao Dongshui.

"The strength of the old dean is far less than the original!"

Can make a quasi-Great Emperor strong without any ability to parry, obviously the strength is on the other side, the distance is not small, otherwise it will not be so easy.

"Lin Fei, nothing!"

Qiao Qingshan immediately came over and asked.

Currently, Imperial College and the Avengers Alliance cooperate. As a key person, Lin Fei is not at this time.

"Nothing, thank you Joe for your concern!"

"Is this kid really using technology treasures?"

Deep in the void.

The old dean looked confused.

"Still this kid, deliberately waiting for the old man to shoot."

After Xiaodong Shui came, the old dean knew it and didn't say anything. After all, the face of the ancient family Xiaojia still had to give, and everything behind it came out of imagination.

In the case of a last resort, the old dean can only do it.

After the shot, all kinds of doubts surround the heart of the old president.

"80% of this kid sees what, deliberately let the old man start, it is a shameless guy!"

How clever the old dean, and soon learned some of the details, could not help but reveal a bitter smile, "even the old man is counted, the Avengers are really not simple!"

Yes, it is calculated!

The old dean was not angry. From the choice and the Avengers alliance, I knew that this day will happen sooner or later.

"It seems that I have to find a time to have a good chat with this kid. Actually, the old man can count it!"


"Master, this old dean is very strong and strong!"

The voice of the little demon echoed in Lin Fei’s mind.

Lin Fei is also testing the old dean, and he said, "In fact, I did not think that the old dean was so strong that he took the palm of the hand, and Xiaodong Shui, the quasi-big emperor, if that one If you deal with me, it is estimated that you need to adjust the energy unit of 40% to 50% to resist it!"

"Five percent!" The little devil came. (To be continued.) 8

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