Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2303: Lion's big opening

The young masters who left home and Zhang family appeared on the Zhao family's site.

The spy on the street immediately found this.

Generally, there are no special things, and the disciples of the eight major families rarely take the initiative to cross the district.

Now that there are two at a time, they are still young masters, and the meaning is different.

"Get up and report!"

"There is action!"


Nearly half a month's time.

Everyone is investigating the mysterious black man, but until now, there is no useful clue.

But now there are two young masters, belonging to two families, it is not a small matter, this is to represent the Zhang family and leave home.

"Are you not going to find a thousand dollars?"

It’s not good for the fire.

"Shun the way!" Zhang Taohua smiled, his face was extremely thick.


"You are not the same!"

The two soon came outside the yard, and everyone looked at each other and was not pleasing to the eye.

"I am away from home and fire, and I am coming from my home. I want to see you!" From the fire of the sky, I didn't care so much, and shouted directly in the yard.

"Vulgar!" Zhang Taohua shook his head. "The younger chapter of the peach blossoms, the life of the Lord, especially to see, but also to see the seniors!"


The fierce people in the yard have come in the last half month. Has always been a concern.

With the departure of the family and the young master Zhang, it caused a lot of sorrow.

Both families are coming!

Is this going to attract the other party?

Everyone reflects very quickly, such a master, even if it is a offering, it is also a very cost-effective thing.

"The people of Zhao family are here too!"

I don't know who shouted, and there was another person outside. A young master of the Zhao family came and came to the yard very politely.

"Two young masters, good Yaxing, came to the Zhao family site, so I can inform you, let me do the landlord friendship!" Zhao Tianen is also in a hurry.

Whether it is away from home or Zhang, I don't really want to have any contact with Zhao.

Listening to Zhao Tianen’s words, it’s awkward.

This is ironic that they crossed the border.

"Tian En-brother, you are too polite, we are just a little small thing, just let it go!" said a true statement from Tian Huo.

"Some little things, disturbing Tian En brother, it is not worth it!" Zhang Taohua said, there is no trace of embarrassment on his face.

Zhao Tianen said, "The skin is really thick!"


In the yard.

Lin Fei smiled.

"It’s finally three!"

Calculate the time, almost!

The number of the three families is a bit small. Lin Fei is not very satisfied. He has opened a head. As long as he is interested in himself, he can say everything. He knows that the force of the day has lived in many people.

There is no sure victory, Zhao will not do it, can't afford this face, and can't bear huge losses.

"According to the news collected over the past few days, they are trying to win over you, as if they are related to the interests of Tianhe!" said the little devil. "You are now a scent!"

Lin Fei smiled. "It’s good to eat incense!"


All three came to see the mysterious black man.

The other party can easily defeat the Zhao brothers. The three people, despite their background and identity, do not dare to force them in. Who knows if they will squat.

"Which of you, if you have met my conditions, I can go anytime!"

There was no lightness in the yard.

Three jade characters crossed the void and appeared in front of the three.

At the moment of the appearance, the three men sank, and the jade symbols uploaded a dangerous atmosphere. When they wanted to shoot, the dangerous atmosphere of the jade symbol dissipated, becoming soft and calm, and scared a cold sweat.

It’s almost ugly!

The three men secretly inhaled. If they forced their shots and damaged the information in Yufu, it was really a shame to throw them into their home. They didn't have the courage to let the other party take another piece.

The other party did not appear, throwing out three jade characters, although the heart is not good, in Tianhe country, they represent the three major families, no matter who is willing to be polite.

But when I think of the power of the other party, the three young masters have no temper.

"Oh, I have to go see the money, go first!" Zhang Taohua took up the jade, and smiled away.

"There is still something in my family!" The fire was gone.


Zhao Tianen who first went back.

"Father, that person killed our Zhao family's **** and worship, why should I go see him!" Zhao Tianen came back with a jade, and asked with a puzzled look.

Zhao Zhongxing laughed. "He is a useful person. It is as simple as this. If the guards are dead, they can get it again. If they are dead, they can be recruited again!"

He shook his head in his heart, "slow down!"

These days, Zhao Zhongxing has not considered whether or not to start, this hesitation, leaving home and Zhang Jiaxian sent people.

"Yuanli Shensha, one hundred pounds!"

Inside the jade, there is not much information, straightforward!

Zhao Zhongxing was very surprised. "The information of the investigation said that this person came to Tianhe country and asked a lot of people, as if they were rushing to the things. It seems that this is the power of the gods, an opening, a hundred pounds, appetite It’s not too small!”

In addition to the three top powers, the entire Holy Spirit world is the only place where the Tianhe Kingdom can produce ‘Yuanli Shensha’. Although there are still some places, it is very dangerous, and it may not be able to be mined.


One hundred pounds of force Shensha, really crazy!

too crazy!

The owner of the Zhang family shook his head first.

This is a huge resource!

Yuanli Shensha, the stock is small, it takes a hundred pounds at a time, it is really very difficult.

Originally, there is still a mind to ask for, this request is too difficult.

Zhang Jia is not interested in this black man, the request is too high, can not afford.


"He is not too small, a hundred pounds of Yuanli Shensha."

The master of the house left the jade, and the brow wrinkled slightly and could not be understood.

"A hundred pounds of force, Shensha, even if it is a refining device, it is not used so much, or to say. Is there any use?"

Yuanli Shensha is precious. So far, it is only suitable for use on the refiner. The quantity is not a lot, and it can't play its real use.

Such a request is really strange.

"hold on!"


After the three major families went to the door.

The other five, also arranged people to come, each person went back with a jade symbol back.

What news inside the specific jade is temporarily unknown.

When Yu Fu took it back.

The five major families have different expressions, some people laugh, some people are jealous, and obviously they all respond greatly to the information in Yufu.

Tianhe country, up and down, is also very interested in the news inside Yufu.


A quiet month has passed!

Since the Yufu sent out, the eight major families seem to have died down like a sudden, seemingly lost interest.

Lin Fei is very calm.

Nothing to go out, as long as you are on the Zhaojia site, everyone is polite, this is the people Zhao can not hold.

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