Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2306: The situation has changed

Tianhe country.

The most important days of the upper level are coming!

About Tianhe benefits distribution power.

One of the most important things in the eight major families.

The black domain is infinitely mysterious, and there are surprises everywhere.

Until now, no one can control the black domain, no one knows how to form, but can guess that the black domain should be a huge world or even a secret.

Tianhe became the best way to communicate with the black domain.

Every time something comes out of the black field, it will come out along the Tianhe River. The internal struggles of the eight major families are extremely strong, and they are all consistent with each other. Until now, they control the ownership of Tianhe.

The distribution of the 10,000-year-old was set by the eight major families.

No matter who sits in this position, they must abide by the rules set by the eight major families in the past. Whoever does not comply will be eliminated.

Until now, the distribution of interests in the ownership of the Tianhe River has not been destroyed until now.


Leave home!

Separated from the devil, sitting in the discussion hall.

In the entire parliament hall, there are a few people sitting together.


Standing away from the devil, the space was fluctuating, and Lin Fei, who was in black, appeared in the discussion hall.

"It’s not too late to come!"

The pupil of the devil first shrank slightly and smiled. "No, time is still early!"

Just a glance, the devil first felt the other party's breath is a lot of anger, there is a feeling of breathless, my heart can not help but be shocked, ecstatic.

The other few gods and strong men stood up and watched the black men coming out of the void.

"These three are all going to the eight major family meetings together, just like you!" The simple introduction of the names of the three people.

Lin Fei took a faint look and didn't pay attention to them.

The three are also very jealous, although the name of the person has not been introduced before the devil, as long as it is not a fool, the other party is more tyran than the three of them.


"This is the treasure we left home, we can walk through the void, it is to kill the Holy Spirit spar!"

In the void, I chatted with Lin Fei.

They are standing on a treasure, and the treasure releases the shield, and the hurricane keeps moving forward, and the shield is on the shield.

“It’s amazing to leave home!” Lin Fei said. “Ordinary people are not qualified to have the treasures of the void!”

The devil can't help but show a little triumph.

"The rest of the things, I have already collected!" The first voice from the devil, "This time, really depends on the proud brother, things may change!"


From the devil's first look, "a little change, the eight major families have invited foreign aid, vying for the distribution of interest in this Tianhe, according to the information we have left over the past, I found that one thing is ignored, that is, this Tianhe, Maybe there will be good things, there is a possibility of 80%!"

Lin Fei understood.

"So, my opponent will become stronger!"

"It can be understood this way!" Departed from the devil, "In the past, our eight major families rarely asked for foreign aid, and the competition was our younger generation."

"In fact, you don't have to say it!" Lin Fei said, "I have collected your things, no matter how difficult, I will try my best to complete it. This is the cooperation between you and me!"


Depart from the devil, walk in the void.

The hurricane power in the void increased in vain, and the treasures that everyone stood on began to sway, as if it were a lonely boat in the raging waves.

"This is to get close to the Tianhe Dojo!"

It is common for the devil to take it first. "Tianhe belongs to a special existence, indirectly affecting the nearby void, so that the void of this area is mostly rioted. The void treasures that we leave home are not affected, not too much. worry!"

Lin Fei blinked. "You really have a secret in this place!"

The devil first laughed. "Who said no, the black field behind the light, until now, did not figure out how many people died, even those who respect the Lord, do not dare to go in!"

The hurricane of the void continues to be violent.

The three gods behind him are not very natural.

They are far away from the void. If there is no void treasure, they will not dare to enter the void for a lifetime. They have seen such a big scene.


After half an hour.

Everyone came out of the void, and there was a huge river lying across from the sky.

They actually appeared inside the Tianhe.

The huge sound of water flowing through it brings a huge visual shock.

"This is the Tianhe Daochang. It belongs to a special place. Don't look at the Tianhe River. It is very calm. In fact, it is very dangerous. For example, the flowing Tianshui is as heavy as a thousand miles. If you fall into the Tianhe River, you will die!"

The devil first raised the danger of mentioning the Tianhe River.

In fact, needless to say, everyone noticed the horror of the Tianhe River, but also shocked. This place in the Tianhe River actually formed an independent small space, which was not affected by the Tianhe River. I don’t know who made it. It is a good means.

Lin Fei is also the first time to get close to Tianhe.

"The power of good hegemony, between the flow of the heavens and the river, the sound can affect the flesh and blood of the flesh. It is no wonder that it fell into the Tianhe River, and it must die!"

Lin Fei blinked and looked at Tianhe.


"From the brother, it’s very early!"

Leaving the devil first took people to the position away from home.

This independent space is very dull, a huge stone, flat plate, so across the Tianhe River, the water of the river flows from the side, divided into two.

Each of the eight major families occupies a position.

In the central part of the city, a platform was built, and the formations were arranged to form a sly shackle that was looming.

They just sat down, and a middle-aged **** next to him smiled and said hello.

"Emperor brother, you have come early, look at your spring breeze, is it true that this interest distribution, very confident!" Devils first laughed and teased.

Lin Fei looked at the past.


A noble name.

One of the eight major families has a good relationship with the family. There has always been a marriage, and it is an ally in Tianhe.

"You are not the same. I heard that you have found a master, I can't think of it!" Huang Feilong glanced and looked at Lin Fei for a moment. It was very surprised. "You really have the power, no wonder you will find me." Redeem that thing!"

Huang Feihu naturally knows this person's power.

Up to now, there is no information, very mysterious, I did not expect to go to work with the other party, a hundred pounds of force.

"Talent is not easy to find!" said the devil first, "the price is great, it is worth the money!"

Value for money?

Huang Feilong does not think so.

I still have a happy look on my face. "I don't have the strength of you, but you have to be careful. I heard that Zhao Zhongxing invited a master to come back. It is said that he killed the gods. You invited him. , can't get it~"

Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao.

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