Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2317: Zhao Zhaojia

Lin Fei walked along the street.


Stepping into the area controlled by Zhao Zhongxing, one piece of news spread, and anyone knows that this arrogant Aotian **** is very likely to go to the other side to trouble.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree.

Lin Fei’s incarnation of the gods, the personal data basically spread in the Tianhe country.

Whoever passed it out, then I don’t know.

However, from the way of doing things, we can see that this proud god, the heart of killing is very heavy, personal force is extraordinary, very bad to deal with.


Zhao Jiafu.

A figure that is not very tall, came to the front of Zhao’s house.

Relatively prosperous streets, with Lin Feiyi appearing, became empty, passers-by have left, and hid far away, but did not have the courage to come onlookers.

"High glory, there is a sense of overlord, but you should not join others to deal with me!"

Lin Fei’s eyes glimpsed and the fierce light came out, striding toward Zhao’s house.

"This is the Zhao family's house, outsiders~"

When Zhao Jiawei saw the arrival, he just opened his mouth and yelled, and was immediately taken away by a guard next to him. He kept his face and kept pulling to the side.

Lin Fei walked into the Zhao family.

"What are you doing, how can people enter the Zhao family casually!" Young guards are unhappy.

Next to the old guard, he lowered his voice and said, "What is it? If I didn't pull you, you will become a dead body now. Do you know who he is? That is the only way to destroy the Sirius." Aotian god, you dare to stop people!"

The other guards, the pupils followed a contraction, and the subconscious consciousness revealed fear.

"Oh, no, he is proud of the gods?" The young guards scared a cold sweat and his body trembled. "This is a big thing!"


Zhao family is very big.

There are plenty of pavilions, mountains and rivers.

Lin Fei went to a place where Zhao Zhongxing was familiar with the atmosphere and a few strange and powerful atmospheres. No accidents, it should be those few.

"You are proud of heaven!"

A high-level member of the Zhao family quickly ran into Lin Fei. After a condensed god, he was scared of a cold sweat. How did he come in, why didn’t he inform me?

"Congratulations, you promised!"

Lin Fei walked with a smile, and the top of the Zhao family was shocked into pieces, but the voice was still spread.

A strong breath rushed out!

"No, Ao Tiantian is coming in!"

"Come down!"


The masters of the Zhao family rushed out and recognized that they were proud of the gods, and they all showed fear.

This is the killing of the killing of the gods, the power of the king of the country has been killed a lot, you let them how to stop the God of Heaven.

"I am afraid of something, he is alone, we are so human!"

There were Zhao disciples who shouted and yelled at the people to attack.

When I first came up, I was shocked into pieces, and a dozen young and promising masters were all gone.

A few gods squatted with strength and tried to block them. Like the disciples of the Zhao family, they were shocked into pieces and killed in one stroke.

Lin Fei did not hurry and walked.

There are constantly corpses on both sides falling off.

After killing dozens of people, no one dared to shoot, the other party did not start, just a thought, let them be unable to stand, how to block.

Everyone is more afraid of the strength of the gods.

This is really one person's prestige, and lived in the Zhao family up and down, even if some of Zhao's high-level appearance, but also became timid, not daring to take a shot, can only stare at Lin Fei with indignation.

"Zhao Jiazhu, your good friend came to be a guest, don't come out to meet you!" Lin Fei shouted.

Boom! ! !

A large Zhao family immediately ushered in the earthquake mountain shaking, the rumbling bang, the large block of buildings collapsed and became a ruin.

For a moment, the Zhao family was in a mess.

Everyone in the Zhao family was full of fear, and in the face of the thunderous voice of the day, they almost felt that they were going to die.

That is an ability to resist.

"The good strength, the softness and the harmony, the fire is pure, the power of a glimpse, shattering the building, not hurting anyone, it is really impossible!"

The owners of the Tianhe Kingdom are paying attention.

From this hand alone, everyone will not dare to despise the proud god, the power of the people to respect the Lord, fearing that it will not be lost when they encounter the Lord’s shot.

This time, Zhao’s family is really unlucky.


"Aotian, you dare to destroy my Zhao family!"

Zhao Zhongxing first rushed out, looking at the entire Zhao family became a ruin, his eyes became scarlet, murderous eyes, staring.

Lin Fei smiled. "You should thank me, just ruin your Zhao family building, instead of destroying your Zhao family. You have to believe that I am fully capable!"

Zhao Zhongxing never thought that the proud **** would come to the Zhao family alone, the other party did not have this courage, Zhao family is a strong master who sits on the town.

"You still have reason!" Zhao Zhongxing was angry and angry. "Zhao Jia is the Eight Great Family of Tianhe. Today, you dare to dismantle the Zhao family. Even if you are a false Lord, you have to pay the price!"

Today, I don’t pack up the God of Heaven, and Zhao’s family in Tianhe will be a joke.


Lin Fei laughed and took a shot. "Do you do it!"

Zhao Zhongxing took a hand and slammed it on his body. With the sound of ‘Peng’, Zhao Zhongxing blasted like a **** fog, screaming again and again, and everyone listening was tight.

"Oh, I am going to kill you!"

Zhao Zhongxing, who was re-consolidated, his face was pale and completely mad.

"Kill me, can you do it?"

It is a palm.

Zhao Zhongxing was broken again.

Zhao Zhongxing, the peak of the seventh step of the gods, once died in the flesh, and the few owners who looked at it sucked in the air. This proud **** seemed to be stronger than the original.

This is completely crushing Zhao Zhongxing.

I am afraid that a few more times, Zhao Zhongxing will be finished.

"You invited the master, why not come out, I just tickle today, I want to find a few people abuse!" Lin Fei once again smashed Zhao Zhongxing.

"Aotian, you kill my illusionist disciple, take a break!" A white-faced middle-aged man in the distance, with a staff member, "Zhao Jiazhu, I will help you!"

The magician master is here!

"Fantasy twelve, one finger was stabbed to death, I don't know if you can't live!" Lin Fei did not look at each other, pointing to the other side.


The white-faced middle-aged man can play the power of the pseudo-respecting master, and the illusion power is more overbearing.

A huge illusion of the world is unfolding, just like the arrival of thousands of troops, all of us are full of cold, this has a bit of false feelings, true and false, difficult to distinguish.

Lin Fei’s attack is more aggressive!

Boom! ! !

Fingers pass through the illusion world, capturing the true face of the white-faced middle-aged man, and poke on the other side.


"It seems that you can't stop a finger, can't be hit!"

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