Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2319: Warlord

After Lin Fei’s proud celestial body stepped into the proud sky, the power is greatly horrible. If you use it a little, you can easily crush the enemy. Don’t mention the arrogant heaven and the arrogance. It is a horror of first class.

The Zhao family's Zhao Wuji respects the Lord, and the noble is the eighth-order powerhouse of the gods. The power is naturally very powerful.

The only difference is that the other party is using the power of the Emperor, and it is always impossible to confront the strength of the body flow, not to mention. Lin Fei had already prepared, suddenly broke out of power, killing the other party was caught off guard, and the unlucky Zhao Zhongxing died.

"I said that whoever kills will kill anyone, but unfortunately you are the Lord!" Lin Fei laughed.

The old man in Tsing Yi also had anger on his face and was killed under his own eyes. He had not been angry for a long time.

The wave of power was violent and invincible. Zhao Wuji felt the same feeling. He used seven or eighty percent of his power to barely block it, and he would not make a fool of himself in public.

"Is this really a fake master!"

Zhao Wuji underestimated the man of Aotian.

At this time, the strength was hidden, so that Zhao Zhongxing was killed and his face was completely dull.

"Since you killed the Zhao family, then you will stay in the Zhao family without leaving!" Zhao Wuji snorted, the skinny palm stretched out, and when the air came to Lin Fei.

Master level attack!


"Too domineering!"

"That God is proud to kill people!"

"Zhao Jiazhu is really unlucky. If you offend someone who is not good, you will offend the proud god. Now it’s good, regret it is too late!"

"Zhao Wuji, the lord of the Lord, appears to be in trouble, and there is never a false sacred Lord who can take advantage of the Lord's hands!"


Aotian Tianshen is very strong. With the emergence of Zao Wou-Ki, everyone does not think that they can overcome a respectable Lord, even if this is a avatar.

"Master, who do you think will win!"

On a hill outside of Tianhe.

Luo Yu asked, the heart is like the top of the mountain, the strength of the **** is more powerful than imagined.

"Zhao Wuji wants to overcome that arrogant world!" The battle of the Zhao family ruins appeared in front of Xinghai Zunzhu, simply shook his head. "Don't look at him as a lord, but his power is actually stronger than Aotian." Where to go, at most it is a little better, can not reverse the overall situation."

"He~ really so strong!" Luo Yu gritted his teeth.

"It is really strong. Before I thought that he was a false lord, I can't see it now. I can really respect the Lord. I have the strength of a war. I will end up in the final draw. This person will be named after the Holy Spirit. Bound, you have to cheer!" Xinghai Zunzhu laughed.

Luo Yu’s eyes were firm and nodded hard. “I will, one day, one day, I will defeat this proud!”

Xinghai Zunzhu smiled, "My eyes are not bad!"


Lin Fei is also very excited.

For a long time, the masters of the Lord's level are all ghosts.

Now I finally have the opportunity to fight against the master.

Zhao Wuji’s grasp of this palm, Lin Fei immediately felt the difference, a palm down, dense air, the power is surprisingly large, almost blocked everything.

This is the power of the Lord!

The power of a palm makes all the gods feel irresistible.

Can Lin Fei not.

"Zhao Wuji, you are too much to look down on me!" Lin Fei grabbed from the void, a long stick fell on his hand, all black, this is a **** soldier, the grade is not low.

Facing this palm, Lin Fei sticked up and hit the center of the other's palm.

This is Lin Fei's intention to confuse everyone, so misleading the direction of investigation.

As soon as a stick goes down, a powerful force breaks out, and a blow to Zao Wou-Ki's blow is passed through the void, and when it comes to the head, it appears to be dozens of shadows.

Lin Fei is now breaking everything with force.

Zhao Wuji failed to strike, quickly retreated, and the void in front of him was constantly being blasted. The attacking speed of the other side was extremely fast. One stick followed by a stick, and the power was surprisingly large. Although some of them were removed, there is still a part. Falling on the body, constantly smashing the body of the emperor.

Emperor care body.

This is a trick for the defense of the mighty powers.

A barrier formed by the power of its own power.

Zhao Wuji had some impressions of Aotiantian, a bit of a arrogant guy with good potential, and now he found himself underestimating the other.

"This power is completely attacked by ordinary dignity!"

Zhao Wuji lost his first chance and fell into the close range of the other side. The silky force kept penetrating. He could only passively defend and could not get out.

"The Holy Spirit, what other gods, can have such power!"

Zhao Wuji became dignified.

"A stick in the sky!"

Lin Fei is a close-knit, heavy shadow, drawn down, countless stick shadows into one, heavy drop, crushing the emperor, crushing the body of the emperor, a stick will fly Zhao Wuji.

This stick is powerful and outrageous.

Just fierce!

Zhao Wuji ate a stick, and finally managed to stabilize his body shape. His heart was in jeopardy. The strength of this stick invaded the body, and the protector body was torn open.

"Zhao Wuji, do you still want to leave me as a lord!"

Lin Fei’s stick was vertical and he did not attack again. The attack of a stick in the sky just made Zhao Wuji feel jealous.


Zhao Wuji, the lord of the Lord, was shot and the lord of Tianhe State was also alarmed.

They also saw an incredible scene.

"too strong!"

"This power will definitely lose!"

"Can't be close, but the opponent is too fast, you can shuttle the void!"

"Zhao Wuji is really bad luck, and he met a pseudo-respecting master who has the strength to practice the body!"

"This has to have the power of ordinary masters!"


One by one, the Lord and the Lord can't be calm.

The strength of the stick just now, they all felt great pressure, and they could not find a good way to resist.

Such an attack, the proud God is estimated to be able to continue to display, that one of the Lord can eat.

Zhao Wuqi’s anger is as strong as the other’s strength. Once he is close, he can’t show his attack. What’s more, the opponent’s strength is not inferior to himself. This battle, There is no advantage.

At this moment, Zao Wou-Ki finally understands why Aotian Tianshen will come to the door.

"Zhao Zhongxing, this bastard, the head is clipped by the door, how to provoke such an enemy!" Zhao Wuji’s heart screamed, and today he wants to keep the other side without a chance. "The pseudo-respecting master is strong to this extent, the power can tear Open the body to protect the body, this guy is dead!"

I have become a stepping stone for a junior.

Zhao Wuji does not have to doubt that this news will be spread in the Holy Spirit world tomorrow. Everyone will know that he is a respectable Lord and cannot hold a false Lord.

This is something he can't afford.

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