Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2337: Scared

Tianyimen was almost destroyed.

Really unexpected to everyone's expectations.

No one underestimated the strength of this proud heavenly master. The high-level gods of Tianyimen were almost completely dead, and the remaining gods could not play any role. In the Holy Spirit, there would be no more Tianyimen.

This time, the lively gods, tightening their necks one by one, are happy in one thing, not to offend the proud master!

Compared with those of Tianjiao, this proud Tianzun master is not inferior. When people come up, they kill three of the Lords. If they are wrong, they will immediately have four nobles, and at the same time they will dismantle the heavenly door.

One person destroys one!

Such an achievement, a few masters can do it!

After the Tianyimen became captives, the disciples under the door fled, and the power spread to the part of Tianyimen. The people who survived had a lingering fear.

"Thank you for the predecessors, help me report a big hate!"

Long Youzun’s main pretense is very strange, and he is grateful to the proud owner. “Without the predecessors, I’m afraid it’s hard to kill the hard-nosed Lord for a lifetime. You are my benefactor, a word for the future.” Going to the fire. Nothing is left!"

Lin Fei lazily said, "You and I have a fate. If there is something to come to me in the future, such as murder, I like this person very much. I heard that I was not in the 100,000 years, many masters are Out, solve this, just go for a while!"

Long Youzun took a message with respect and respect. I don't know how many people around me.

Being able to walk to this position on the body flow is definitely an amazing start. If you can know such a person, you have a strong ally, one person represents one!

Tianyimen, the four lords, among them, the old-fashioned lord of the heavenly heart, who is still the master of the ruling, still can't bear the power of a stick. It can be imagined, to what extent the power is strong.

No one can guarantee that the other party has left some strength.

Seeing the dragon tour Lord, everyone can't wait to grab the tokens. Of course, they dare to think about it, don't dare to get it, such a fierce person, who can sin. After today, the Holy Spirit will know such a statue. The violent person respects the Lord, and the important thing is a respectable Lord who practices the body flow.


Longyou respected the Lord and left with confidence.

This is naturally calculated by Lin Fei.

Today, I have flattened the Tianyi Gate, and then gave it to the Longyou Sovereign Lord, so who dares to avenge the Lord of God. Then you have to think about it and whether you can offend him.

Lin Fei is going to make the identity of Aotian, everyone knows, and raises the sky, everyone flees.

This is what Lin Fei wants to see most.

Tianyimen can only be a bad luck.

"Aotian, you will not be dying. You have a ruler who has broken the rules. Other lords will never let you!" Tianxin Zunzhu lost his face after losing his avatar.

"Oh, death is not dead, it is not your decision, but. I can decide your life and death now!" Lin Fei said faintly. "Know, why don't I kill you? Just wait for your friends to come, and they will offend anyway." There is nothing difference between offending one and offending two. You said it!"

Heavenly Master does not know who he has met.

Tianyimen and Shenwulou, Longzong, have always had alliances.

This time, he was counted, and this was also discovered by the Heavenly Master who calmed down. It is obvious that the two allies came to take their own test products and test the strength of the proud master.

If you win, there is no trouble.

If you lose, you can also try out the strength limit of the other party.

Anyway, there will be no loss!


Shenwulou and Longzong’s esteemed masters each came to two, and a total of four esteemed masters.

This is a pretty huge lineup!

A esteemed master can smooth a second-rate force, and the four lords, even if they are first-class forces, must be treated with care and dare not have any scorn.

"Heavenly brother, courage is really small, the owner of the hall, but also to find us to help!" Shenwulou's esteemed master sneer.

Long Zong’s esteemed master is born with a high horse, and the tiger’s back is bearded. The body is full of slyness. “You can’t say that people are the lords. We have always been ally, and we have been watching for decades. Now that Tianxin’s brother is in trouble, we naturally have to go. The foreigners in the province say that we are not, and cause bad influence. Who will dare to join the alliance in the future!”

The other two lords also nodded.

This is true.

Shenwulou and Longzong do not want their reputation to be affected. After all, they are not the magical forces of the Devil's Homeland, and they are going to kill the monks all the time. Notorious.

They need a good name.

They had just arrived on the way, a message came, and the four lords looked at it, and they looked wrong. You looked at me. I see you, not quite normal.

"Do you think this is true!"

In the message, about Tianyimen, it is said that Tianyimen was badly hit, four of the three lords died, and the Tianxin lord also had half a life, became the captive in the hands of the proud lord, and the heavenly gates were abolished. It is.

"It must be a fake, a body of the body, the strength can not be so powerful!" Long Zong's strong master, shaking his head, a face does not believe, "Heavenly brother, that is the earth's genre, the best at defense Even if I shot, I will beat the other party very tenderly, only to be tied!"

"It's better to wait!"

"it is good!"

The news came one by one.

The four Lords are completely unnatural.

"Do you think we have to go?"

Everyone is upset.

In their circle of friends, they all began to spread the things of heaven and earth, and it is impossible to make a holiday.

"Heavenly brothers are not against each other, and the four of us go up, afraid that it is not an opponent!"

"Yeah yeah!"

"It's better to go back, the guy has gone out of God, who knows if it will come to revenge, I see. Must be prepared in advance!"


The four lords immediately decided to go back and not go to God.


Several of the honorable masters on the way to Tianyimen.

I have also received messages.

"The Lord of Heaven is in the pit, and there is life to go!"

"Don't go, go to the end!"

"What, God's door is abolished? Tianxin brother is also a prisoner? What else to go!"


The Lord who came to help saw the message, and all of them shouted and turned away. This kind of thing can’t be touched, and it’s troublesome.

Poor Heavenly Lord has been waiting!

Those who are usually handed over, this time disappeared one by one.

During the period, I have also been to two or three lords, and I have seen the heavenly lord who has become a captive. I will not talk about it. I will turn around and run away, and I will not care if I lose face.

"Oh, it seems that your relationship is not good, no one is coming to help, my hand is still itchy, the warm-up exercise is not over yet, it seems that I can only kill you!"

Lin Fei shook his head and said with disappointment.

"No, I think of it. The Ziyang Supreme Lord and the Supreme Master of the Shenwu Building are friends who are more difficult to respect the Lord. They are coming to deal with you!"

Tianxin Zunzhu resentfully hates each other. When life and death are in the first place, he still wants to linger, and his thinking is infinitely improved.

"You don't want to wait and see, then you can't think of any benefits!"

A terrible thought came out.

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