Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2342: Jade burning

Lin Fei did not catch up!

"Go back and tell you that Long Zong's dragon Aotian, I don't like someone with the same name as me, and dare to have this name, I will come to the door!"

Long Tianyou did not dare to stay for a moment. .

run! run! ! run! ! !

The whole person is counted as a desperate rush.

There is no more glory on my face.

The strength of the other side is completely above him. Long Tianyou knows that he has become a big joke, what killer screams, Long Zong’s high-level holy spirit secret tricks, all counted as a joke.


"Dragon Elders!"

The smile on the face of Feng Wanli was stiff, and the back of Long Tianyou, who was escaping from the road, the three characters of the Dragon Elder had been stuck in the throat and became bitter and weak.

"Why is this so!"

A sense of powerlessness, full of wind and body.

That is the hope of the wind!

Longzong is an alliance of Shenwulou. Naturally, it has its own value. It is such an ally. Actually, it is not the one who is proud of it. He turned and ran.

"Is the Shenwu Building really finished? No, no, there is a temple of time and space!"

This is the only hope for the wind.


boom! ! !

A huge black shadow struck, and after a loud bang, the **** of the gods in Shenwulou heard the shackles, and soon found that the place where the eyes were broken.


The wind screamed and panicked.

Hey! ! !

A few black shadows followed.

Hey! !

The crisp cracking sound is very harsh.

"The formation is broken!"

The array of Shenwu Building could not hold this kind of hegemonic attack, and could not keep up with the energy supplement. The array of Shenwu Building collapsed in front of everyone.

"Now your ally Long Tianyou ran, see who can help you!"

Lin Fei’s eyes were cold, and he stared at Ziyang Zunzhu and Zhai Lie, “I really thought that a Shenwu Building could stop me!”

A stick in the sky!

Lin Fei rushed up, and the smashing scorpion, the Yuanli Shenbing, broke out the corresponding power and blasted directly in the windy position, setting off a huge power storm.

Just a moment, this area seems to be broken, and the Lord and the God of Heaven are instantly destroyed.


The wind and thousands of other lords recovered, and his face was pale.

Unable to resist!

When they really met, they only knew what it was.


Those who are strong in the gods are killed by a stick, and their vitality is too late to recover. They are completely smouldering, and only the strong and powerful can survive a wave of attacks.

Ziyang Zunzhu and Zhai Lie Zun ran in one direction.

It’s dead now without running!

The complete blow of the power, they will not forget in this life, it is too strong, and the terrible and terrible, not at the same level.

This is no less than the great master fighting power.


The five lords of Shenwulou did not have the confidence to fight.

World War I crashed!

The flying stick in the hands of Lin Fei turned into a black streamer and went to the main volume of Ziyang Zun. The other side was fast, but the Yuanli Shenbing was faster, coming out from the void, smashing it, and entangled in the body of Ziyang Zun.

"Lord, save me!"

Ziyang Zunzhu has no resistance.

Hey! ! !

Yuanli Shenbing madly plundered the essence of life.

A void back and forth, Ziyang Zunzhu came out again, the body's breath became extremely fragile, and there was no difference in dying.

"You devil!"

Ziyang Zunzhu became very scared. Looking at Lin Fei’s eyes was full of fear, and his body was shaking.

Lin Fei snorted, and with a palm of his hand, Ziyang Zunzhu would fly away.

"Predecessors, I stopped the sturdy Lord!" In the distance, Tianxin respected the owner of a dog's leg, holding the sturdy Lord, extremely shameless.

Lin Fei’s mouth was raised and he chased it up.

"Aotian, you can't think about dealing with the Lord again!" Feng Wanli attacked behind him, including two other lords, trying to contain.

Lin Fei turned back to be a stick and flew them out.


"Don't kill me, I am willing to give everything!"

The sturdy Lord seems to be a man, and the struggle is even more intense.

The strength of Tianxin Zunzhuo is slightly better than that of the other side. It is impossible to open the other side and watch the other side catch up.

"Yes, you still have some use!"

Lin Fei caught up and glanced at Tianxin Zunzhu.

Tianxin respected the sweat on his back and squeezed an ugly smile. "That... this is what I should do."

"Then leave your life first!"

A **** of heaven and heart can kill or not kill, only between Lin Fei’s thoughts.

"Thank you for your predecessors!" Tianxin Zunzhu finally put down a stone, unconsciously, all on the forehead are cold sweat, facing such a strong enemy, give him a hundred courage and dare not come.

"I am fighting with you!"

The sturdy Lord gave up the struggle, turned and came to a jade, and the whole person chose to commit suicide.

boom! ! !

The power of terror is sweeping away.

What a terrible thing is that a lord chooses to burn jade.

Within the square, within ten thousand miles, all life is swept away.


There was a body protector in the wind, but it also suffered a certain impact. I watched it happen. In the twinkling of an eye, the two masters fell.

His only disappointment now is that the man died in self-destruction.

This is also something that can be happy in the wind.

This person is not dead, it will be a nightmare of their Shenwu building.


The horrible atmosphere began to dissipate.

The three lords of Shenwulou stared at each other.

"Must be dead!"

The three thought silently.

In the distant area, Huawei was ashes, and in such a place, there was a black man standing above him, holding a man in his hand, and there was nothing to worry about.

"He is not dead!"

That person is the proud master!

Lin Fei looked back and looked at the cold. "You Shenwu Building can be used, self-destruction is used, but unfortunately, still kill me!"


Lin Fei walked through the void and came to the Shenwu Building.

"come out!"

After grabbing the big hand and reaching into a building in the Shenwu Building, after the rumbling loud noise, the large buildings became ruins, and the two figures were captured from below.

"Lord, help!"

"We have planted it, don't kill me, I am willing to be your servant!"

Both are avatars.

Lin Fei smiled coldly. "I dare to blew myself. Why are you afraid of death? Your old friends are going down. What do you mean by staying alive!"

When the thoughts move, the big hands forcefully squeeze the two.

At this point, two other masters have lost their lives!

Tianyimen and Shenwulou successively degraded five strong masters.


Shenwulou mourned.

The wind was almost soft, and the eyes of the two lords were killed in front of them. Except for anger, they were helpless.

When people have a stick, they can make him the landlord unable to break through the blockade of the other side, the gap between heaven and earth.

The wind will never forget this scene.

At first, a small thing became what it is now, completely out of the expectation of the wind, this person is a madman, five respected masters.

Since then, in the Holy Spirit world, there is another lord who dares to offend the proud Lord.

Lin Fei stood still.

"Master, your enemy, I have already killed three for you, and the two are interest, just as the apprentice's mind, now there is a dragon!" Lin Fei silently said. (To be continued...)

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