Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2345: Solicit

Tianxin Zunzhu still feel so cool for the first time.

Although he is the Lord's strength, but in such a big Holy Spirit, he has this strength, encounters some powerful Lord, and does not know how to die.

The dragon without traces is also the realm of respect for the Lord. It is far from the balance of the heavenly heart and the Lord.

It is the first time I can understand that I can speak like this.

All of this is brought by the proud Lord.

"There is a mistake in the madness of the Lord. If this is the case, let's put the face of our dragons in the place!" The dragon frowned.

"My master said, as long as you see people, everything is easy to say!" said Tian Xin Zunzhu. "As for death, it is still alive. This is a big deal. You say it is not!"

Although I don’t like Tianxin’s Lord now, I have to say that this makes sense!

"This matter, we have to discuss it!"

"no problem!"


The dragon did not even agree with it.

For a madman, take a dragon, the dragon does not dare to insure.

This incident was provoked by him. What is more, it is still a sacrifice, not as important as the elders, and abandoning one is actually irrelevant.

The dragon has no fear of taking risks!

The proud master, young and young, is young and vigorous. Once he feels that Longzong does not give face, it is too normal to kill. The array of Tianyimen and Shenwulou can’t stop, and their dragon’s formation is not necessarily blocked. live.

You can never underestimate the horror of practicing a body.

It is certainly not acceptable to hand over the madman, and you must use some small means.

For example, let the madman take the initiative to leave!

At that time. What happened again, everything is fine, even. Long Zong can also play a show for everyone to see. Hello, I am fine, everyone is fine.


In the evening of a black wind high in a month.

The savage lord left the Longzong. During the period, there were two lords of the Dragon Zongzong. In name, they sent the other party to the killing court. When they got there, the Aotian lord had a hundred courage. It doesn't necessarily dare to do it.

In an area that is banned.

The two dragons took the initiative and injured the madman, and the other party did not expect that the lord of the dragon would do it.

The madman was very angry and kept escaping. As a result, Lin Fei, who had been waiting for a long time, was killed when he was alive. The rest of the avatars naturally did not end well. When I die here, I will start working there.

"This matter. End of this, go back and tell you that there is no trace of the sovereign dragon. It is best to let the dragon Aotian change its name. If it is known to me next time, I will personally go to the door!"

Lin Fei, a black man, said lightly.

Long Zong’s two long-named elders felt great pressure.

This person is very strong!

Even if they join hands, they are not opponents.

The two left their faces with a sullen face. Even if they were uncomfortable in their hearts, they could only be pressed. The madman and the lord were beaten up in a few times, and the dead could not die any more.

"Okay, you can go too!"

Tianxin Zunzhu is the other person's person. This is really going away. Who knows Shenwulou, and Longzong knows the truth here. Will you come to revenge yourself?

at this point. He can't guarantee it.

"Master, beg you. Take me with you!" Tianxin Zun did not care so much, shouted with a cheeky face.

"You have a very good mouth!" Lin Fei said faintly, "When did I become your master?"

Tianxin Zunzhuo played a greeting. "Master, I really want to be your servant. Like a master, there is definitely a need for someone to call, I think I can do it!"

Lin Fei’s eyes slammed and the momentum was released. “You don’t worry that I killed you. You have to know that it’s easy to kill your lord!”

"If the owner kills me, I will die long ago. I am willing to do the work for the master!" Tianxin Zunzhu down.

Lin Fei didn't think that Tianxin respected the face of the Lord.

It is not bad to be a servant of the Lord.

"I have something to do recently. You go back to stay in Tianyimen. I will contact you if there is something!" Lin Fei asked for a contact signal. "If someone asks you for trouble, you can quote my name!"

"Thank you, Master, I must be honestly waiting for God!" After waiting for the most wanted words, Tianxin Zunzhu completely relaxed, and he was holding a big thick leg.


After killing the savage lord.

Lin Fei’s task of revenge for the Master is two-thirds of the completion, and there is one Dragon Aotian.

Now it is a success to kill Long Zong, but to face the full counterattack of Long Zong, I can't get them ready, chances are there, but the trouble is not small.

Lin Fei decided to wait a second.

This is an urgent matter.

The name of the proud lord is spread in the spirit of the Holy Spirit. It is also considered to have an identity to walk, and it will not be too conspicuous.

Hey! !

Walking through the void, without warning, the void began to distort, and a powerful force came.

Lin Fei immediately took out the cracking stick and went forward. The surrounding void began to change. After a while, he found himself coming to a desert, surrounded by a quiet piece.

"People of the Temple of Time and Space, come out!"

Lin Fei is faintly facing the desert road.

Hey! ! !

"Great, actually know that we did it!"

Ding Yun came out of the void, followed by two people, his eyes fell on the black man, the proud lord of the Holy Spirit.

Lin Fei laughed. "I can get me out of control and go to another place. This involves the space, and the whole holy spirit world, time, space, only you can master the space and time temple, except you. Who else? What is going on, seeing the mountain and saying it!"

Ding Yun is very appreciative of the calmness of the Apocalypse Lord. After all, the average person knows that the Temple of Time and Space is coming to the door. Who can sit still, is not panicked.

"You are calmer than I thought. No wonder you dare to start with Tianyimen and Shenwu Building!" Ding Yun said, "I am here on behalf of the Temple of Time and Space. I think that it is not appropriate to solve the problem. Let me be a middleman. You are shaking hands with the wind and how, after all, if you are a practicing body, if you fall, it is really a pity!"

"Shenwu Building has invested in you, are you coming out?" Lin Fei heard the key.

"Yes. Winds have invested in our time and space temple!" Ding Yun admitted. "You hit the face of Shenwulou, then our time and space temple, it is obligatory to go out in the Shenwu Building. I think it is not easy to practice, you should know how to give up. So, I will give you a chance to join our time and space temple, it is a good thing for you!"

Ye Xuan suddenly smiled. "I can't think of it, I can still get the worship of the Temple of Time and Space."

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