Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2348: Lin Fei, you dare to put on the shelf

The two young Tianshen strong men from the Shadow Palace headquarters were shocked by the sudden scene.

"It seems to be 'blocking the broken soul, ah, killing the body, ah, Lin Fei started?"

"It seems that the power is a bit big, I heard that this move, it seems that only Lin Fei!"

The two of them were stunned, and this was reflected.

The quicksand Lord was killed!

Not they deal with it?

The Shadow Palace headquarters has fierce internal competition.

I heard that there was a small-scale war in the Yunhai Kingdom, and the owner of Yunhai asked for help. When Lin Fei was useless, some young people at the Shadow Palace headquarters came to mind.

The opportunity for performance is coming!

If you can get rid of the false master of the quicksand, it is not a small merit, the above people will remember themselves, and the relatives of Lin Fei are barely weak and clear at a glance.

So, under the leadership of Li’s deacon, I’m coming in a hurry, and I’m going to show it well, so that the pro-disciple Lin Fei knows that you are too far apart from us.

At the moment, they can break their illusions.

Li’s deacon is also quite an accident.

"The banned hand of the soul!" Li’s deacon listened to Lin Fei’s name. The only one who went to the door of Haotian’s ancestors was going to pass 100,000 years. Compared with those people, the pro-disciple Lin Fei’s performance It’s too embarrassing. “It seems that the power is a bit wrong. The first layer of power, when can kill a lord, even though the strength of the savior is only the ordinary lord, is it difficult for Lin Fei to be promoted to the Lord?”

Lin Fei’s performance disrupted the arrangement of Li’s deacon.

According to the plan of Li’s deacon, it is natural to beat the pro-disciple Lin Fei and cut the face of the great deity.

A pro-disciple disciple who does not have a device needs to come to the headquarters to handle things. It is really a shame to be thrown into the family.

Now that the quicksand master has been destroyed under a single move, they are not busy.

"It’s shot again!"

The remnant of the quicksand died, and the strongest of the foxes and tigers were scattered.

For example, the **** lord of the country, scared to turn and ran, the bottom of the heart secretly Lin Fei shameless, actually can hide to this time, the heart is too dark, as if they become clowns, not the other party is afraid of themselves, but too lazy to pay attention they.

"Come on, you don't have to go!"

The big hand grabbed it again.

Hey! ! ! !

Where the big hand passes, the space collapses, whether it is the **** of the gods, or the king of the country, the power is spread, all destroyed, and there is no dead body.

Outside the Yunhai State Capital, it has once again returned to silence!

After a short period of time, the country broke out with a cheer, everyone was excited, and their eyes turned to the mountain, full of awe.


"Li deacon, what do we do now!"

Asked two people behind him.

People have done it, and they haven’t gotten their hands.

Li’s deacon was gloomy. “Hey, man is dead. However, Lin Fei’s work is not effective. This crime cannot be erased. There are orders on it. Let’s bring it back and severely punish it. Let’s go there for a while. Lin Fei!"

Despite the lack of an opportunity to perform, Li’s deacon still has to complete another task.

Fly back with Lin!

"Yes, you must take Lin Fei back!"

"The pro-disciples are sitting in the Yunhai Kingdom, and they can do this kind of thing. They don't put things in their minds, what kind of system!"

The two are busy and come up.


The head of the sea of ​​clouds is not happy yet.

Li’s deacon brought someone.

The enthusiasm of Yunhai Guodong came up to meet and respectfully, "Lie deacon, hello. Hello!"

Can be a deacon in the Shadow Palace, can not be small, standing behind a faction, is the cloud sea king of the country can not afford to offend, must be a good hospitality.

"That Lin Fei!"

Li’s deacon was squinting and asked faintly.

"It's still above!" When Yun Haiguo looked at Li's deacon, he knew that the visitor was not good. He silently sighed for Lin Fei. "The rumor seems to be true!"

"Take us in the past!"

The quicksand Lord is dead, and Li’s deacon is too lazy to continue wasting his time and intends to go straight to bring people back.

A small head of state does not dare to obstruct what they do.

"Okay, okay!" The Yunhai lord did not have that conviction, and he could only take Li’s deacon to the mountain.


"Lin Fei, I am the owner of Yunhai, someone wants to see you, is the person at the headquarters!"

The head of the sea of ​​clouds said that he stood outside the door.

This yard is very ordinary, but the sea kingdom does not dare to break in.

"It's a big shelf!"

"Li’s deacon came in person, but he didn’t come out to meet!”

Li’s brow was slightly wrinkled, and his face was a little unpleasant. Even if he was a pro-disciple, he sometimes gave his face to the deacon, not to mention. You are a pro-disciple with no potential, and you are a smart person. You come out early to meet, not to be here.

The head of the sea of ​​clouds shrinks their necks, the surrounding atmosphere becomes depressed, cold, very uncomfortable, and secretly hates that young people can't talk, isn't it obvious to find fault?


The yard is very quiet!

Lin Fei did not come out.

Li’s deacon face is getting worse and worse.

I came to represent the Shadow Palace. The Lin Fei didn’t come out. It’s like a slap in the face. It’s really awkward.

"Lin Fei, you still can't come out, don't you let Li's deacon wait?"

"Li’s deacon is above, not coming out to see people!”

Lin Fei did not come out, the most happy is the two young people.

Today, he offended Li’s deacon, even if he fell into the door of the big lord, he would have to suffer some time.

It’s been a while!

Li’s deacon is very ugly.


The yard door opened.

Lin Fei came out with a lazy atmosphere. "Where is this, don't you know that disturbing people is a very immoral thing?"

When the owner of Yunhai heard it, he knew it was going to be bad.

"Lin Fei, this is the deacon of Li who came down from above, who is responsible for the remnant of the quicksand!"

At this time, Li’s deacon could not conceal his anger.

"What do you say?" said the young man behind Li’s deacon, "I still not apologize to Li’s deacon."

"Yes, Li’s deacon comes for your business. You don’t come out to meet it, but dare to talk to Li’s deacon!”

Lin Fei's eyelids were lifted and his eyes were cold.

"To shut up!"

The cold eyes swept to the two.

The two young people, instantly felt into the horrible hell, chilled, and the body subconsciously trembled.

"Lin Fei, what are you doing!" Li deacon shouted.

Lin Fei felt strong hostility from the three people.

"Nothing, just remind them of one thing, what is my identity, what is their identity, not pumping them on the spot, I have already given face!" Lin Fei said coldly.

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