Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2353: a justifiable power outbreak

Lin Fei and Wenren Town Palace left at night. ,

The fish of the seventh-order fish demon baked by the gods is not ordinary, and Lin Fei wants to take time to get some back and taste the good fortune.

Lin Fei later learned that his own master, the fun of eating, the lake has raised a lot of fish demon, all wipe out the consciousness, and support in the lake.

If it is not the teacher's good mood, it is usually difficult to eat this level of good things.

"Teacher, you are so lucky, Master respects you to give you a splitting hammer!" Wenren Town Palace sighed. "I am jealous when I get it. This is a good thing. I heard that it has joined Yuanli Shensha. The quality has improved a lot. If it is hard, the ordinary treasures can't hold back, but unfortunately. I couldn't take it!"

Lin Feizhen did not carefully read the cracked hammer, and felt that the weight was heavy enough to replace the cracking stick.

“Yuanli Shensha!”

The gods sank and saw the problem.

It’s really right.

"How, if you see it, Yuanli Shensha is a good thing!" Wenren Town Palace said, "Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer people who will refine now, and there is almost no one. The gods, that is, the ones that flowed before!"

"No!" Lin Fei frowned. "God is not an adult, it is impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible!" Wenren Town Palace said, "At the level of Shenzun, you can master anything, but on the refiner, they are all outsiders!"

Lin Fei really didn't think about this. But when I said this, I felt that the cracking stick of my refining was more and more powerful. "Fortunately, there has never been the power of cracking the stick!"

In the previous battle, Lin Fei has always sealed the power of the Yuanli Shenbing, which is to worry that the power is too strong. If the news is leaked, it will cause big trouble.

"That is also, after all, their goal is not on these trails!" Lin Fei nodded.

"Teacher, I will accompany you to the Holy Spirit Palace in a few days, but there are many rewards there, and you have taken them together, so as not to waste!" When he left, Wenren Town Palace reminded him.

"Senior brother, I am going to go alone!" Lin Fei smiled. "In the Shadow City, there are people who can find me trouble. I am not good at finding them!"

"Ha ha ha!"


Under the lakeside pavilion.

Hao Tianda respects the lake not far away.

"Every time you like to peek at you, so you are a good person, don't you think it's shameless!"

The void has fluctuated, and a middle-aged man dressed as a scholar quietly emerges from the void.

"Oh, it's really boring, isn't it. You don't know how to pretend it!" said the middle-aged man of the scholar.

"I can't do it!" said Hao Tiandun.

The middle-aged man of the scholar shook his head. "You are really a stone in the pit. It is stinky and hard. No wonder everyone else will stare at your disciple. I think you should go out for a lap!"

Hao Tianda glanced at the white. "Do you think this is very interesting!"

"It must be interesting. They are crying and shouting at the mother. This is not what your Wufu favorite to do!" The middle-aged man of the scholar said more and more.

Hao Tianda Zun shook his head again and again. "Right, what do you think of my disciple? It’s less than 100,000 years, respecting the main situation, not weaker than your disciples!"

"It's really not bad, St. Yunlong's cross body is not a top-level practice, but his physical body is extremely strong. You really have a good disciple. Maybe, if you don't get it, there are surprises!"

撼天大尊 is who, the top ten of the Tenjin, the entire Holy Spirit, the number of the Lord is very limited, the eyesight is naturally there.

The body of his disciple is very extraordinary.

This is not something that ordinary exercises can do. It is definitely a powerful practice.

There is still eyesight.

"Hey, you don't look at it, who is his disciple!"

"Look at you, you really feel that you can overpower the Holy Son, and you can be alone with one sword!" The middle-aged man of the scholar attacked the road.

"That's not ok!" 撼天大尊 whispered, "Do you know what I gave him!"

"What?" The middle-aged man of the scholar does not care much.

"Split hammer!"

"What, he can get a cracking hammer!" The middle-aged man of the scholar changed his face. "That was not the same year, the weapon of the big devil of the Devil's Motherland, with a cracking hammer, how many killed Strong, your disciple, he actually got the hammer!"

This is definitely one thing that can't be trusted!

"Who said no, I was shocked on the spot!"

"Does he know the bottom of the cracker?"

"That knows, this thing, the whole Holy Spirit world, there are only a handful of people who know, and the kid is still proud, I don't know the leak!"

The middle-aged man of the scholar said, "It’s really interesting. With the hammer, those guys are going to be unlucky. This is the broken Yuanli Shenbing!"


Lin Fei naturally didn't know what was calculated by the teacher.

Go back to your own cave house.

First, I took out the split hammer.

"Right, can you search for the bottom of the cracked hammer? There is news about the Yuanli Shenbing!"

Lin Fei looked at the cracked hammer, and the more he saw it, the more he felt.

"Search now!"

Such a good weapon, the Master respected himself easily, it seems that something is wrong, because he saw a slight misconception of the Master, it seems to be a wrong look.

The situation is wrong!

Lin Fei really wants to know the bottom of the cracked hammer, especially the brothers who said the preciousness of Yuanli Shenbing.


The information entered Lin Fei’s mind.

In any case, Hao Tianzun couldn’t think of it. Lin Fei’s library in the Shadow Palace scanned all the books, no matter what, they swept.

"So precious!"

Lin Fei’s eyes widened and he found that he underestimated the preciousness of the cracker.

"Master, are you testing me?"

According to the information, this cracking hammer is a close weapon of the devil's head. It is a strong man thousands of years ago, infinitely close to the realm of God, in the country of the devil For the great demon statue, on this weapon, there are more than thirty or forty of the deities of the dead, and the great deity also fell three, and finally died in the siege of more than a dozen great masters. This weapon falls into the hands of the Shadow Palace. However, this weapon is extremely heavy. The general body of the body can not be moved. It must be the top god.

Such a **** is in the Holy Spirit, and that is one of the few.

Even if there is, it is hard to go to heaven if you want to cultivate.

This cracked hammer has been placed in the Shadow Palace until it is rewarded to the great deity of the day. Reluctant to use, can not be long, he just wants to study the refining of the Yuanli Shenbing, for a long time, the Splitting Hammer also lost the previous fierce name.

"I said that after the Master respects, my eyes are strange, and I dare to expose myself!" Lin Fei said, "This is good, I am strong, and the Master is more confident in me, don't worry about anything!"

After Lin Fei finished reading the information, his face was more intense.

"With the cracking of the hammer, my strength has increased, just to become justified, everyone will not have any doubts, this is really a good gift!"

Lin Fei must thank the Master.

This gift came too soon.

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