Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2363: Someone came to report the situation.

"You said that Lin Fei’s deputy will not see us!"

A gray-haired middle-aged man with a hint of helplessness said that he was the Lin Bai of the four deputy heads of the penalty hall, but he was the first-order strength of the Lord.

"Should be it, I have had enough of that kind of time. Since there is an arrangement on it, then it must have recognized the strength of Lin Feitang's master!" Another middle-aged man in black, his eyes flashed across.

Both of them are the deputy heads of the penalty hall.

One is Lin Bai and the other is Zhao Wu.

They came together to come to Lin Fei’s Dongfu.

This is the only way they feel at the moment. After all, their days are really good. In the penalty hall is the saying of the Son of Heaven.

They want rights! If you want to regain everything, you must trust a strong person!

Undoubtedly, the new Lin Fei Zunzhu is a very good candidate.

So they are coming!

Standing outside the Dongfu, it is also uneasy. From the information left in those early years, more or less can be seen, the Lin Fei Zunzhu, killing and decisive.

"come in!"

After they waited for a while, they heard Lin Fei’s voice.

The two walked in together and saw Lin Fei sitting in the yard.

This is the first time two people have seen Lin Fei, but they are not very old, but they can feel the dangerous atmosphere. That is their instinctive reaction.

"I am Lin Bai of the penalty hall!"

"I am Zhao Wu of the penalty hall!"

The two came up and introduced themselves.

Although they are both the deputy heads of the penalty hall, they have old qualifications. However, in front of Lin Fei, it still looks a little worse, because. Lin Fei is stronger than them, and his potential is better than them. There is also a big support behind him.

put on airs?

That is definitely a behavior to find death!

Do not say anything else, just the brothers of Lin Feizun’s master. Looking at the side, you can let them not eat and walk.

If you want to come and think, it may be a good idea to rely on Lin Fei’s Lord!

Some time ago, Lin Fei killed two things, and it was not too small, but it was the last. There is no sound at all. The general Lord, not so good luck.

"I have heard of you!" Lin Fei smiled. "I didn't expect you to come to the door."

When Lin Bai and Zhao Wu came together, they discussed how to answer.

"We have heard that Lin Zun will take office soon. As a colleague, we feel it is necessary to take a look. After all, everyone will work together in the future!" Lin Bai said seriously.

Zhao Wu followed the road, "Yes, yes!"

Lin Fei is very clear about the purpose of the two.

"Lin Zunzhu, this is some of the circumstances of our punishment, I think, you just came. Not very clear, just report to you!"

Lin Fei listened quietly, did not say anything.

People come to report. Always let them report.

Although Lin Fei is not very interested in the position of the deputy head of the penalty hall, it is not so easy to quit his job at once. Therefore, he decided to recruit a few people and act on his behalf. In this case, he would not There are so many things to worry about.

Lin Bai and Zhao Wu took the initiative to come up, Lin Fei was actually very satisfied.

From the data, whether it is Lin Bai or Zhao Wu, they are all those who have been taken away by the Holy Spirit. Their ability to do things is still very good.

The situation in which Lin Bai and Zhao Wulai reported to the penalty hall actually lowered their identity. However, they did not care about this. They care about whether they can rely on Lin Fei.

A powerful practice of the Holy Spirit of the Holy Spirit, "Thunder and Thunder", let the Lord of the Shadow Palace praise the mouth, one-on-one and powerful killing.

They have seen the recorded scene afterwards, and they all think that they can't stop it.

The other party and the move are combined, the person is the move, the move is the person, the power is enormous, and the real irresistible killing.

At this point, they feel that Lin Fei is fully capable of fighting the other side.

"The punishment of the court, I think I have to worry about two more in the future. I am a lazy person. I am afraid that I will not deal with it very much. However, since I am the deputy of the punishment hall, then the punishment hall will have some Change, you go back and inform them, just say that I will go to work three days later, I hope they will come when they arrive!"

Lin Fei did not say that the recruitment is not recruited.

For Lin Bai and Zhao Wu, the meaning is very clear.

This is to see their performance.

The two finally breathed a sigh of relief and there was no better news than this.

"We will inform you immediately, but many people inside the penalty hall seem to have got the news of the Holy Son, as if they are not allowed to take advantage of the adults!" Lin Bai's name also changed quietly.

"Nothing, even though you are notified!"


In the upper level of the Shadow Palace, in the Lord's Circle, the most important thing at present is the Shadow Throne.

There are still more than ten years from the Shadow Throne.

Now everyone's attention is on the new lord and the Holy Son.

Three days later, the two lords met for the first time. Everyone wanted to see who was pressing who.

"Hey, the position of the penalty church will not be what you get!" The middle-aged man of the scholar smiles, and the one is what you do.

I don’t want to ask you, "I want to ask you, you are also a great master. You won’t get it. The disciples of my disciples are simply not suitable for being a deputy!"

"How could it be me?" The middle-aged man of the scholar shook his head. "You don't filthy. I know this person, what I do, I will never lie. It seems that this position is not arranged by you. It’s not that I’m looking for someone to say, who is that, is it the other three?”

"Your youngest disciple is estimated to have a headache!"

Both are smart people and realize something.


The day before going to the penalty hall.

Lin Fei went to visit the main lobby of Shengyang, although the lobby owner did not care, the courtesy still had to.

The lobby owner personally received Lin Fei.

"Actually, I have been waiting for you!" The main hall of the lobby, Shengyang laughed. "Since the news spread, everyone has been eyeing the punishment!"

"The owner, I am just a junior. I don't think I can be so obsessed with it." Lin Fei really didn't think about it. The lobby owner would wait for himself.

"Lin Zunzhu, you are a celebrity now, a trick 'stunning Lei" does not know how amazing, the strength of the Holy Son, everyone knows, although it is only a avatar, can not reach the full strength of the deity, but also the third You can easily block the strength of the order, and there may be some new developments in the future!"

Lin Fei heard a lot of dissatisfaction with the Son of Heaven in the main entrance of the lobby.

"Lobby Lord, I think the Holy Son is doing very well!"

"Good?" The main hall of the lobby, Shengyang, laughed.

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