Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2268: Eat

For the first time, Lin Fei came to the dungeon where the punishment was made.

The black pressure is very uncomfortable.

"it's him!"

"Kill him, we will be better in the future!"

"Everyone is together!"

Just down, there is a strong **** who rushed up with killing.

More than a dozen streamers, dozens of attacks, dazzling.

"This is your trick, it's too disappointing!" Lin Fei shook his head slightly, raising his hand was a punch, and the horrible boxing wind swept away.

The powerful gods who rushed up, flew out one by one, fell to the ground and painfully mourned.

At that moment, Lin Fei plundered part of the life force.

The dungeon is very big.

Layer by layer.

Lin Fei all the way to the past, all the strong gods who rushed out, all knocked down on the ground, and inevitably to plunder part of the life energy.

It’s also quietly.

Even if some people will have doubts, they will not think too much, and they will not know that Lin Fei’s proud celestial body needs life energy.

Boom! ! !

Lin Fei all the way down.

"Can't stop!"

"I want the last layer right now!"

"His strength is too strong!"

The last layer.

The cold wind deacon yelled and smiled. "That's great. The more people injured by Lin Fei, the better. When you deal with it, you will be righteous!"


"This should be the last layer!"

Lin Fei didn't know how many gods and gods were pushed horizontally. All the way down, all of them were strong gods.

"You are not small, it took a lot of time to ask you to go out!"

Step by step, Lin Fei saw five deacons, as well as big and small leaders. At this time, he was frightened and angry.

"Lin Fei, you are so courageous, you dare to collude with outsiders, want to rescue the devil of the Devil's country, this time you are dead!" Cold wind deacon saw Lin Fei, his face with a sly smile, "Shadow Palace Never allow you to exist like this!"

Save people?

Lin Fei really took the deacon.

"Yes, yes, in order to deal with me, you are really painstaking, this kind of drama has come out!"

The cold wind deacon stared at Lin Fei. "You'd better get ready to go now. Once we get started, you are not so good!"

"Come and come, there is something to do, despite the practice of this, this seat is going to give you a gift, a gift you like very much!"

From their words, Lin Fei did not intend to let them go.

For this kind of guy who wants to die, it will never be soft.


"It seems that you are not seeing the coffin without tears!" The cold wind deacon has a heart to clean up Lin Fei, when the Holy Son will be happy, not good, will also help him become a deputy, the real power figure, "Come, let him go!"

At this point, the five deacons have the same idea.

Must fly down Lin Fei!

Next to a 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑

La la la la la! ! !

On the left and right sides of the burly man, there is a black chain, long dragging, making a creepy sound, step by step, every step down, black fog grows behind, in an instant, the momentum climbs to terrible degree.

"They said, killing you, I can not be tortured for a hundred years!"

The cold voice, like hell, reverberates in this last layer.


The burly and brave man with his hands and two black chains acted as weapons. Like poison arrows, they crossed the void and shot in front of Lin Fei.

At the same time, a terrible black mist of a ghost crying and wandering came.

"Strong power, fierce and overbearing, black fog can affect people's minds, this should be the devil of the Devil's country!"

In Lin Fei’s mind, a description about the Devil’s Head is immediately emerging.

They are capable of killing people.

In front of him is the devil, Lin Fei still has a small expectation, but also hate these people, actually mobilized the devil of the Devil's motherland, heartbroken.

This is to die by yourself!

Lin Fei glanced at him, reaching out to the front of the void, shaking left and right, ‘铛铛’ two sounds, the palm of the hand was shot on the chain, the attack deviated from the direction, rubbing the past.

A trick fell through, the burly and strong man reacted quickly, controlling the black chain back.

Lin Fei is still taking a shot.

The opponent's chain attack has once again failed.

"What kind of moves, even if they are displayed, let me see the magic of the Devil's Head!"

Lin Fei stood still and pointed his finger at the burly.

Hey! ! !

The burly and sturdy man took up the chain, and the whole person jumped and vacated. He appeared behind Lin Fei, a huge fist banged, the black fog filled the fist, and the people in the fog mourned.


"He must not stop the attack of the devil!"

The cold wind deacon has great confidence in the devil.

They are all natural warriors, or the most powerful warriors. Their flesh is also the most tyrannical, and they can easily defeat the same level of the gods.

Lin Fei is strong again, how to strengthen the magic of the motherland.

The devil of the Devil's motherland, despite the iron chain around him, did not affect the speed, the offensive was very fast, and dozens of punches could be blasted at a time. Each punch could burst into a sharp voice and form an invisible An attack.

"Is this the attack of the Devil's Head, the power is strong, has a strong penetrating power, invisible, can defeat the surface defense, and the black fog attached to the fist, can affect a mind!"

Lin Fei stepped on the footsteps, seemingly moving, can avoid the attack constantly, the left and right hands are not idle, every time, the palm shot, can block the attack.

"A little faster!"

The sturdy and brave man's devil, in the cold scorpion, also revealed a trace of accidents. After repeated attacks, he actually failed to leave a wound on the other side.

This is incredible.


The offensive is even more intense.

I saw a black shadow around Lin Fei.

Lin Fei dealt with it more easily, and the strength and strength of confrontation, he is not afraid of anyone, except for a few people, the devil of this magical motherland is actually a lot worse.

"The devil is nine days!"

After the attack again, there is still no effect.

The sturdy and brave man, finally used a terrible killing trick, and turned it into a black fog. He smashed it and smashed a hole and rushed into Lin Fei’s body.

"Hahaha, he is finished!"

"This is a very powerful move of the Devil's Motherland. It is a trick to plunder people's lives, and it is impossible to prevent them. Lin Fei, he certainly can't stop it!"

The tricks of the Devil's Head of the Devil's Kingdom, all these deacons know, and have seen it with their own eyes.

The trick is the most terrible.

Only, the next second, Lin Fei suddenly hit a full, "cool, really cool, tastes quite good."

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