Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2284: Pay

"Split hammer!"

"Lin's deputy master actually made a splitting hammer!"

"Strong strength!"

"It’s really a surprise. The trick is to kill the murder and cooperate with the hammer. The power will be so great!"

"The sacred son of the Son of Heaven has been beaten without the power to fight back!"


It is really surprising that the Lords saw this scene and they all widened their eyes. .

Last time, Lin Fei and Sheng Tianzi clashed with each other. Although Lin Fei was a small winner in the end, everyone did not think that Lin Fei had the strength to defeat the Son of Heaven. Even if it was a avatar, it was also difficult.

But now, they have to doubt their analysis.

This gap is a bit big!

The end of the draw will become such a result!


"Ha ha ha!"

Hao Tianda said with a big smile, "The splitting hammer is handed over to this kid, it is too suitable. With this kind of killing, the power is even greater. The Holy Son is too vulnerable to attack. I don't know how this kid is practicing!"

"I have begun to envy you, what kind of luck, can receive Lin Fei, such a pro-disciple, after this war, it really has to be completely famous!" Scholars middle-aged people showed a hint of envy.

"I am lucky, how is it!" There is not much to see in the heavens, but the disciples under the door are still very short-sighted. The favorite is to pass on the disciples, one by one, and to be proud of it. "There is skill, you You can also go find one!"

The middle-aged scholars are speechless. "Forget it, I am not as lucky as you are, the Shadow Throne is battling, your disciple is nailed, and many people are dumbfounded!"

"I was originally prepared to give Lin Fei gas. Now it seems that it is not necessary. The kid can now let those guys be jealous. The position of the deputy head of the church is really stable. Who will dare to despise in the future? "撼天大尊敬杯," Come, have a drink!"


The holy emperor was shot and flew out, smashing a mountain, everyone looked silly!

Everyone knows that there is no chance for the Holy Son to be separated.

Lin Fei occupies an absolute advantage.

The horror of Wanli Jiangshan also entered the eyes of the lord. The most terrifying thing is that the 'cracking hammer' is extraordinary in power. It was a treasure in the Shadow Palace. Unfortunately, no one can use it. Now it is It was cheaper to give Lin Fei.

"St. Deputy, you have to continue!"

Lin Fei came to the broken ruins and condescended.

Shengtianzi flew off the gravel and rushed out. His body was full of cracks, as if he had to be broken at any time.

"I really underestimated you!"

Lin Fei laughed. "Nothing is underestimated. If you don't underestimate it, you can only say that you shouldn't dismantle Taiwan. Now, you can give it away. Of course, you can't agree. You don't mind, you can completely smash you with a split hammer. The flesh!"

The Holy Son is separated, there are not many treasures on the body, everything is in the deity, and the strength is naturally affected.

Although the Holy Son is very angry now, he can only press it and continue. There is no benefit. He is really unwilling. With the help of the sneak sneak and the smashing hammer, the attacks have consumed him a lot. Vitality, this makes people feel bad.

"Today you won, next time, I will definitely make you regret it!"

Lin Fei didn't care much. "Welcome to fight at any time!"

In the bottom of my heart, Lin Fei did not say a word. If there is no place, he can cut off the connection. He does not mind completely destroying the Holy Son and plundering the life energy of the other person.


The Holy Son is handed over!

Still everyone is paying attention.

At one time, there were more than twenty people, all of whom were disciples under the Holy Son, and there were several confidants.

At the beginning, Shengtianzi thought that he had decided to eat Lin Fei and let his confidant operate this matter. Now it is really a dead man, and he can’t say it!

"Lin deputy master, too powerful!"

"In the future, Lin Fei Zunzhu is also the best generation of the Shadow Palace!"

‘The power of the Lord’s peak! "

"There is a potential disciple under the door of the Great Heaven!"


The news spread throughout the Shadow Palace, up and down, well known.

Lin Fei’s strength has been truly recognized.

On the three-point ground of the penalty hall, Lin Fei became the real master. No matter who he is, he mentioned that the punishment hall is full of fear. There is a Lin deputy who does not give anyone face.

After the defeat of the Son of Heaven, the retreat could not be closed.

This is silently adding wounds.

The law enforcement team of the Penalty Hall also re-appeared the fangs. After a while, the penalty hall began to recruit law enforcement disciples.

Compared with any one time, the people who came to participate in the selection of law enforcement disciples, there are countless, all who have reached the minimum requirements, all come.

In the hands of Lin Fei, the true power of the penalty hall was demonstrated.

These things, Lin Fei were handed over to Lin Bai and Zhao Wu, two deputy heads, they are happy and painful, the power in the hands is also increasing, and at the same time, I am glad to rely on Lin Fei.


"You will be the treasurer than the old man!"

The main lobby of the lobby is smiling.

Lin Fei shook his head. "There is something that is not going to sink in the heart, so prepare for the Shadow Throne!"

Ming knows that it is an excuse, the main lobby of the lobby, Sheng Yang, can't find anything to say.

"The old man still wants to thank you. Now the punishment hall is the real punishment hall. Your kid is indispensable!"

"It’s still a long way to go. When the next batch of law enforcement disciples are trained, it’s a real punishment. Now they haven’t really honed it!”

The main hall of the lobby, Shengyang, nodded slightly. "With the example, it is naturally faster. However, you must be careful about the Son of Heaven. His strength is general, but the deity is strong. The rumor has a great power. No, there is a treasure in his hand, which can increase the strength, quite terrible, and because of this treasure, he is qualified to fight against the sword!"

"You are talking about that god!"

Lin Fei also heard it.

"Yes, it is the heart of God's respect, but also his luck, in a dangerous situation, after refining, with the power of increase, can also form a terrible Holy Spirit killing trick, if you are right, be careful; The old man can't want to go to the penalty hall and become smoky again!"


The Holy Spirit world, in a dangerous situation.

The monsters that are crushed by the sky reveal the breath of suffocation.

As a white man appeared, the huge Buddha print fell, and the monster instantly turned into a powder. With that person, step by step, no one can stop.

"Lin Fei? Miles in the mountains, cracking the sky!"

The white man showed a smile, "And let you stay for a while, my things, no one can take it!"

Suddenly, waving a hand in the distance, the invisible power sweeps away.

The bang of the rumble!

Countless monsters are flying away.


"Your boy has finally done a good thing!"

Lin Fei became famous in the war and is no longer an ordinary lord. He is qualified to be included in the young generation of the Shadow Palace.

Hao Tianzun respected Lin Fei more and more.

"That is the support of the master, I can be unscrupulous, or else, those people unite, it is enough for me to drink a pot!" Lin Fei modestly.

"Ha ha ha, your kid will also be flattered!" 撼天大尊笑笑 is even happier, "This is not like you usually!"

Lin Fei's smile.

"It takes a while for the Shadow Throne. Let you come today. Actually, there is a good thing, just because you are not interested!"

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