Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2294: enter

Everyone has put away their minds!

Their purpose is the same, although Lin Fei's arrogant words make them feel ridiculous, when they retract their minds, they look at Lin Fei's eyes full of pity.

This stupid man will soon regret for his own words!

If you bow down to the ranks of the Holy Son, you should not be difficult to get through the first layer. After all, the peak of a body-building body is still worthy of your attention.

When the eyes of everyone were regaining their eyes, they took a quiet look at Lin Fei, full of strange colors.

Lin Fei can not care so much.

"This year, no one believes in telling the truth!" came to himself.


"You come with me!"

A lord opened a passage and took the lead.

The people behind are following up.

The passages are not very long. After a while, they come to an independent space. This space is very small, and it is no different from a cave.

But when they stepped in, the passage behind them disappeared, and they seemed to come to an independent space out of thin air.

Such an independent space, without any location information, the Lord of the presence is not able to find this independent space.

"It seems that there is no play!"

Lin Fei shook his head in his heart. He also thought about trying to find the Shadow Throne through the clues left. When he was fine, he could go in and take advantage of it.

"Master, this space is very special, it should be the one that the Shadow Palace owner personally arranged, moving anywhere, anytime, can not be captured, I suspect outside the Holy Spirit!"

Lin Fei actually thought of it.

The Holy Spirit is very big.

It doesn't seem easy to see Lin Fei coming from the world below.

But going out from the Holy Spirit world is very difficult. There is a terrible material energy outside the void, which is also known when he enters the Shadow Palace.

Those material energies have blocked the Holy Spirit from going up and down to form an independent space.

In the books of the Book Collection, there is a record on this aspect, which happened to Lin Fei.

If the Shadow Throne is placed in the ordinary void, Lin Fei has a solution, but if it is placed in that material energy, it is equivalent to shielding everything, and there is no trace of it by the present means.

Soon, Lin Fei looked at himself in front of the black stone facade.

On the stone gate, a huge skull portrait, lifelike, the deep eyes, as if it will produce tremendous power, staring for a while, the whole person seems to be trapped in it, unable to extricate themselves, very terrifying.

Everyone quickly resisted.

"The back of this door is the Shadow Throne, everyone is ready, I want to open the stone door!" The middle-aged Lord reminded everyone.


Two crystal clear black beads, like black eyes, flew out of the middle-aged Lord and flew into the hollow eyes of the portrait.

Boom! ! !

The empty portrait eyes, with the inlaid things in, without warning, the Dongfu began to shake, and then, two beams of light shot out, crossed each other, infinite rotation, and opened a black passage. Until a mysterious place.

"You can go in!"

The middle-aged Lord is obviously used to this situation.

Whirring whirring! !

In the black channel, there is an infinite humming sound, which makes people numb.

The ten lords who were present, their faces have finally changed, and the sound of light has given them a huge sense of crisis, which is not what they usually do.

Is this the Shadow Throne?

Not yet, everyone will feel the boundless danger!

"The Shadow Throne, it's a well-deserved name, hahaha!" The holy son laughed, full of excitement, waved his hand, "Let's go in!"

They are the most advanced people.

Ten lords came over, and there were five people in the sacred family, and they were the strongest team.

The last one of the Holy Son goes in.

"Lin Lin Tang, I am waiting for you inside!"

I am eager to go in.

The second group of people is Su Heng, a total of three lords, followed by the following.

In Dongfu, there are two people, Duo Yijian and Lin Fei.

The two looked at each other and turned into a streamer.

The open channel slowly closed, disappeared without a trace, the middle-aged Lord took out two black beads, turned and left the Dongfu, a large cave house, fell apart, as if it did not exist.


Whirring whirring! ! !

Lin Fei and the solitary sword came at almost the same time.

They immediately discovered that they were at a similar intersection, and in front of them, there were ten passages, each of which was like the entrance to hell, accompanied by endless snoring, stimulating everyone's creeps.

From this snoring, they perceive the dangerous atmosphere.

"This should be the first shadow corridor of the Shadow Throne!"

St. Tianzi blinked. "It is said that every shadow corridor has different dangers. Some passages are dead for a lifetime. We have to choose something!"

The voice just fell.

The solitary sword first chose a passage to rush in, and the field of golden swords also unfolded. In a moment, there was an endless broken sound.

Lin Fei followed closely and chose the one closest to the side, no matter how the rest of the people would choose.

"Go so fast, when you regret it!"

Shengtianzi laughed and took out a treasure. It was a colorful-colored bead, which was dazzling and revealing a mysterious atmosphere.

"His brother, good means, actually got this kind of good thing!" Yi Fei Zunzhu smiled.

"Colorful lucky beads, every time the evil spirits, the rare treasures of the Holy Spirit world!" The emperor of the emperor also revealed the joy and admire the means of the Holy Son.

"For this thing, I have spent a lot of money." Although Shengtianzi is somewhat distressed, she is quite happy. "With colorful lucky beads, we can avoid some dangers and can reach the Shadow Throne all the way. Where is ours. Opportunity, well, let the colorful lucky beads be chosen for us now!"

As the Holy Son spurred the colorful lucky beads through Famen, then the colorful lucky beads turned into colorful rainbows, which went across the middle and were sandwiched in the middle of the fifth passage.

"Just him!"


Su Heng also felt pressure with the two lords.

"This is really a price to pay, and the colorful lucky beads have been made!"

Everything is simple and can be very meaningful. On the way, I don’t know how much trouble I can avoid, such as the shadow corridor on the first floor. It is estimated that they will pass the fastest.

"Let's go this route!"

Su Hengzun’s main sinking heart, began to calculate with a special method, and finally chose the sixth channel.

Ten channels, each of which is different, can only be luck.

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