Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2296: Great master

Shadow Corridor!

One of them is in a dim channel.

Hey! !

Numerous flashes of black shadows were slammed on the shadow knives, making it impossible for the shadow knives to rush up and only squatting outside until they were killed.


The person who shot is moving very fast.

The black stick continued to dance on the hand, and the black shadow of the road appeared. It was smacked on the shadow knives. In the shadow corridor, you could hear the squeaking sound. It was the sound of the body breaking.

"Three more shadows are on the grass!"

Lin Fei quickly took away the shadow grass and went on.

This is his third month in the Shadow Corridor.

There are too many shadow cutters!

In the three months, Lin Fei almost never stopped, and always played with the shadow knife, the cracking stick in his hand was very easy to play, and the killing of the shadow knife became easier.

The biggest gain is that his arrogant celestial body, unconsciously rising from the medium to the mid-term peak, will soon break through to the later stage, definitely a huge improvement.

The proud celestial body is fully open, and Lin Fei’s body is stronger.

There were several surprise attacks by Shadow Knife, but only a very shallow scar was left on the body.

"The calculation time should be almost over!"

Although he is a person, this road is down, the action is still very fast, I believe that it is not slower than those people.

It seems that the guess is right.

On the way to the next, the number of shadow knives began to decrease, making it easier to cope.

"Master, the front seems to be at the end, but you have to be careful. In the place on your left hand side, you have hidden a powerful shadow knifeman. It looks like a small captain, and one is worth a dozen shadow knives! ”

After the gods were restricted, Lin Fei had been driving the system. After entering the breath, the shadow knives had nowhere to hide, and they were completely exposed.

"Got it!"

When he was about to approach, Lin Fei first shot, cracked his stick and slammed it on the rock wall. The shadow knifeman hiding in the place rushed out and several cold lights appeared in front of him.

Lin Fei can be seen clearly.

The shadow knives who attacked themselves are twice as big as before, and they are very strong like a hill.

The cracking stick was horizontal and broke the cold.

A move to 'space shocks' followed.

The Shadow Knife gently swayed and continued to attack. A cold light appeared. It was the speed of the other party, which was created and quite scary.

"Respect for the Lord's Peak!"

Lin Fei’s body has been upgraded. Although the opponent’s attack is very sharp, there is a cracking stick. This kind of force is in the hands of the gods. He is not worried that the other person can beat himself. The cracking stick is like a viper, and he is constantly flapping in the shadow knife. Locally.

Under the suppression of the gravity field, Lin Fei's body has been lifted a small section, which can break the suppression of the gravity field. Every time it hits the weakness of the Shadow Knife, once or twice three times~

The shadow knife screamed and never touched Lin Fei.

After another heavy blow, the shadow knife flew out, in midair, the powerful body was torn apart, and the thick life energy poured into Lin Fei's body, and the whole person was comfortable.

"It seems that something has fallen!"

Lin Fei grabbed it in the air, and a bright thing appeared in his hand.

This is a piece of spar-like thing, but the biggest difference is that the spar contains an energy, very essential energy.

"Master, this is a good thing, it should be life energy, I can't think of the Holy Spirit world and this special life race, your shadow **** is very powerful!"

"No wonder I feel the familiar smell from the spar!"

Lin Fei suddenly realized that he didn't react at once, and immediately took a second, clutching the life spar and trying to absorb the energy of life.

Under the looting of violence, the life energy in the life spar enters Lin Fei's body like a stream of water.

The majestic life energy is very succinct, more than dozens of times more than the looting.

Hey! ! !

This life energy continues to flow in Lin Fei.

The body is getting a little more lift.

The proud celestial body is late!

From the early to the late stage of the proud celestial body, the time before and after is really not long. Lin Fei can feel the impact of the proud celestial body to the later stage, and the whole body has undergone tremendous changes.

It lasted for a long time.

Lin Fei’s body made a squeaking sound, and the whole person’s eyes burst into the air, and his eyes became deep, like a bottomless pit.

"Ao celestial body is in the late stage, my current physical defense, even if it is the lord of the Lord, I can't easily hurt me. Only those big lords can pose a threat!"

Aotian Twelve Heavyweight is a new top-level practice method that has been promoted from countless exercises. Every small realm is upgraded and its strength will be improved.

Now the proud celestial body is in the late stage, although the peak has not yet reached the peak, Lin Fei's strength has improved a lot.

"If there are a few pieces of this life spar, I will soon hit the peak of the Aotian Eight-Year, I don't know, in the other channel, is there such a shadow knifeman sitting in the town, if any? ”


Killed the last Shadow Knife.

Lin Fei checked around and really found the shadow grass. It was thirteen in one time, all of them grew up in one place, and they were directly accepted.

At the end of the Shadow Corridor, Lin Fei went out.

I thought I would go to the next level.

Just out of it, a dangerous horror of breath, instantly fell on him, and the cracking stick quickly reached the hand.

At the end of the Shadow Corridor, it is not the next level, but a place similar to the Dongfu. The area is not very large, and it is about the size of a palace.

It is such a place, in a place not far from Lin Fei, a black round altar appears, and nine columns stand around the altar.

In the center of the altar, there is a burly-type species with black armor on it, hands holding a black big shield, one taller, and the other hand, grabbing a black axe. The cold scorpion shot over.

"Intruder, die!"

Boom! ! !

The emptiness of the violent attack struck.

Lin Fei instantly chilled in the body, and the splitting stick in his hand made a stroke, dividing the void into two.

Hey! !

Huge impact, instantly hit Lin Fei's body, the body also shook slightly.


The black axe slid into the air, and the huge figure came to Lin Fei's face, and a big attack came out.

"Grandma's, this has a big master!"

Lin Fei was shocked. The place where the Shadow Throne was made, from what place, the things inside, one is stronger than one. r

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