Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2298: You slowly play

Shengtianzi finally saw Lin Fei!

The whole person was confused, and the first thought in his mind came up with a strange thought. "How could he be here!"

"You are not going out, how can you be here!" Shengtianzi had long thought that Lin Fei was not in the shadow of the throne. The five of them chose a safe shadow corridor. They had suffered so much during the period, not to mention Lin Fei alone. It must have left in vain.

But now, he didn't even go out, but he smiled and looked over.

Yi Fei Zunzhu, they also noticed the existence of Lin Fei at this time, they are similar to the expression of the Holy Son, all dumbfounded!

Lin Fei actually came earlier than them!

The most shocking thing is that he not only came early, but also survived under the shadow command, and made a joke!

They think it must be a sight! This is by no means the Lin Fei who knows. This is not a little strong.

From entering the Shadow Throne, they did not take Lin Fei as one thing, single-handedly, and successfully passed through the shadow corridor, those shadow knives, none of which is a good deal.

"Why must I go out!" Lin Fei smiled. "I said that I was lucky. When I came down all the way, I didn't encounter any shadow knives. The gravity field was uncomfortable. Then I went smoothly. Is it that you are under great pressure all the way? It can only say that you are not lucky!"


Listening to this, the Holy Son couldn't help but sigh with blood, and the shadow commander recovered his injury. The first attack on the Holy Son, this hate value is a bit big.

"Is my colorful lucky beads not good!"

In the heart of the Son of Heaven, he kept shaking his head. Why did Lin Fei’s luck be better than himself? Apart from this explanation, he really did not believe that Lin Fei could come alone.

This is really a dog's luck!

They are so hard to come over, listening to this, the face seems to be slap in the palm of your hand, so hey, they are also five people.


Lin Fei appeared here, and the people of Shengtianzi were very hard hit.

They are the least likely to see Lin Fei appear here.

At the moment, they can only watch, the shadows lead the crazy attack on them, failing to give them a chance to breathe.

"This shadow commander is not good to deal with, it will move instantly, and it will be full of blood, you will play slowly!"

Lin Fei stood on the side of the rock wall and smiled.


The Holy Son is still a big man, but he still has to fight against the shadow commander.

Five people joined forces, and soon everyone had a wound. The medicinal herbs had no idea how many times they had eaten. Every time they wanted to kill the shadow command, they would be escaping.

This is the second time, five days have passed.

There is a trace of exhaustion on their faces, especially the two old masters. They are quite strenuous. They have to protect the two newcomers from injury. In five days, they are bruised.

Look at the shadow commander, as if nothing is done, and gradually mastered their way of shooting, it is extremely difficult to deal with.

During the period, they did not separate to attack the altar. Unfortunately, as soon as they attacked the altar, they immediately returned to the altar on the altar and could not be destroyed.

"Lin's deputy, as you come in together, you are not going to take the handle, you can't kill the shadows, and everyone wants to go to the next level!"

Yifei Zunzhu looked at Lin Fei, who had nothing to do with him. He didn’t fight for a fight. Why did they look at the fierce attack of the shadow commander, and he looked at him alone.

After five days, Yi Fei’s Lord also felt tremendous pressure.

The strength of the other party is too strong!

Every shot is powerful, and it is very difficult to resist. Their consumption is also extraordinarily large. Therefore, they want to pull down the forest, and they can practice hard and resist the shadow command.

Lin Fei shook his head. "Forget it, you five people can't do it. I am not looking for abuse alone. I feel that it is very good now. I can't go to the next level. It doesn't matter to me!"

This is naturally a slap in the face.

They don't think so, they can make everyone angry, but they don't dare to take Lin Fei.

Shadows lead the indefatigable attack, which is the most troublesome. The longer the time, the harder it is to resist.

During the period, the Holy Son launched a fierce killing, and the result was still unable to kill the shadow commander. On the contrary, they were stunned by the wolf, and Lin Fei was hated in the bottom of my heart.

"Come on, I am optimistic about you!"

"Reassure, I won't do it for you!"

Lin Fei has no motivation, just cheering on one side.

Shadow Commander suffered from bitterness in Lin Fei’s hand. I want to come and think about it, or they should deal with some of them. If they come to this big killing, the shadow commander will lock them.

"Ha ha ha, finally came out!"

Three days later, Su Heng came out with two new people.

I saw a scene of chaos.

The shadows commanded the horror of the horror, and swept through them. After discovering the people, they gave up the people of the Holy Son and attacked Su Hengzun.

A shield appeared and stood in front of you.

"Shadow Command!"

Su Heng's face changed and he understood it.

They finally breathed a sigh of relief, but they did not dare to care about it. The other party could move. Especially in this place, the treasures could not be restricted. In case of a move back to the carbine, the unlucky ones were still a few of them.

"It's too hard!"

Shengtianzi took a breather and took out the medicinal herbs to eat it. The same is true for Yifei Zunzhu and the medicinal herbs. Hurry and recover, for a few days, I don’t know how many medicinal herbs I have eaten. They all feel bad.

The shadow of the first layer made them suffer.

Especially Lin Fei looked around.

That feeling is really uncomfortable.

Now Su Hengzun appears, as if to remove a trouble, if the Shadow Throne is too attractive, they want to go out.

It’s horrible to face the shadow command!

Can not kill, can not die, who is willing to deal with it.


Su Hengzun’s main shield failed to block a few times, the shield was broken, the shadow dominated the crazy offensive, and Su Hengzun’s Lord felt great pressure. He finally understood that the expression of the holy emperor was completely gloating. what.

"Can't stop, too strong!"

Hey! ! !

At this time, dozens of swords were shot from the shadow corridor.

Puff puff! !

Shadows lead the body, blasting the blood of the road, the sword is filled.

Su Hengzun’s Lord secretly loves himself, so terrible killing is definitely a solitary sword.

At the end of the Shadow Corridor, a little wolf-stricken sword, walked out, **** together, a sword, and the shadows led the scorpion to fly out, hitting the rock wall heavily.

"Thank you for being alone, the shadow commander is too difficult!"

Su Hengzun said with gratitude.

"You're welcome, everyone is a boatman!"

The solitary sword also saw Lin Fei, showing a smile. r

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