Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2400: Sincer

Lin Fei is out!

After the customs clearance, Xing Haoran received the news the first time, let go of everything and personally rushed over.

In ten years, the five emperors star Hao Ran replaced the big brother in the influence of the starlight world. There are many people behind him, and there are many people in the royal family.

In the past ten years, Xing Haoran has the power to hold it, and there is a majestic atmosphere in the body.

In the eyes of others, the five emperors are now high on the top, defeating the big brother with their own hands, and have drawn a large number of forces, completely unimaginable reversal.

Until now, everyone did not know how the five emperors could defeat the great prince who had many people to support.

Only Star Haoran knows that if he did not come to Lin Fei as a strong man, he would not imagine that he could defeat Big Brother and have his current status.

During these years, Xing Haoran has been arranging people to pay attention to the yard. Once there is any movement, immediately notify himself.

As soon as I heard that Lin Fei was out, the first time came and everything was put down.

No matter what is important, it is not important to meet Lin Fei.


Seeing Lin Fei again, Xing Haoran felt a heartfelt breath.

"For ten years, his breath is stronger than it was at the beginning, which makes me feel suffocated, even if the father is not so breathable!"

Star Haoran can't imagine how the other side cultivated.

This cultivation is too fast!

Like a rocket, it is enchanting.

“Congratulations to the strength of Lin Fei’s predecessors.” Xing Haoran did not dare to call the words “Lin Brothers”. The other party and himself were not at the same level.

"Alright!" Lin Fei said lightly.

After the proud of the eleventh body, even if Lin Fei did not release the breath, the horrible body can make people feel a horrible suffocation.

"Lin Fei predecessors, I have arranged for people to prepare a table of banquets, to pick you up, please be sure to please face!" Xing Haoran warmly invited.

Lin Fei did not refuse, and the stars were so happy that it was not wrong to stare at them.


On the banquet.

Xing Haoran drank the next person. When he came up, he even drank three cups, all thanks to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei drank a cup and listened quietly.

"Lin Fei's predecessors, about the original things, the father has already dealt with it, my older brother has spared everything, and for the sake of the people, abolished the strength." Xing Haoran said, "The father also said that this thing is wrong. In the Star World royal family, we have developed the character of Big Brother, so the Father has prepared a gift for the predecessors!"

This gift, Xing Haoran has already been ready!

Detaining the big brother and abolishing the cultivation, in fact, can not let the other party meet.

Starlight has prepared a gift.

"This is a small gift, but also Lin Fei's predecessors laughed!" Xing Haoran took out a storage ring and handed Lin Fei to his hands.

There are 50,000 kilograms of Yuanli Shensha installed here!

Lin Fei glanced at it casually and found that it was 50,000 jin Yuan Li Shensha, and looked at the star Haoran, "The gift is okay!"

For the life and death of the great prince, Lin Fei has no interest. It is not as good as the reality of these things. He is proud of the 11 major breakthroughs to the Aotian 12, which requires a massive amount of Yuanli Shensha, which requires seven digits. It is exactly a million pounds.

This number, at the beginning, Lin Fei himself was shocked.

It’s life!

Star Haoran’s heart stunned and knew that this gift was not enough.

50,000 jin Yuan Li Shensha, the Starlight World has used a great relationship, and this has come.

"and this!"

Xing Haoran took out a piece of information.

"Predecessors, the father of the master knows that the predecessors like to refine some gadgets, and deliberately find it. I really got a map about Yuanli Shensha, maybe it can help the seniors!"

When Lin Fei left this sentence, he wanted to come up with enough Yuanli Shensha in the Starlight World. Don't be a fool.

It seems that the starlight is still very good.

Sincerity is full!

Lin Fei looked at this information. The above details the situation of the emergence of Yuanli Shensha in the black area. There are also some places of ban. It can be said that this is the most detailed information he has ever seen.

With this information, all areas of Yuanli Shensha are produced in the black area, and each place is introduced in detail.

This is really a thing that fits Lin Fei’s appetite!

One million pounds of force Shensha, but not so good, Lin Fei is doing how to get it, the gift of Xing Haoran, it is timely rain.

With this thing, Lin Fei knows how to collect Yuanli Shensha!

"You have a heart!"

Such a piece of information, Lin Fei is very satisfied.

Xing Haoran took out this information, because other gifts could not satisfy Lin Fei. When I heard these words, I was relieved.

A further information was taken.

"Lin Fei's predecessors, about the killer building, the father has also negotiated, but their influence" Xing Haoran said very sincerely, in any country, there is such a force, such as the fish bones across the throat, It’s very uncomfortable. “We actually want to win the killer building, but there is a top powerhouse behind them, our Starlight World”

A powerful force with great influence in the black domain does not really deal with it, especially if it is to assassinate this piece.

Lin Fei has nothing to say about this attitude in the Starlight World.

Everything he wants right now, even though he needs to do it himself, at least there is a general direction.

This point, Lin Fei is satisfied.

"I know your difficulties, thank you for your things, the killer building I solved it myself!" Lin Fei said faintly, "Assassinate me twice, the killer building always has to pay the price!"

Star Haoran dare not say anything.

Just in my heart, I still have doubts about Lin Fei. Can he deal with the killer building alone? Even if it is a branch, even if it is its own father, it can't do this.

Xing Haoran left with doubts.


Starlight World, Royal Palace.

After starving the wine, Xing Haoran gave it to the father and the first time.

"I am not angry!" Starlight was relieved.

"Father, I just think that Lin Fei's predecessors may have to work on the killer building. Are we going to provide some help?" said Star Haoran.

"No, it is a strong person like Lin Fei. It is a shame to be assassinated twice. If we help, it is a crime to offend Lin Fei. You also said that the Lin Fei predecessor has a more breath. It’s terrible, we just have to stand on one side!” Starlight shook his head slightly. “Hey, I’m starting to look forward to it. How can he solve the killer building? After all, every killer building has a top-level big array and killer. There is also a big master in the building branch!"

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