Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2411: How are you here?

Yuan beast life attacked!

The casual offensive, such as Mount Taishan, is magnificent.

Lin Fei is not the original Lin Fei. He has been practicing for more than a hundred years. It is not the old Amon. The strength is also in the top of the Holy Spirit.

The cracking stick has a long shackle, and it is fast and sly on the black shadow.

The momentum of Mount Taishan is one of the stagnations, and the surrounding life energy is torn into pieces. The origin of the pond is full of huge waves, no longer calm.

Roar! ! !

The life of the Yuan beast is faint and painful, and a roar is made. Obviously, it is very uncomfortable not to kill the intruder.

Hey! ! !

There are three black shadows, one is more terrible than the other.

Lin Fei just hit a black shadow, but also the impact of the other side of the power, determined the strength level of the Yuan beast life.

"This life of the beast is really horrible. The power is like a sea of ​​mountains. It contains the use of the power of the Yuan, but it is very superficial. It can be a kind of ruthless crushing for most people, compared with the mutant king of the banned land. And it’s obviously a lot stronger. It’s not so easy to kill me!”

Lin Fei’s whirlpool appeared again.

The cracked scepter took four shadows and directly slammed into the shadow of the attack. It blocked the strength of the other party and the body shook slightly, which was not very difficult.

"Two powers, open!"

Lin Fei a glimpse, the stick is like a shadow, like a crescent moon, squatting on the life of the Yuan beast.

Hey! ! !

This embarrassment, the roar of the life of the Yuan beast spread throughout the country.

There was endless anger in the roar.

The body of the Yuan beast’s life is coming straight.

Lin Fei madly absorbed the energy of life, swept the stick, and squatted on the life of the Yuan beast, flying like a sandbag, shattering a lot of life energy.

"Under the double strength, you can't afford it, and the life of the beast is not as powerful as you think!"

Lin Fei shook his head and looked up. In the nine breaths of the Devil's Motherland, three strong and horrible breaths came. They also noticed the change of the origin of the gods.


"What happened to the origin of the gods!"

"How can the black beast have such a big anger!"

"Whoever sneaked in, it is impossible, this place has us sitting in the town, even the top dignity can not sneak into!"


Three tyrannical breaths came to the sky above the origin of the gods.

"has a problem!"

One of the old strongmen stared at the bottom.

"It seems that life energy is weakening!"

boom! ! !

A huge shadow rushed out from the bottom of the lake, squatting on the old and strong, on the spot is blood and blood, vomiting blood.

"Black scale beast!"

The old and the strong are being shackled, and the other two top tyrants are the top ones. This is the life of the beasts sitting at the bottom of the lake. The thick and thick skin, even if they join hands, it is difficult to beat.

But now, it seems that people have been hit!

Too shocked.

The black scale beast leaves the bottom of the lake.

There is a huge whirlpool beneath the origin of the **** pool, the center of the vortex, you can still see a person's figure, is stealing a lot of life energy.

"Stop him!"

"Someone is stealing life energy!"

The two top powerhouses are furious. Under their eyes, someone actually steals the energy of life. This is unforgivable. No matter who, you must die!

The black beast was completely angry and fell into violent temper.

Came to the surface of the lake, opened the mouth of the blood basin, began to **** the lake.

The two top powers have gone aside!

"The talent of the black scale beast, no matter who the person below is, can't stop it, let's hold it tight, don't let him run!" The three people stared at the people below.

No one can ever take any advantage in front of the talented **** of life.

"This is another trick!"

Lin Fei remembers clearly and clearly. The last time was this move. The high-end power of the top three forces was put on the spot. This move contains the power of the Yuan.

The cracking sticks are inserted into the bottom of the lake, such as the needle of the sea god.

Lin Fei once again began to **** life energy!

The lake is constantly being swallowed.

The three top powers stood in the distance, and they were all afraid of the magical power of the black scale beast.

The imaginary scene did not appear.

"He seems to be blocking!"

"What is going on, the talent of the black scale beast seems to have no use for him!"

"This is impossible, but it is a supernatural power!"


The three top powers are still the first to encounter this situation.

The old strong responded quickly. "I will inform the grown-up adults immediately, you must leave this person!"

The life energy of the origin of the **** pool is rapidly weakening.

If they continue, they have no doubt that the energy of life that has accumulated for a long time will be swallowed up by this mysterious person.

"What happened!"

"Someone seems to have sneaked in and steal our life energy!"

Without their notice, there were a few top powerhouses. When I saw this scene, my face began to change.

"The Lord, someone is stealing the life energy of our origins!"

The magical thirty-three kings of a teleport came to the surface of the lake and felt the energy of the disappearing life, such as being crowned.

"Attack him, can't let him continue to plunder!"

The Lord of the Thirty-Three Kingdoms sacrificed the treasures of the Devil's Motherland. Without saying anything, it lowered a red flame and burned. The origin of the Shenchi incarnation became a sea of ​​fire.

This fire is not an ordinary fire, but a flame with the power of the annihilation, which can burn everything.

The Lord of the Thirty-Three Kingdoms did not dare to care. The talents of the black-scale beasts couldn’t help each other. They dared not to keep their hands. He wanted to take a look. The people on that side dared to come here.

The rest of the top powers have taken out the treasures, and the heavenly emperor attacked and went straight to Lin Fei in the depths of the lake.

"I only absorbed 30%, I have to continue!"

Grabbing the cracking stick and making the surrounding dances impenetrable, he now needs to seize the opportunity to plunder more life energy instead of fighting them indifferently.

The defense is unfolding.

The attack that was bombarded above was blocked by the cracking stick, and even if a small part of it rushed in, it was blocked by the bodyguard.

Lin Fei did not have any pressure!

Aotian eleven, also reached 35 percent, 40 percent.

The following Lin Fei block the ease, but the top of the magic of the thirty-three kings and other top-ranking strong, completely not calm.

When they saw their own attacks, they were easily smashed down by the other party when they were close to each other. They could not threaten each other. Even if they were attacked by the treasures of the Lord of the Three Kingdoms, they could not help each other.

"Kill it, he can't hold on for too long!"

The devil of the thirty-three countries sank, this is the place where the master emerged, the first rushed into the bottom of the lake, urging the treasure, condensing a fire dragon, rushed over.

"The devil of the thirty-three kings, I haven't seen you for a long time, that is, your face is not very good!"

When the Lord of the Thirty-Three Kingdoms rushed to the bottom of the lake, he heard the man open his mouth, his voice filled with ridicule, staring at him, and saw the black man who was laughing at him.

"Shadow Palace Lin Fei!" The first reaction of the Devils of the Three Kingdoms was "How come you are here!"

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