Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2417: Open the door and surrender, you can live

Killing the gods with the appearance of Lin Fei everything has changed!

When the Holy Spirit world picked up the search for Lin Fei's craze, the killing of the court was no exception. The traitor of the Shadow Palace, who knows that this guy has gone out of the dog, got this kind of treasure, and now he dares to come out, this is to Complete everyone.

Everyone is trying to touch their luck!

As Lin Fei appeared on the site of the killing of the court, the masters of the killing gods were open-eyed. In their view, the opportunity came, and catching Lin Fei was a great achievement!

However, after Lin Fei easily destroyed the city owner of Qingyun City, plus a large number of honorable masters and great masters, killing the masters in the court, all collectively dumbfounded!

If Qingyun City is lucky, killing them is unprepared, then the second big city, the third big city has been broken, everyone is sucking in the air, completely afraid!

In particular, Lin Fei kills all the way, and all the big cities will go in a glimpse. Anyone who respects the main class and the big master is almost killed.

"Run, Lin Fei is here!"

"Don't run, you are the Lord!"

"I heard that Lin Fei kills the Lord and the Lord, and you don't leave, that's dead!"

"Wait for me, let's run together!"


Lin Fei successively broke through more than a dozen cities of different sizes.

The rest of the big cities, once I heard that Lin Fei came, did not say that immediately with the masters collectively started running, leaving the devil to kill themselves.

Everyone ran, and the rest of the people ran away!

As a result, the city owner was forced to kill, and the people who killed the courts gave them the courage to dare not run. As for the resistance of the resistance, they did not think about it.

Can you stop the demon?

The city owners are not at the bottom.

When Lin Fei came to a big city again, the city owner came out directly from the confidant and surrendered uneasy. "Lin Fei predecessors, I surrendered, and the treasure house is willing to open for you, don't kill me!"

For the sake of life, the city owner can not care so much!

Especially to this realm!

Lin Fei glanced at the big city. The master inside was empty. There was no master above the master level. He thought he was wrong.

"These guys are running really fast!"

Lin Fei shook his head, swayed into the big city, plundered the things inside, and went away. When he left, he patted the shoulder of the city owner.

"You are doing very well, you can survive!"

Looking at the back of Lin Fei's departure, the city owner wiped the cold sweat on his body, as if he had walked a circle on the road to death. This guy killed more than a dozen city owners. As for the Lord and the great deities, countless.

The first time, the city owner sent a message to a friend.

"Open the door and surrender, you can save your life!"


The next time.

Lin Fei almost did not come to a big city, do not have to shoot, the other party directly opened the gate to surrender!

Those who respected the Lord and the Lord are running!

"These people are really savvy!"

In this way, Lin Fei all the way to collect the treasures of the great city, and constantly approaching the killing of the court, as for the masters who came to the encirclement halfway, after trying a few times, they did not dare to come!

Because it’s all over the army!

Lin Fei was killing the gods, and the news of the Lord’s Lord and the Lord’s Lord was also spread quickly in the Holy Spirit. Everyone was shocked and incredible.

Is this Lin Fei? When did it become so overbearing?

Killing the lord, destroying the power of killing the gods, this is the face to kill the gods!


When everyone hesitates to go to the killing court.

Lin Fei swayed to the headquarters of the Killing God Court to kill the city!

A huge city!

At first glance, I can't see the end.

This time, the killing of the city has opened a large array of rare, more than one simple, and at the same time heavily guarding the key points of the law. It is said that Lin Fei can easily break the battle and have to guard against this.

Today's killing city, a pair of eagerly awaited, this situation has not happened for a long time, which is very unbelievable to everyone.

When I think about the horror of the killing of the Lord and the Lord, such as cutting the melons and cutting vegetables, everyone can't help but shrink their necks. This kind of monk can't afford to offend.

In the killing city, killing the headquarters of the gods, everyone is more assured, even if the Lin Fei is more powerful, but also want to easily break through the killing city, the other party does not have the ability.


"Come on, Lin Fei is here!"

"That is Lin Fei, it looks so young!"

"Is this person!"

"He is so daring, he dares to kill the city. Does he really think that he has the ability to compete with the killing gods, but here are all the masters who killed the gods!"

"He will die when he comes!"


Everyone in Killing City saw Lin Fei, who was standing in the sky in black.

For a long time, everyone has not seen a person who can force the killing of the court to open a large array, mobilize the elite army, and deal with a person.

This Lin Fei did it!

No one believes what Lin Fei can do to kill the city.

"He is Lin Fei!"

The tops of the Killing Court are all gathered together.

Everyone looked at Lin Fei, the black man in the sky. It was because of this person that the killing of the court was hard to compile, and it was almost killed, not to mention the lost resources!

Especially in the back, where Lin Fei went, the strong man ran all the way, and the city owner directly opened the door to surrender, just to survive.

The face of the killing gods does not know how many times it has been played.

It is because of this person.

This guy who they thought they could clean up.

"The killing of the gods is out of control!"

The sound of rumble is like a thunder, and it blows up in the ears of all people.

“Too arrogant!”

"What is this?"

"Kill him, he must kill him!"

The top executives were furious, but none of them said that they were going out to meet Lin Fei. From the news report, the Lord and the Lord are not the opponents of Lin Fei, unless they are top-level big shots, at least two or three people.

From Lin Fei all the way to sweep away, using pure physical strength, horrible and terrible, what exists is a punch.

The first person to kill the gods, the murderer, a middle-aged man with a slightly pale face, looks very ordinary, reminiscent of the master of the killing.

"The Shadow Palace traitor Lin Fei, you actually dare to kill the city, you know that as soon as I let the order, you are not able to fly today?" Killing the lord to the sky, across the field and Lin Fei face to face.

"I know you, killing the lord, killing the master of the court!" Lin Fei squinted and smiled. "I think your tone is quite big. I am coming over this way, killing the Lord and respecting the Lord." People dare to say this, OK, I am standing here, you come to kill me!"

As soon as the killing leader heard this, an anger rose.


Too mad!

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