Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2420: Meta-killing will not work

"Teach the Lord to kill!"

"Lin Fei can't stop it!"

"The teacher will kill and recruit, Lin Fei will die!"


The **** lord took the shot and the strongmen who killed the city cheered.

In particular, it is a trick to freeze the void world, but it is a real killing trick, even if it is the top stalwart, it may not be able to stop it. This trick contains the power of the annihilation.

Yuan destroys power, that is the highest power of the Holy Spirit!

There are only a handful of people who can master the display.

The **** lord is one of them. Being able to become the leader and control the killing of the court is not something that anyone can do.

"The killing squad disappeared!"

"It seems to be gone!"

"No, it really disappeared!"

"Is it taken away by Lin Fei, how is this possible, how can he take away the killing soldiers?"


In the sky, in the frozen world, the three killing soldiers have disappeared.

Everyone is dumbfounded!

In that moment, the treasures of the town palace that killed the gods disappeared.

This is definitely a big deal!

Three killing soldiers!

The top of the killing court is dead like aunt.

Huge injury!


"Kill the lord, thank you for killing the soldiers, I accepted it!"

Rumble! !

The frozen world was bombarded by Lin Fei, and the collapse of large blocks of large pieces could not trap each other.

Lin Fei laughed and rushed to kill the lord, raising his hand is a stick out of the air.


In the void, a layer of chill is in front of you.

Hey! ! !

The chill of one layer was broken, and it was barely blocked until recently.

boom! !

Seemingly blocked, the power to disappear has no more signs of a stronger force, and a huge force is swept over the **** lord, and the layer of the emperor's body is shattered.

After a stick went down, the second stick followed it, then the third stick, and the power of each stick was stronger than the last time.

"Killing the lord, I really want to know if killing the Emperor is still alive!"

The killing leader lost the opportunity to attack.

The strength of the other side is getting stronger and stronger. Every stick is down, and the power of the fierce tyrants must be fully resisted, and the invasion of the illusion world must be guarded.

As a result, the killing of the leader is limited.

"The power of this guy is too strong. The power of a stick exceeds the strength of the top big denomination. I must treat it with all my strength. If I let it go, I will definitely not be able to stop it. I must use the power of the Yuan!"

Killing the lord is very hard to resist.

The power of the violent destruction, banging on the body again and again, even if the rest is left, it is very difficult to resist.

"Lin Fei, you are a traitor to the Shadow Palace. This can't be changed. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't die if we kill the Emperor."

The murderer teaches the Lord to drink, and he is angry.

"It’s said that killing the emperor is dead, but I don’t believe it. He must have left it, I want him to come out!” Lin Fei was a stick.

Lost three killing soldiers, killing the lord did not dare to release the only remaining killing soldiers, who knows whether it will be lost, but it is killing the life of the court.

If you want to beat Lin Fei, you must use the power of the Yuan!

A meta-power is consumed instantaneously.

The killing lord was changed from defensive to offensive, a white icy lotus flower appeared under Lin Fei, a huge lotus, wrapped in Lin Fei, and the layers were closed.

This kind of move requires the power of the metamorphosis to exert its power, and the power is the greatest.

The white lotus wraps Lin Fei, killing the lord is another trick of the Holy Spirit, a golden light to Lin Fei, anyone who sees this golden light, feels the breath of death.

The killing of the power of the Yuan.

"Lin Fei, you are really strong, but you have not mastered the ultimate power of the Holy Spirit, even if you are the first person in the body flow, but also want to stop this power!"

The killing lord trapped Lin Fei, and the Holy Spirit killed and smothered it, and finally showed a happy color.

As long as you kill Lin Fei, you can get back the three killing squadrons. At the same time, you can get two pieces of Yuanli Shenbing, the top practice exercises, especially the top practice exercises, killing the gods can be in a certain time. Inside, create a large number of practicing body flow masters, which is a huge improvement in the strength of killing the gods.

Killing the lord does not think that Lin Fei can stop the power of the annihilation!


"Teachers are mighty!"

"Teacher is domineering!"

"The killing of the court is the top three forces, and it is a place where traitors can be arrogant!"

"Lin Fei is also strong and has come to the wrong place!"

"It's stupid!"


Lin Fei’s strength is beyond the power.

After the **** cultivator sacrificed the horror of the horror, he easily trapped Lin Fei, and the last golden stream of killings, I am afraid that the physical body of the body flow should also be opened.


If it is before, Lin Fei must use the power of the Yuan to break the move.

But now it is not needed!

Triple power burst!

Dozens of hundreds of sticks slammed on the lotus barrier.

The whole void has been shaken!

Even so, the white lotus is intact, white and holy.

"The killings that the Yuan dynasty forces spurred were indeed horrible. The three forces could not be opened under the outbreak of the three forces. The top stalwart did not dare to let go. I am afraid this is also the reason!"

Seeing Lin Fei trying to break the white lotus, killing the teacher is quite disdainful.

"Useless, in front of my killing, you can only accept the fate!"

Lin Fei is always light and light!

"I don't think so!"

Explode again!

Triple strength is upgraded to four powers!

When the cracking stick is swept away, it can smash the terrorist power of the dollar and rush out, like a torrent of water hitting the barrier.

Hey! !

One blow, the white lotus swayed.

The second hit, the white lotus rose.

The third hit, the white lotus appeared a crack!

The fourth hit, the white lotus collapsed!

At this time, the golden streamer also killed Lin Fei.

Lin Fei had a stick on the golden streamer, and the golden stream of light erupted with the power of terror. It was directly swept away, and most of the sky shattered.

"His power can actually break the siege of the power of the Yuan!"

The killing lord stared at the broken sky, his eyes showing an incredible expression, and someone with pure power could break the blockade of the power of the annihilation.

"I must have read it wrong. I have never had a top-level stalwart that can explode such a tyrannical force. I can even compete with the Yuan dynasty. Fortunately, the last move, especially for the flesh, even if it is blocked, it will not stand. Living in the invasion of the Yuan!"

The killing lord keeps telling himself that Lin Fei must not be able to hold it!

"Kill the lord, can you only have such a little skill!"

A figure passed through the void and was killed in front of the killing lord. A stick stabbed like a rifle.

A bang!

The cracking stick penetrates the body of the killing lord!

What kind of body protector, armor, can not play a role in front of this!

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