Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2446: in advance

The first day of the temple of time and space.

Lin Fei didn't know what it was, he chased himself in the black field, and he was killed by himself. He couldn't think of such a quick time, and his body was better than that.

Tian Yu, Lin Fei is also the first time I saw it. I have heard it before. When I really see it, like the name, there are wings and a look of unruly behind me. It is not so good.

"They came, we want to get back to the Holy Day suit and the holy heavenly knife!" The big ancestor's face is dignified. "With the presence of the Tianyu people, they are even more powerful!"

"The sky warships of the Tianyu people are all coming out. This seems to be the third of them. It has a special device energy pool, which can absorb the power of the Yuan, which is to attract the attention of the Yuanmo!"

A huge white warship, the muzzle facing the palace.

Boom! ! !

A beam of light blasted through the stream of light.

Over the palace, there was a ripple.

The Yuanmo’s shouting sounds constantly, and large and large pieces of Yuanmo are coming out from various places. At first glance, they are dense and numb, and they are scalp and numb.

The beam of the white warship is full of destruction!

In the past, a large piece of the demons was smashed.

Always keep the meta magic out of a certain distance.

This situation lasted for half an hour, and the demons in the palace were almost all cited.

"They are coming out!"

Lin Fei has seen overbearing, and has never seen such a hegemonic Tianyu, directly attracting the attention of the Yuanmo.

A huge figure rushed out, and the boundless suffocation followed, and I didn't look at it. I punched it in a fist, and the huge fist shadow, with an illusory font.

This illusory font is getting bigger and bigger, almost as real.

On the white warship, there was a ripple, and a huge font appeared. A heavy mountain traversed the sky, a real mountain.

The other side smashed countless mountains.

After the collapse of the mountain, it immediately re-condensed, blocking the front and back again, offsetting the opponent's hegemonic attack.

"Sky No. 3 warships are indeed overbearing. Incorporating Yuan Fu into the array, it is no wonder that one price is hard to find!" The three ancestors secretly inhale, "this means, do not admire will not work!" ”

The huge Yuande figure continued to shoot, and continued to fly to the white sky warship with a fist.

Lin Fei was also the first to see the Tianyu, and realized that the Tianyu was strong, and a warship was so strong that it was really free to come and go.

"The Lord, they must want to bring out the powerful Yuanmo, and then go in and collect the treasures. They are not the first time to do this kind of thing. For us, there are benefits and disadvantages!" said the great ancestor. "The advantage is that we can rush in when they go in. The downside is that once we show up, we must make a big hit. It is very difficult to get out and look for the Holy Day Suit and the Holy Heaven!"

On the No. 3 battleship in the sky, there are a lot of strong people, especially the five or six Tianyu people, and the status is not low. The strength can not be ignored.

Once they fight with the people of the Tianyu, they can't take any advantage. If they simply search for treasure, they have nothing to fear, and they can't do anything big. This time is different. They have a purpose this time. Nothing is illusory until this goal is achieved.

The Holy Day Suit and the Holy Heaven Blaster are too important!

If you are known, there is definitely a big problem. Even if there is a treasure of the Eucharist Mountain, it may not be able to stop the gods from taking the shot, and the Holy Day suit and the Holy Heavenly Blaster are the only things that can threaten the gods.

The importance of this is understood by anyone.

Lin Fei heard it, and the three ancestors were very jealous of the Tianyu people.

"Wait for us to attract attention, the Lord will go to the place of the Holy Day suit!" said the great ancestor, "The strength of the Lord, single-on-one, one-on-two, three, and few people are your opponents, let alone you There are also killing soldiers, they are not prepared, they will be caught unprepared, this is our chance!"

After seeing the means of the Tianyu people, Lin Fei did not dare to take it lightly, especially when they were mixed with the temple of time and space, and it was quite difficult to cooperate with the time and space.

"it is good!"


Sky No. 3 continues to attract firepower.

The powerful Yuanmo came out two!

The two demons seem to know the danger of the No. 3 warship in the sky. The pure instinct keeps attacking. The power of the Yuan Yuan is condensed behind them and used for them.

Sky No. 3 warships can always support and firmly attract each other.

"Air brother, how, sky 3 ship can still enter the eye!" A tall Tianyu people said with a smile, his face full of pride.

"It's a good thing. The two demons are God's strength. They can't break the defense of the No. 3 warship in a short time. It's no wonder that you said that the dangers of the district, such as entering the unmanned environment, are served! "The air smelled a big smile."

The tall Tianyu people laughed. "That is, what we have produced by the Tianyu people. It is a wave of fame. There should be three or four gods in the palace. They don’t come out. It’s a pity that they can solve two. It’s not bad, let’s let the air brother know now, the three big moves of our Sky III ship!”

Hey! ! !

The No. 3 warship in the sky smashed the attack of two demons, and it became a huge **** soldier. It was a few dozen feet high and held a black knife on his hand.


The huge gods are slashed, and the void is torn open!

The two demons who were attacking were ruthlessly opened, and the large pieces of the demons behind them were fragmented. The blade slammed into the palace's formation. The buildings in the array were collapsed!

The soldiers once again shot and smashed in the same direction.

Three knives come instantly.

The palace's formation is too old.

After the three-knife, the palace cracked a hole and the array appeared flawed.

"Ha ha ha, the sky gods are really well-deserved!" The empty air laughed loudly. "I am afraid that those shadow gods, killing the gods, are not the opponents of the sky gods!"

"The formation is open, let's go in. This is the top sect of the Golden Gate. It must have left a good thing. It is a pity that it is not a sweep!"


When the sky gods shot, the violence opened the gap.

Lin Fei and other four people secretly inhale.

"The sky gods, or the third sky gods, the real horror!" The big ancestor changed his face. "The third sky **** is not the most powerful. The most powerful one is the sky god, but the heavenly feather." A big killer for the family!"

"Looking at them to open up the array, let's go in and grab them in front of them!"

The three ancestors did not hesitate and acted according to the plan.

Hey! !

Rushed over the past.

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