Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2471: God respects come and also hit

Two warships from the Tianyu and the Temple of Time and Space appeared on the outside of the Eucharist.

The three ancestors came out the first time!

Feel the dangerous atmosphere of terror on the two warships, let them come out together, and only the gods respect the strong!

"God is admired, and our Eucharist Mountain is really beautiful!"

On one of the warships, a white middle-aged man came out, and the boundless breath was released, and the three ancestors could not breathe.

"Since we know that we are God's respect, we still don't let Lin Fei come out!" The middle-aged man in white is not very good-natured, and the breath on his body is a genuine and sacred atmosphere.

The three ancestors have no jealousy for the general strong, but God is different.

"Let your Lord, Lin, fly out!"

On another warship, there were two strong men and a woman who came out and said it was very overbearing.

"Dare to tie the Tianjiao of our Tianyu people, and dare to rob the scepter of numbness. Do you want to play with fire and self-immolation!"

The horrible atmosphere is crushed, like the tide!

At the level of God's respect, the use of power is the power of the Yuan.

The three ancestors were very hard-working and very uncomfortable.

"The three gods are estimated to wait a little longer. Our family is doing something. It is estimated that it will take a while to come over!" The great ancestor said in a humble way.

"You said let us wait for your Lord!"

The middle-aged man in white sneered. "Do not believe that we will destroy your Eucharist Mountain now, and you three old things!"

"Let your Lord roll out!" the red woman over there shouted.

"A holy Lord dares to stand in front of us!" Standing next to the woman in red is a black man with a pair of wings behind him, but it is black.


The three ancestors shook slightly in the body of the three gods!

The gods of the Tianyu and the Temple of Time and Space are all negotiating. They must suppress Lin Fei’s arrogance. This time, they have planted a big blow.

The treasure is gone!

People are still tied.

Especially the Tianyu people, the paralyzed scepter of the top treasure is lost. It is not a small matter, but a real big thing. Once you can't get it back, you really have to vomit blood.

"Sorry, the three gods must wait. If the three gods are not afraid, they can go to the Holy Lord and other holy people!" The old ancestors said with a deep breath.

Three gods!

This is still the big ancestor talking so arrogantly.

Since the last saint of the Lord, the Eucharist has lost the strongest, and a god-respecting person can make them feel terrified. They also lost their low-key, and with the influence of the Holy Mountain in the past, no one could think of the empty shelf of the Eucharist.

Triple absolute gravity plus their three ancestors, if you encounter any one of the gods, you must not be an opponent, even if you can repel the other party, you have to pay a terrible price.

It is different now.

With Lin Fei sitting in the Shengti Mountain, God respects not to be afraid. After all, the Holy Day suit is not vegetarian, and I don’t know how many people have been married.


Into the holy body mountain?

The three gods dare not go in easily.

The five-fold absolute gravity has a great reputation. It is not so good. One strength will consume three or four percent to bear five weights of absolute gravity. The remaining six or seven percent will not be able to take the next Lin Fei.

The five-fold absolute gravity of the Eucharist Mountain has always been a very taboo existence of God.

The body is strong and strong, if those who cultivate the emperor. Under five weights of absolute gravity, it will suffer even more.

This time, they will not come!

"Great shelf!"

The middle-aged man in white waved his hand and the three ancestors were immediately banned!

"He doesn't come out, we will ask him to come out!" The white-aged middle-aged man manipulated the space power and imprisoned the three ancestors. He will take it out. He believes that Lin Fei will definitely come out.

Without three ancestors, Lin Fei is the light pole commander!

The faces of the three ancestors changed greatly. Although they had been prepared for prevention, it would have been expected that the gods of the temple of time and space would dare to do it. If a space was imprisoned, they would not be able to move.

boom! ! !

Without warning, a cold light will open from among them!

That is a knife!

"Three gods, you are doing this, is it a bit bully, have the ability to play together!"

The loud voice followed, full of irony.

"It is the Lord!"

A cold light will smash the space of the middle-aged man in white.

Three ancestors are overjoyed!

Lin Fei’s figure came out of the void, his eyes turned to the middle-aged man in white, and the body of the gods was flowing, and he was a first-class god.


A blue light descended on the middle-aged man in white.

The white-haired middle-aged man just waved his hand and his face suddenly changed. "Not good, it is paralyzed!"

As a god-respecting person, I immediately reacted, and the body was still numb, and it was a time of breathing. Only one time of breathing was not a good thing for middle-aged people in white.

Hey! ! !

Lin Fei came to the middle-aged man in white, holding the holy heaven knife, and a knife went down, it was a dozen pieces of knife falling on the middle-aged man in white.

The middle-aged man in white didn't expect Lin Fei to say no to say hello. The most embarrassing thing is that he can also use the paralyzed scepter to attack remotely. More than a dozen knives attacked and flew out.

Lin Fei came up to come, the four absolute power, plus the Holy Day suit.

"Dare to scatter in the Eucharist, it is useless to worship God!"

Lin Fei rushed up and picked up the knife again.

The sacramental knives themselves have paralytic properties. The middle-aged man in white has not been able to take time and has been paralyzed. He is surrounded by a knife.

The body of the emperor was also blown open!

The body is **** and fuzzy.

Lin Fei took the opportunity to plunder the energy of life.

After seeing the paralyzed scepter, the two gods of the Tianyu family also started to work. The black armor gods were extremely fast. They came to the back of Lin Fei. Suddenly, the body sank. It turned out that the gravity effect of the holy day suit was opened.


The black armor hit a middle-aged fist, and the strength was like a sharp knife. It passed through the gravity limit and slammed on the body of Lin Fei. Under the strong body protection, the stunned bombardment on Lin Fei’s body broke out like a sharp knife. .

Incarnation space!

The second woman in red also attacked. Her attack method was also very different. There was a rune in the void and it fell over Lin Fei.

When they attacked, Lin Fei’s bracelet ‘air change’ started, and the sly disappeared.

The attack of the two gods is lost!

Lin Fei disappeared instantly in front of them, and there was no trace of breath.

The middle-aged man in white is very embarrassed, and a face-to-face attack has been repeatedly attacked. He has no resistance. It is a **** of a ghost, and he also sees the horror of the other party's plundering of life energy.

He can't stop the kind of plunder.


The middle-aged man in white trembled and paralyzed again.

The knife of the sky is covered again!

"How did I not find his trace!"

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