Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2478: Five places waiting for you

What are you waiting for?

Lin Fei is not in a hurry to go out, take out the ore material on his body, and start making it. He doesn't want to be counted by the gods of the Tianyu people. He once eaten the power of the paralyzed scepter. Who wants to come to the second time? Well, there are worries about life.

Whether it is Tianyu or the Temple of Time and Space has this ability.

Lin Sheng did not feel that they could swallow this big loss.

Let's get out of the anti-paralysis warrior first!

This kind of ore is needed.

and this.

Joining this ore is not bad.

One piece of ore material is thrown in.

Lin Fei's method of refining treasures is still possible. The appearance of a battle armor appears. The whole body is black in color and looks very mighty and overbearing.

This kind of pure refining armor is not difficult for Lin Fei.

The last step left is more troublesome.

Integrate the quality of anti-paralysis.

The first one is broken.

Lin Fei did not want to, after the break, began the second battle refining.


After three pieces were broken.

Under the guidance of the system, Lin Fei carefully completed the refining, incorporating anti-paralyzing material, and an ink blue armor appeared in Lin Fei's hand.

"It became, it really became!"

Lin Fei’s face is full of smiles.

Trying out the test effect is quite practical, although it can only prevent paralysis attacks, at the very least, Lin Fei has a more defensive means.

"If the Tianyu people dare to use the paralyzed scepter to deal with me, then you are ready to bleed again!" Lin Feimei thought.


After refining a piece of anti-paralyzed armor, Lin Fei counted the time, and for four hundred years, it was time to go out.

"Lord, you always figure it out, never come out, we have to come to you!"

When Lin Fei came out, the three ancestors flew, and his face was in a hurry.

"What happened!"

Lin Fei saw the anxiety on their faces. It was not formed in two days. It is estimated that some time, they are worried about something.

“It’s really an accident!” said the second ancestor. “The time and space temple and the Tianyu tribe want to count us!”

When leaving the Tianyu and the Temple of Time and Space, Lin Fei knew that they would count on the Holy Mountain, almost five hundred years before and after.

"How to calculate us!"

The great ancestors said the things of these five hundred years in great detail, with the emphasis on mentioning the demon who was born.

"That guy can bear no less!"

As soon as I heard about the demon, Lin Fei immediately thought of a person and was plundered several times by his own violence. Now he has become alive and kicking.

"The Shadow Palace Lord estimated that I hate to die, let go of such a right head out!"

In fact, after the Shadow Palace owner suspected that Lin Fei had taken it out, he wanted to kill the heart of the Eucharist Mountain, and finally he held back.

The great ancestors have been talking about what happened recently.

"Tianyu people, the time and space temple they proposed, set up an alliance, mobilize the power of life, first encircle the magical motherland, and then deal with the magic palace!" said the great ancestor, "this alliance must be joined as long as the genre, otherwise it is the enemy Will be subject to a consistent siege!"

"And, the nine genres of the top ten genres are all crowded out of our practice genre!" The ancestors continued, "The outsiders who are physically strong are not good enough."

"They are too shameless, this is intentional!"

"We have investigated. There are shadows of the Tianyu and the Temple of Time and Space behind the scenes. Besides, there are many spies outside the Eucharist Mountain. The method of hiding is very powerful. It should be to stalk the Lord!"

The three ancestors were very angry.

"Exclusion, alliance, go to hell!" Lin Fei laughed. "Why should we listen to them!"

"But isn't this just like their trap?"

Ye Xuan mysteriously smiled. "They want to be in the league. It is nothing more than someone behind, but what if those people are not happy? I want to let us be the gun in the hands of the Holy Body Mountain, I don't even have to think about it!"

When the three ancestors heard this, they knew that the Lord would have a big fight.

"The spies outside are too annoying, all gone!"


There are indeed many spies outside the Eucharist Hill.

They are monitoring Lin Fei.

In these hundreds of years, Lin Fei has not come out, their days are very leisurely, and Shengti Mountain has no action on them, and is more reassured.

When the three ancestors committed suicide, swept down and crushed, the collective was shocked!

Very rude, these spies have been cleaned up, and several of them are good.

The three ancestors shot awkwardly, but they really frightened many people. Everyone understood that it must be the one who flew out of Lin Fei. Only when he went out, would he make such an order.

Those who have arranged their stalking are silent.

This guy is not following the routine.


"The Lord, these are the Guards, equipped with the forces and armor!"

There are not many Guards of the Eucharist Mountain, but all of them are above the eighth order of the gods, and the lowest is the level of the Lord. After these treasures are deployed, the strength has turned several times.

This is not a large number, so far 80 people, but also the elite strength of the Eucharist Mountain, the real elite, easy to kill the great peak.

"Do you know who I am!"

After Lin Fei went out, he saw this sacred mountain near the guard.


These people, the strong guards of the Guards, are full of worship to Lin Fei!

In practice, body flow can be cultivated to this level in a short period of time. It is definitely the object of worship. In addition, people can single-handedly block the door, and the genre of Tianyu and the Temple of Time and Space are all returning. Who can do this? degree.

"I am your Lord, in the eyes of outsiders, the public enemy of the Holy Spirit, the enemy is full of the world, but I am still alive and free!" Lin Fei sighed, "Would you like to do big things with me!"


"We are willing!"


"This Lord has taken you out to do a big event this time. Whoever performs well this time, I will select five people who will be qualified to practice my plundering method!"

Lin Fei continued to sing.

The following eightty guards are all excited and full of fanaticism.

That is the top method!

Even if it is the simple first layer, they are also stronger than any other level of strength. Now there are rumors outside, who will practice the Famen who will step into the sky.

I did not expect the opportunity to come!

Five places, everyone is excited.

Dare to come up with such a method, no one can imagine before.

The Lord really took it out!

The three ancestors stood by, and they were shocked by the look. This is the top method, but they are willing to take it out.

"St. Lord, what do we do, we are!"

"We are not afraid of the sect of the Holy Body Mountain!"


Lin Fei is very satisfied with the response to everyone.

"Then the Lord will take you to the top ten genres for a walk!"

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