Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2486: Fat sheep sent to the door

The first thing in the devil is complete.

As long as the first cooperation is enjoyable, I believe that the alliance behind should not be difficult.

The second thing is important!

"This seat believes that our cooperation will be very enjoyable!" Mojun laughed. "You and this seat, together with your melee invincible, we have more chances to get the meta-level exercises than others, and that is very A rare Yuan destroy shield!"

Lin Fei can't believe that the other side is just coming to cooperate. This guy is not so kind. The guy who comes to the shadows of the mainland, if it can be honest, then it is a hell.

"If nothing, then you can go, wait until when you go to the chaotic sea, you inform me!"

Lin Fei is going to thank you.

The devil is in a hurry, this guy is absolutely deliberate.

"Lin Shengzhu, there is one more thing in this seat that I want to discuss with you. This matter is also very important!" said the Monarch very seriously.

"Don't we talk about cooperation?" Lin Fei said.

"Cooperation is cooperation. Another thing, this seat feels very important!" The Monarch also came to the fore. "In fact, it is about 'invincible devouring'. This seat is very interested in this practice. I don't know Lin Shengzhu. Is there any idea of ​​cutting love? There are also some top-level methods in this seat, so we can exchange each other!"

The fox's tail is finally revealed!

Lin Fei knows that the demon will have this careful thought.

"Exchange invincible swallowing?" Lin Fei's face sinking, looks very unhappy.

Mou Jundao, "Yes, Lin Shengzhu did not hear the mistake, this seat is willing to come up with the top method to redeem, such as the meta-classification method, and even the treasures obtained in the chaotic sea, this seat can also give you, even the yuan Aegis can also be."

Lin Fei’s face suddenly smiled. “These are all virtual. Who knows if they can get it. Invincible and swallowed it out, it’s not impossible. Unless you take out something that makes me feel like this, maybe this Lord can give you The first layer of the law, even the second layer!"

The devil's initiative to ask for invincible engulfing is indeed beyond Lin Fei's expectations.

This guy is really a bit of a vision.

Lin Fei also opened his heart. "This is really a big fat sheep. I am not ready yet. You will come to the door and don't **** you. It is a pity!"

The demon is actually worried that Lin Fei is reluctant to take it out.

Now the entire Holy Spirit world, who does not know that Lin Fei claims that the melee is invincible, there is no half-water in it, who is close to the body, who, in addition to long-range attacks, has no way to deal with Lin Fei.

"The first two floors are not bad!"

The Monarch is not sure to get it all. It’s not bad to have a layer or two. Your combat power will also increase, and it will be a nightmare for the enemy.

"This seat can come up with the sixth weight of the 'five-power 诀'. It is the first-class annihilation method." The devil said with a sorrowful face, "As long as Lin Sheng’s body becomes a god, you can cultivate. In the first-class gods, it’s not difficult to be invincible!"

In order to change to ‘invincible devouring’, the demon took it out.

Lin Fei always thought that the ‘five-power 诀’ had only five weights. I didn’t expect to have a sixth weight. It’s the so-called annihilation. This guy really hides.

"Oh, I am now the Aotian 12 heavy body, that is, the gods are respected, and it is so good to send such a door, it is a superfluous thing for me!"

Lin Fei guessed it out, this guy must have calculated that his body has not reached the level of God, and there is no way to cultivate it.

"not enough!"

Lin Fei shook his head, "My 'invincible engulfing' is so powerful, you should have experienced it, even if the power of the first and second layers, the ordinary gods can not afford to eat, you, this method, to God respect the flesh to me, not let me Dry your eyes!"

"Lin Shengzhu said it too!" The monarch pretends to look like a blank face. "This is so good, this seat adds another ‘shadow sneak’ element.”

"Not enough!" Lin Fei still shook his head, his tone was very firm.

The devil came here this time, for example, how to win the ‘invincible devouring’, even if it is only the first and second layers, he does not believe that he can’t crack it.

"This seat can give you a batch of life spar, a total of 10 million!"

Lin Fei still shakes his head.

"Twenty reels of God's honor, any one can kill the top of the great!"

"not enough!"

Lin Fei believes that the things that the Monarch brings are not only a little bit.


The Devil spent a great price and finally got the first and second layers of ‘Invincible Devouring’.

When the first level of cultivation was introduced, the Monarch realized that the power of this method was so powerful that it took a lot of things.

"Lin Sheng is really a happy person!"

The Monarch also took all the good things promised. Even though the meat hurts, my heart is very happy, so I can get ‘Invincible Devouring’.

As long as you want an ally, you will definitely be willing to come up.

This will not change.

The devil is leaving with satisfaction.


"This guy is a lot of good things, you are calculating me, but I am calculating you too!"

Lin Fei does not think that the demon is a good-hearted person. Once this guy has the strength to crush himself, there is no doubt that he will do it himself.

The things that are given now will fall on his own hands sooner or later.

"The five powers are still annihilated, no wonder he can play against the masters of the Temple of Time and Space. The power is great, you can crack everything!"

The time and space power of the Temple of Time and Space seems horrible, but as long as the strength of the other party is stronger, it can still be cracked.

Lin Fei is very satisfied with this practice.

The shadow sneak of the meta-level is also very good. Although there is a certain gap between the avatar space of the ‘empty change’ bracelet, it is also very powerful.

As for other things, such as the scroll of God's honor. That is also a good thing.

The heritage of the Eucharist Mountain is still a little worse.

You can get a sum of money.


The news of the magical monarch of the Magic Palace personally coming to the Sanctuary Mountain also quickly came out.

The forces of the Holy Spirit are very angry.

Are you Lin Fei going to collude with the Magic Palace?

Everyone has some ideas, but no one dares to blame the Eucharist. The Lin Fei Holy Lord raided major schools, and until now everyone has not forgotten this matter.

"The Lord, the special envoys of the three top powers are coming!"

The three ancestors have another life-saving treasure, a god-class scroll, one person and two, and now they have become more emboldened.

"Let him come in!"

The special envoy is a middle-aged god, respecting the strength of the main class, can not stand behind the people are the three top forces, the status of this special envoy is not low.

The special envoy was in the Mount of the Eucharist, and he did not dare to put it on the shelf.

See Lin Fei, respectfully, take out an invitation letter.

"This is the alliance meeting proposed by the top three forces. I also invite Lin Sheng to enjoy the face!" An invitation was sent to Lin Fei's hand.

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