Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2490: Calculation

The entrance to the Temple of Time and Space.

The news that Lin Fei slaps a flying master and spreads quickly.

Many people have seen this scene.

"Who is that, courage!"

"A slap in the face of a respected Lord, not afraid to offend the temple of time and space, there is no return!"

"The guy is Lin Fei, the leader of the Eucharist, a very violent guy!"

"No, he is?"


The position of the central part of the time and space temple.

The towers stand tall.

Today, on these high towers, there are masters from the Holy Spirit world, the top strong, including the Shadow Palace, the Killing Court, the Tianyu and other forces.

"Where did the guy go to somewhere?"

On a tall tower, a black man looks to the place where the battle just took place.

"Lin Fei, he is looking for death, do not look at this place, the guys in the temple of time and space, can not swallow the sound!" Killing the lord of the Lord.

"The master of time and space, will not be a big bright shot!" Standing next to the killing master is an old man, a white hair, old-fashioned dragon clock, but the eyes are terrible and terrible, "However, the action in private is inevitable!"

"Then he deserves it!" The murderer sneered.


"This **** is really dare to do it!"

The empty singer stood in the sky and witnessed the sinful poison. "The lord will surely pack him up. On the site of the temple of time and space, even wearing a holy suit is useless!"

Since the last time I came back, I have become a big joke in the temple of time and space.

These years, I have been retreating.

Although the senior elders did not say anything, the empty singer couldn't stand the strange look. He knew that many juniors were laughing at him. He was arrogant on the first day and lost to Lin Fei several times. It was really shameful.


Lin Fei stood on the deck of the battleship and stood with his hands on his back.

Jin is not bad, and I like Lin Fei more and more people. I dare to beat people in the temple of time and space. Before and after, there are really few people who dare to do so.

"They are coming!" Kim is not bad looking far away.

There are several tyrannical scent there, and the minimum is also the level of respect.

"Yeah, come, it's really looking forward to it!" Lin Fei took a moment to move his hands and feet. "I'm afraid I can't fight it. After all, they didn't do it themselves!"


"I'm coming!"

"Isn't that the empty nine statues of the Temple of Time and Space? I didn't expect him to come out to meet!"

"No, it’s him, this is a good gentleman!"

"The temple of time and space is hard to swallow!"

Seeing the head of the big deity, many people's faces have changed slightly, and the fights that everyone expects will not appear.

"Lin Shengzhu, you don't think it's okay to move your hands and feet. Good sir!" Kim did not recognize it. "This one is the empty nine lord, the best temper in the temple of time and space, but you Be careful, this temper is good, very good at calculations, the value of force is average, the victory is calculating, I don’t know how many people have suffered in his hands!"

Lin Fei’s eyes glimpsed. “Is it empty, it’s interesting!”


"Lin Shengzhu, I have long been famous, I can’t think of being younger than the old man imagined!"

The head of the nine empty statues, a middle-aged scholar dress, a face of honest and honest, smiling, human and animal harmless look, if not reminded, basically can not recognize is a high-level temple of time and space.

Lin Fei laughed. "If you look up the name for a long time, the Lord is notorious for his reputation."

The empty nine great acquaintances have heard the name of Lin Fei. After listening to this, the face is still smiling, nothing changes. "The bad name is also the reputation. Now the whole holy spirit world, who does not know the glory of Lin Shengzhu!"

This person is interesting!

Under a honest and honest face, there is a different kind of mind.

Lin Fei wanted to move his hands and feet. Now it seems that it is really no good. This guy is a group of cotton, and it doesn't make any effort. It is quite a bad thing.


After the empty nine big statues came.

Lin Fei wants to get angry. It’s hard for the other party to smile and swear by the few strong masters.

"Lin Shengzhu, your group of people have lived here. If you are not satisfied, you can tell the old man that the old man promises to help you arrange it properly!"

When the empty nine deities left, they said warmly.

Lin Fei has a certain understanding of this empty nine great respects, a kind of good-hearted look, but actually not, the best at calculating, really believe the other side, definitely have to suffer big losses.

"How about, that person is not simple!"

Kim is not broken.

"It's not easy, it's a bit like a knife in a smile!" Lin Fei said. "For example, if he arranges me here, it is not a good thing!"

Just now Lin Fei scanned it with the system and immediately found out the difference.

"Your eyes are so good, I dare say that the empty nine respects are absolutely deliberate!" Kim is not bad whisper.

Lin Feizhen, "Who is afraid of who, I still live in this place!"

Yes, the place where the Nine Great Respects are arranged is obviously the best, and the meaning is self-evident.


"Thank you for helping the elders!"

I’m grateful to the nine grand priests who are grateful.

"He is a foreign guy, how is the leader of the body flow!" The empty nine big smile, "Bullying the people of our time and space temple, it will pay a price!"

"They won't blame the elders!"

When I think about their identity, I feel worried about it.

"Nothing, they don't know that the old man knows that they will come and give up a tower. They won't blame. They will only think that Lin Fei is arrogant and forcibly occupying the tower!"

"Then he is in trouble, I am really looking forward to it!"


"The decoration of this tower is really extravagant, this material, and these things, the empty nine sect is really insidious!"

All the forces that came to participate this time were arranged in a tower.

These towers, called time-space towers, contain time and space power, and the interior space is enormous, and is divided into several layers.

"The Lord, we have just inquired, our time and space tower has always been for a certain force, it seems like a big look!"

The three ancestors are back.

Lin Fei nodded slightly. "I know, don't worry about anything. They have suffered a loss on the Lord's hand. They have to retaliate against this Lord. It's nothing unusual!"

The big ancestors whispered, "Look at what they mean, this time-space tower is the best one, it has always been used for the guests, and the guest seems to come from the black domain!"

"The black domain is in the black domain, nothing to be afraid of!" Lin Fei is not very concerned, as long as the dozen or so masters do not shoot, they have nothing to fear.


"The Lord, the Shadow Palace Lord is coming!"

In the evening, the Shadow Palace Lord came.

"Please come in!"

Lin Fei is very curious, what the shadow palace owner is looking for.

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