Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2529: Buy drunk god

After Lin Fei gave the first Guards and the Second Guards a gun to the cannon, he finally had a free time to rest. .

The matter of material enchantment, others can't do it only Lin Fei personally, and the hard work during the period does not need to mention, taking advantage of free time, finally can rest.

This break is more than three years.

The acquisition of ore by the Shengti Mountain is still going on. Lin Fei still needs a lot of materials. Whoever makes the purification is not so easy, and requires a large amount of ore to accumulate and extract.

Nowadays, the Shengti Mountain has become a large ore. Everyone wants to sell ore. The first time they think of the Shengti Mountain, whoever makes the price of the Shengti Mountain high, the variety of ore purchased is comprehensive and well received by everyone.

Lin Fei is eager to make money!

This kind of light can't go out, it's not a good thing. For example, his own pocket is empty, and then continue, it is really dumbfounded.

"The whole thing is selling!"

Lin Fei has been considering this issue.

I haven't decided yet. The Shadow Palace Lord came to visit in the dark night of the month.

"What is this wind? The Lord of the Shadows is willing to come to this Lord!" Lin Fei snarled, even if the other party is a god-respect.

After being attacked by the Lord of the Devil and the Lord of the Thirty-Three Kingdoms, the Shadow Palace Lord was seriously injured and could not recover in a short time. Now it has become low-key.

"Only you are so courageous, dare to ridicule a god!" The shadow palace chief smiled bitterly.


Lin Fei took the initiative to come up with a bottle of scent, "just help the Lord to taste the taste!"

"it is good!"

The Shadow Palace owner killed three cups in one breath.

Lin Fei only had a drink. When he was fine, he liked to taste slowly.

"Where did you get it!"

"Catch, hahaha!"

After the joke, the Shadow Palace owner seemed to be in a better mood. "Actually, I came to chat with you. Do you think that I am too boring, and I am a god!"

Lin Fei can hear a touch of helplessness in the main voice of the Shadow Palace. "I can let the gods and strong people come to me to chat, I am too happy to come, hahaha!"

This time, Lin Fei really miscalculated the purpose of the Shadow Palace, this guy is really a chat.

Tucao is now the Holy Spirit.

Lin Fei listened quietly.

Now that the Holy Body Mountain is moving toward good development, Lin Feizhen has nothing to worry about, and the Shadow Palace is not the same.

"The old things in time and space, I still want to compile our Shadow Palace, and don't look at what is happening now!" The Shadow Palace owner drank a few cups in a row. "When the black guys were hit by the foreign guys, they had to pay the price!"

Lin Fei heard a thick gossip.

God respects will also be vomiting.

"Lin Shengzhu, you have to be careful, the guy in time and space is very insidious. I didn't clean up you last time. Now the temple of time and space is hurting. Your guards, including the exercises, are estimated to be seen by him. Don't say that I didn't remind you!" The Shadow Palace Lord was drunk.

Lin Fei drank a glass of wine. "There is nothing to be afraid of. It’s a big deal. I don’t have a holy body. I’m alone, I want them to look good!”

"Ha ha ha, yes, everyone like you, you are afraid!"


The Shadow Palace Lord was drunk in the Eucharist.

Lin Fei is speechless. You are drunk with a godly deity. This is to give up the resistance. Is it necessary to use alcohol to anesthetize yourself? It is simply unimaginable.

After I couldn’t figure it out, Lin Fei temporarily settled down the Shadow Palace.

When I went to visit the next day, the shadow palace owner disappeared, and Lin Fei screamed and shamelessly.

"The Shadow Palace is not a good day, this shadow **** deity will come to me to get drunk!"

Yes, it is to get drunk.

Lin Fei spit out, his own body is not a place to drink.


Time and space temple.

The high-level collective negotiated one thing.

Since being abused by those foreign aborigines, the Temple of Time and Space has been hurt, but there is no ability to retaliate. The five guys are united together, and the strength is ruthless.

The Temple of Time and Space has dispatched three top treasures, which is barely able to withstand the attack. No one expected that they would have been planning for a long time, and developed a large number of resilience measures against the Temple of Time and Space.

This is why the Temple of Time and Space was killed by a surprise.

The hatred of the five forces, such as the river.

"Our time and space temple needs to recover. Everyone knows that space and time cultivation takes a long time and cannot be completed. However, we now have an opportunity to seize this opportunity and we will be able to recover in a very short time! ”

The master of time and space personally spoke and was deeply affectionate.

"That is to force the Eucharist to fly over the ‘Invincible Devouring’, plus the Guards!”

This is a rather eye-popping existence.

What are the opinions of the top management?

What's more, in the current situation, no action is made, everyone thinks that they are scared by those guys.

Lin Fei's Eucharist Mountain is a good object of Liwei, who makes the guy a thorn, right, absolutely big thorn.


At the time of the time and space temple planning.

Lin Fei is not idle.

After a hard break, after the shadow of the palace, I decided to do something. After all, the current Eucharist is still weak.

How is that good?

Lin Fei decided to go out and catch the beast.

The beast from the black domain, the strength is extraordinarily powerful, or the real beast. It is not bad to catch ten or twenty heads and come back to see the door.

For example, sitting in a nearby place can also form a certain deterrent.

With the current strength of Lin Fei, the problem of catching the Yuan beast is not big. He is the body of the god, and it can be hard and hard, and the beast is convinced.

Conquering the Yuan Beast is not the same as Lin Fei’s.

Since the Yuan Beast came out, he occupied the hill and took a large number of half-born beasts. The beasts and beasts were tamed and became doglegs.

The gods of the Holy Spirit also began to round up the half-beasts, even with the presence of blood.

Lin Fei’s staring at the Yuan Beast is also normal.

The sacred mountain has the Guards, and Lin Fei can also leave with confidence. The three murderers have taken away personally and always need to work hard.

Lin Fei left the Eucharist Mountain and walked without any sound.

And after they left.

Inside the Eucharist Hill, a mansion.

A foreign businessman living here, Shengti Mountain has acquired a large number of ore, and the merchants here have begun to increase. As long as they are honest, Shengti Mountain will not do anything for you.

This businessman is actually sent from the Temple of Time and Space.

It is close to the Eucharist Mountain.

"Do you want to act?"

After receiving the message, the businessman walked into his secret room, which was a secret room.

A transmission array was arranged.

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