Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2535: I am not interested in Aegis

Big sale!

Lin Fei is definitely happy.

The extraction of various materials from ore materials is not very efficient and requires a large amount of ore material to be extracted.

Lin Fei naturally hopes that the more the better.

Only in this way, the strength of the Eucharist Mountain will be improved. The last time the time and space temple was caught unprepared, killing two thousand times and time, and perhaps people are now trying to figure out how to smash the Eucharist.

Lin Fei can't help it!

As for why not to send God to suppress the Holy Mountain, it is also thanks to the forces from the black domain, who let them beat the original temple of the temple.

The sacred body that Lin Fei masters is now a hard bone. There is no certain mouth. If you can't get rid of a few incisors, the temple of time and space will dare to start, and you must make preparations for the price.

This is Lin Fei's most reassuring place.

The forces in the black domain are really good people.

"Big trading, real big deal!" Tianger mad lion laughed. "Because of the big sale that Lin Shengzhu imagined, we can provide one billion tons of ore material in the Holy Body Mountain in one year!"

Lin Fei was dark and moving.

So far, despite his death, the amount of ore material per year is not much, that is, between 100 million and 300 million tons.

One billion tons of ore material is indeed not small.

"How long can it last!"; Lin Fei asked.

"At least a thousand years!"

That sale must be done.

In the millennium, Lin Fei is sure to be armed with the Jiang Guards.

"What do you want!" People have caused big troubles for themselves. Lin Fei believes that there must be a purpose.

"I heard that Lin Shengzhu is a refreshing person, then I will also open the door!" Tianger mad lion said, "I heard that Lin Shengzhu has a powerful method called "Invincible Devouring" and there is also a practice name. For, 'Nine Gravity Against the Celestial Body', our Beastly Holy Land is very interested in this practice!"

Lin Fei knows that the Beringland Holy Land will not come for ordinary things.

"There are indeed two martial arts sites that can be seen in the sacred land of the Beast League. However, the use of ore materials for redemption does not match the value!" Lin Fei shook his head. "I am afraid that this cooperation is difficult to continue!"

It’s a good abacus to use this thing for the exercises!

Lin Fei certainly won't agree. Otherwise, this thing is too cheap.

Nowadays, in the Holy Spirit world, the sacred mountain's ‘invincible engulfing’ and ‘nine-reverse celestial body’ are famous, double-double and perfect.

The body flow has also revived.

Anyone can imagine that the future Eucharist Mountain will become a top genre, comparable to the genre of space and time and space genre. This is no doubt, as long as it is not a fool.

It is impossible for the Beast League to change this way.

"Lin Shengzhu said, laughing, my words have not finished yet!" Skyfury lion said, "Our sacred land is absolutely sincere, ore trading is only a part, and the other part is to get the friendship of our beastly sacred place. This friendship is not available to anyone!"

Lin Fei’s eyes glimpsed. “This Lord can understand that this is a threat!”

The sky anger lion shook his head. "No, no, you made a mistake. We are worshipping peace in the holy land of our beast. We threaten this kind of thing and do it. We just tell you the importance of a friendship. Maybe, Lin Shengzhu does not understand. When we sent me to the Holy Land of the Beast League, I specially brought a message to Lin Shengzhu, I believe you will like it!"

"What news, are you sure this Lord will like it?"

Sky Angry lion laughed. "It must be. This news is actually about the Chaos Xinghai. That place is a foreign ruins. In a ruins, there is something you will be interested in. A complete 'Aegis', the above attributes are very suitable for practicing strong flow!"

This is the news that Lin Fei heard the Aegis again.

It was also a shock when I heard it last time. It seems that there are really few Aegis in the Holy Spirit world. I have not seen it yet.

"Aegis is indeed a good news!" Lin Fei smiled. "However, the place in the Chaos Xinghai is notoriously dangerous. Even if there is a thing of Aegis, this Lord does not dare to rush in, I am afraid Disappointing you with a good intention!"

That place, Lin Fei really can't forget.

The one inside the King Kong Gate, a knife and a child, has not forgotten until now, although I really want to go in and see, Lin Fei held back, the ghost knows what troubles will be encountered.

The sky anger lion is very unexpected, this guy is not tempted, but it is Aegis, with the existence of super attributes.

Now Lin Fei can extract substances through ore materials, and then enter the fusion and reorganization. It is really impossible to create something similar to Aegis.

The cottage is no problem.

Lin Fei naturally does not take risks.

The Beasts Holy Land can know that the ghost knows whether other forces will know, he does not want to be the cannon fodder in the hands of others, he is still standing on the side.

"Lin Shengzhu, that is the aegis, practicing the peaks and treasures!" The raging lion does not know Lin Fei’s thoughts and continues to groan. "How many people have never had a chance to see them in life, and such a shields are also Only Lin Shengzhu is eligible to use!"

Lin Fei is still rumored to refuse.

Regardless of how the sky anger lion said, Lin Fei did not show the performance of the heart, which makes the sky anger lion very do not understand, I really do not know what this guy is thinking.

That is Aegis, a good thing that any strong person dreams of.

"This Lord is not interested in Aegis, who wants to get it!" Lin Fei said, "However, invincible engulfing and nine-fold against the celestial body, it is not impossible to trade, the friendship of the beastly sacred place, the Lord is still I am very concerned. If you can increase the supply of ore materials, such as reaching 3 billion tons or 5 billion tons a year, or providing some special ore to the Lord, then it is not impossible to talk about it!"

As long as the ore material is more, Lin Fei can integrate a large amount of various materials.

When the time is refining, there are more treasures, who are afraid of who.


There is something to care about.

What the cottage does not come out, the Temple of Time and Space has experienced the enormous threat of the treasures.

The angry lion is really skeptical that he has got it wrong.

Don't Aegis want materials? This is the thing of that door. After a while, there is only excitement left in the heart. There is no other place in the Beast League. The ore material can be described as a mountain.

"If this is the case, we guarantee that there is no problem in the sacred place of the Beast League. It is worse than this. I will bring a group of special features and materials. As long as the Lord likes it, I can choose it. Everything is as long as Lin Shengzhu is satisfied! ”

Skyfury lions can't wait for Lin Fei to want ore materials. That thing is too cheap for them, and there is no place to pile up.

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