Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2549: He dares to disagree

The Holy Body Mountain, the reception room.

A group of people sat, each of them exudes a strong temperament, and at first glance, they know that it is not easy to provoke. If they know that they are coming, then no one will offend.

Tianyu, Yubaomen, Time and Space Temple, etc., that is not a cow, not to mention the top forces such as Taikoo Gate and Black Mountain.

The most powerful wave of power, almost all gathered here.

"You have found out, no, how did the light come from?"

Asked by a **** of Yubaomen.

It can follow the Yubaomen outside the Tianyu people, and naturally there are strong ones.

"There is nothing to gain for the time being!" The Tianyu family came from another god, and the age seems to be quite big. It is called Tianzheng Shenzun. It looks like a name. "However, we will find out sooner or later!"

For the sudden blow of the Tianyu people, everyone is curious until now.

The first is the most suspected Linsheng Mountain Linfei, but it was quickly ruled out. The Shengti Mountain really has such an attacking treasure, and that is not the case now.

They speculate that there is something hidden in the Holy Spirit.

This kind of attack comes too far.

Everyone in the heart is gloating, and the Tianyu is not a good bird. It is good to eat a loss. It is good to make them happy.

"You said, will Lin Fei promise?" The **** of Supreme Gate raised a question.

Everyone will pay attention immediately.

"Does he dare to disagree!"

"Although he cleans up our people, once the news is heard, there is no harm to the Eucharist Mountain!"

"He will definitely want to swallow and agree, and don't look at what is happening now!"


All of you are God-respected.

Lin Fei’s fierce name, but it has been circulating all the time, the ordinary big stalwart is coming. If you are not lucky, there is no return. This is not something that will not happen.

God must respect it.

Eight gods are present, that is not the power of this honor.

"he came!"

Tianzheng God respects the outside, there are footsteps coming, not a person, at least four or five people.

"My holy body mountain is really a good place. It’s really a big lineup when I came to the eight gods!" The people have not arrived yet, and Lin Fei’s voice falls in everyone’s ears.

How can these words be weird?


Lin Fei came in with three gods and three killing soldiers.

First, a sweep, eight gods, a strong lineup.

"Lin Shengzhu, we will rush to the door, will not bother you!" Tianzheng Shen Zun said, "In the next day, God is respected, it is the Tianyu people, presumably you should not be strange!"

Lin Fei smiled, "No strangers, we are all old friends, don't know these?"

"Yu Baomen, Yuanbao!"

"Fantasy Island, Magic Sky God!"

"Time and space temple, time is old, old acquaintance!"

"Taigu Gate, Gu Chong!"

"Black Mountain, Fang Yun Rui Teng!"

"Shenjian, sword twenty-two!"

"Holy Son, St. Cloud!"

The eight gods respected the strong ones out of their own names.

The eight names, eight forces, are enough to hold everyone back. This brings together the strongest forces in the Holy Spirit. If they join forces, the scene is absolutely scary.

Lin Fei's face did not change, sitting down in front of them.

"You are going to the door, my little Eucharist, or the first time, I don't know what's going on with you, I am the one who likes to open the door!" Lin Fei looked at the gods and said.

"Since Lin Shengzhu asked this question, then we are not welcome!" Yuanbao God smiled. "I heard that Shengti Mountain has arrested a group of people, some of which happen to be our royal treasures. I hope you can let go." They, this is our common opinion, I think this is a misunderstanding, such as catching the wrong person, Lin Shengzhu, you say it!"

Eight gods respected the look of sitting on the Diaoyutai.

The eight deities in the presence, for any person, any force, is actually a signal, if this can not be seen, then there is no need to have long eyes.

"Misunderstanding?" Lin Fei smiled.

Yuanbao Shenzun nodded. "Yes, how can our people attack those people? Our royal treasures do not bother to do such things. This is not a misunderstanding, but what else!"

"Lin Shengzhu, you are a wise man, misunderstanding and explanation is clear, in fact, nothing is wrong, you say it!" Speaking is the ancient sacred **** of the ancient gate, this way of speaking is quite rushing, with strong coercion.

They arranged for people to intercept the people of the Holy Spirit. They thought that Lin Fei was not so easy to catch them. As a result, they were indifferent, the whole army was annihilated, and the dead died. They couldn’t sit still after they knew the news. During the period, the Temple of Time and Space made a great contribution and sent everyone over.

This is to suppress this thing!

It’s really going to spread, and their reputation is not very good.

The three gods open their mouths, which is actually equal to the position of the eight gods in the presence. At this time, the silence is better than sound.

The three elders behind Lin Fei are about to glare.

"You still don't want to be more shameless!" Lin Fei smiled, full of irony. "The eight forces are united to make this kind of thing. I am really ashamed of you!"

I am afraid that sitting in front of God, Lin Fei still said, who is afraid of who.

Sure enough, God’s face is not good.

Dare to say that they are shameless, and as expected, the temper is great, no one cares, it is simply a gunpowder jar, when it is fried.

"So, I haven't talked about it!" Tianzheng Shen Shen Shen said, "You have to think about it, this is no good result for your Eucharist!"

So don't give face, they don't mind talking in a different way.

Hands-on, that is no longer necessary!

Lin Fei, who is close to invincible, is not a joke, especially in such a close situation.

It’s a disaster, or wait!

Here, they don't have that courage. This is the home of Lin Fei. There is an advantage in nature, and I have cultivated the secret law.

"I have nothing to say to you, if you want to talk, wait for me to execute them, let's talk slowly!" Lin Fei ignored their gaze.

"No, my people, you can't execute!" Gu Chong Shen Zun cold and cold, "If you dare to execute me, I will dare to make your holy body mountain not peaceful!"

"Yes, unless you are willing to continue to enjoy this blocked taste, as long as we speak, no one dares to take the risk!" Sword 22 God smiled in the knife, across the distance, felt the sharp breath .

At this moment, God respects the fangs and the edge will be revealed.

Being able to bow to the Shengti Mountain to find Lin Fei actually gave a big face.

Those who execute them, who dares to do that.

The entire Eucharist Hill, in addition to Lin Fei, really no one can make them feel jealous, as for Lin Fei, it is also a powerful plundering method, there is a certain threat.

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