Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2559: It’s going to change

As soon as the three Guards came out, they showed a terrible attack.

Onlookers of the gods were directly stunned.

"What I saw, the **** of the Tianyu family was actually injured in a face!"

"Hell, what's wrong with this, that person is God!"

"God is actually hurt!"

"The Guards are so sharp!"


The Tianyu gods were injured and everyone was not calm.

God respects it easily and will not hurt.

At the moment, the three guards of the Guards have caused Shen Zun to be injured. When the Guards of the Guards became such, they have never heard of the Guardians in the Guards.

"Enchanting equipment must be enchanting equipment!"

Someone exclaimed.

Can make the gods respect the strong, it must be the role of enchanting equipment.

"What is the enchanting equipment that can make the Tianyu gods feel hurt, it is incredible!"

"This is the real guard."

"I want to be a guard, I don't know if I still accept people!"


The gods who are not gods are easily hurting the gods and strong people. It is terrible to think about it, and a chill is spreading infinitely.

The strong people of the Tianyu are collectively dumbfounded!

God Zun was actually injured!

What a joke.

The Tianyu gods have been shrouded in gravity and paralyzed forces, such as the knife-like wind, a knife fell on the body, the **** of the strong and the blood is blurred.

"My defense can't stop!"

The hearts of the Tianyu gods want to cry.

It’s too uncomfortable for a knife to fall on the body.

Until now, he still can't imagine how the Eucharist Mountain has mastered the enchantment of numbness, which is the enchanting craft of the Holy Spirit.

The Tianyu people are currently able to release paralysis and only the paralyzed scepter.

"The paralyzed enchantment, the gravity enchant, they hide too deep!" Under the double attack of gravity and paralysis, the Tianyu gods must not move at all. The most terrible thing is that the knife-like wind can ignore its own defense. It is the most unacceptable that the knife hits itself.

A godly goddess of heaven was actually injured by the ants of the ants.

This is unacceptable.

"You are dead!"

The Tianyu gods respected the strong and blinked toward the strong followers. "What are you doing, hurry up!"

As long as they disrupt their rhythm, Tianyu Shenzun believes that it is safe to kill, and the paralyzed enchantment equipment is too painful.



The strong people from the Tianyu family have started.

Stupid also knows that the situation is wrong.

The Eucharist seems to have made a great thing, and it can be a terrible thing to target the gods.

As soon as they got up, one of the guards started.

Hey! ! !

The blue wind passed over them.

Gravity power is also coming down.

One by one, the gods and gods fell from the sky and squatted directly on the ground.

God can be jealous, they can't do it.

Hey! ! !

The blood splashed, and the gods of the gods became vulnerable at this time. One of them fell on the ground and could not move.

"Catch it up!"

Immediately another wave of guards came, grabbed them one by one, tied them up with enchanting equipment, and pulled them together. The scene was not too exciting.


This scene, also seen from the power of the Holy Spirit, secretly **** in air.

The Eucharist Mountain is in power!

God's strong and powerful are easily suppressed.

The **** of the gods is finished with a face.

At this moment, they remembered one thing. The Shengti Mountain sold the auction enchanting equipment. How could the Guards not be armed? Look at the current Guards. The strength is not that of the general.

"Let's help you!"

At this time, a god-respecting strongman of the Temple of Time and Space suddenly shot.

It is really necessary for the Holy Body to show its power. How can they get the enchanting equipment from the Holy Mountain? They must be pressed down, and the enchanting equipment of these Guards also makes them jealous.

"The **** of the time and space temple is shot!"

"There is also the **** of the ancient gate!"

"God of the Excalibur!"

The three gods took the initiative, and at this moment they all kept the same idea. They first cleaned up these guards and then robbed them of the treasures.

This is much more cost effective than going to the auction!


"Three, here is the Eucharist, not the place where you are wild!"

A large piece of gravity was pressed down.

The three ancestors appeared, and each of them confronted a god.

"I have long wanted to teach you the best tricks. I hope that you will not let us down!" The three ancestors laughed, and there was a battle armor on the body.

A knife, a variety of enchanting attributes enveloped the **** of time and space.

The three ancestors are now armed all over the body, all of them are top enchanting equipment, and all the enchanting attributes are on the way, and they are caught off guard on the spot.

The **** of the time and space temple, the space of the whole body, swayed, forming a special space guard, which sounded very arrogant.

In front of the enchanting equipment, the attack of the three ancestors easily passed through the space guard.

Breaking the defense material is not a joke.

A knife cut the armor of this god.

In order to upgrade the strength of the three ancestors, Lin Fei has a big **** one, and the enchanting equipment is absolutely top.

"I was actually broken by the defense!"

The **** of the time and space temple was shocked and looked at the wound in an incredible way.


The three ancestors took the initiative to launch an attack, but the three gods were not very angry, but in the next second, they were all dumbfounded, and some unbelievable looking at the wounds.


One face, they are hurt!

The Guards are coming out in succession.

The second Guards came, and there were 3,000 people.

When the three thousand Guards came out, they all lifted the scepter in their hands and attacked in the direction of God.

Hey! ! !

The power of paralysis is spreading!

When the three gods were hit, they couldn't move. The three ancestors were not affected by anything. The knife fell on God's body. There is nothing more sorrowful than this.


"God are hurt!"

"Who knows what the last attack is!"

"Is it a gravity scepter!"


From the perspective of light, no one will know what it is.

However, the three gods were completely shaken.

Paralyzed scepter!

Three thousand paralyzed scepters, it’s a hell!

Usually one or two pieces of paralyzed enchanting equipment are eye-catching, but the current three thousand paralyzed scepter is absolutely to detonate the entire spiritual world.

The three gods are very poor and become sandbags!

The left side, the right side, the knife hit, the strong body is gradually broken, blood, but can not get out for a time, this is the most unacceptable thing in their life.

When the Eucharist Mountain became so terrible!

The changes of the three ancestors of the Eucharist Mountain also opened the eyes of everyone, and they have the strength to fight with the gods.

"The Holy Spirit world is going to change!"

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