Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2564: 500 million prestige kills Shenzun

The gods who have been bravely marching forward have encountered the most embarrassing situation in the Eucharist.

Three thousand guards stormed in the back.

Enchanting equipment emerges endlessly.

The powerful body protector was also penetrated by the other party's enchanted treasures. At least seven of the ten attacks will fall on the body. This is the most unacceptable thing.

The Guards of the Eucharist Mountain have the strength to break the body of the gods. Even with the help of foreign objects, it is a existence that cannot be ignored.

The only thing they can do now is to take down Lin Fei.

Dealing with one is better than dealing with three thousand guards. The Guards can't let them start. The absolute space of ice blue is the hard bone that they can't get on for the time being.

Don't deal with Lin Fei who can still deal with who.


The highest level of the Holy Body Mountain.

More than a dozen gods and strong men came strong.

No matter who saw it, the scalp will be numb, a dozen gods, and various treasures will emerge.

The strong gods in the Eucharist Hill are expecting Lin Fei to shoot at this time.

The Guards are tyrannical to that extent.

Then is it more powerful as the Lord?

"Lin Fei, come out!"

"You can't hide it!"

Gods respected people first, and then scared Lin Fei’s courage to say.

Hey! ! !

The three killings of the gods came out. This time they are no longer bare, and the armor to the enchanted weapons are all available. Wherever the blade passes, the gods and the strong are temporarily avoiding the edge.

When the blade comes out, the god-respecting person feels the cold chill, silently passes through the body, and the body is accompanied by one.

The three killing squadrons confronted six gods, one against two gods, and pressed them firmly.


"Lin Fei, this bastard, how many enchanting treasures have been refined!"

"The killing of the soldiers is armed, and the strength is no less than us!"

God is screaming.

In the face of the terrible blade, the gods respected the strong and did not dare to despise, and even dare not take it lightly.

Six of the more than a dozen gods were pinned down, and they had not waited for them to help. The black and small snakes appeared on both sides of the behemoth, and they also wore armor and armed to the teeth.

"God respects the beast!"

Two head beasts Zhang Hengchong.

The master of time and space is the first to bear the brunt, and the wheel of time and space is constantly being shaken.

Put on the enchanted armor of the beast, and smash the sweeping, every time the collision is a stormy wave, after the gods have been smashed for a few times, they have to use the way of walking, and the heart keeps cursing shamelessly.

It is really rich and wealthy to enchant the squadrons, and few people in the entire spiritual world are willing to do so.

The joining of the two beasts intercepted ten gods.

"And us!"

Three ancestors plus ten elders also appeared.

"We can't beat, what qualifications do you have to play against our Lord!" The three old ancestors took the sword and attacked them.

The three ancestors joined forces, and the ten elders assisted the rear to suppress the remaining gods.

The strength is not high, but you can use enchanting equipment to improve.

Almost all of the more than a dozen gods were stopped.

Three thousand guards attacked the rear, and there were strong players in front of them. For a time, it was difficult for both sides to fight.

If you look closely, the top powers of the gods are slightly at a disadvantage, and under the absolute gravity and paralysis attacks, the strength of their gods is suppressed a large part.

The most important thing is that the three thousand guards, who pressed them to death, just moved and attacked immediately. This feeling is very uncomfortable.

"I don't think we are so strong!"

"Oh, we are not inferior to them in this practice!"

"God respects all eaten, hahaha, enjoyable, too exciting!"


The gods of the Eucharist Mountain are excited and cheering.

From this moment on, the Holy Mountain has truly become a top force, and no one dares to say anything.

I didn’t see more than a dozen gods being stopped. There was no advantage at all. As for the treasures, it was not good to display them. The guards pressed them all the time.

The power of God's honor is infinitely suppressed!

This result is beyond the imagination of many people.

At the same time, let everyone realize that the enchanting equipment can be armed to such a degree, the gods must suffer, and those gods who are doomed to improve their strength, one by one.

A Tongtian Avenue!

This battle will have great significance for the Eucharist and even the gods of the entire Holy Spirit.


In the Eucharist Mountain, Lin Fei appeared.

"You, my gift is still satisfied!"

Lin Fei finally showed up.

The time and space of the Lord, they are not so good at the moment, being taken care of, not to mention how helpless, time power is arrogant, but at this time the power is also suppressed.

Special spaces can be studied, and nothing can be found.

"Lin Fei, if you are interested, you will hand over the high-end enchantment, or you will be the common enemy of all our forces. Don't think that we are blocking us today, the Holy Body Mountain can stand on our head!" God respects the road.

I didn’t clean up Lin Fei today, I can’t swallow it!

The gods and gods are eager to eat, and the face can’t be hanged.

"This Holy Lord knows that you are the **** of the ancient gate, and I am willing to send you a gift in the words of you!" Lin Fei laughed, "I hope you will like it!"

"Gift?" Taikoomen was shocked.

Lin Fei held his hand and stood up and pointed his hand at the Taigu door.

"The second-class fatal strike started!"

“Successfully consumed 500 million prestige!”

In the presence of so many people, Lin Fei did not perform well, then he was not Lin Fei.

An energy burst out.

When this energy fluctuated, the deity of the presence felt a terrible chill, which was the chill from the depths of the soul.

Danger, big horror!

Taikoomen Shenzun did not regard Lin Fei’s words as one thing.

"This is a gift? It is a life!"

The Taikoomen gods are astonished, and this is where Lin Fei’s big killings come from, as for himself.

puff! !

When the thought came out, the attack immediately fell on himself, and the enchanted armor of the body, the various attributes did not use anything, it was shot through him, leaving a terrible blood hole.

Taikoomen Shenzun strong looked down at the blood hole, "Your gift~~~~不~~~"

Hey! ! !

A crack in the road suddenly spread from the edge of the blood hole.

The gods and gods of Taikoomen were covered with dense cracks. After a loud noise from ‘Peng’, the great ancient gods and gods were turned into countless pieces and fell from the sky.

What shocked everyone the most, the pieces fell and instantly turned into pieces of material-like stones without a trace of life. This transformation was too scary.

“Buy pieces at a high price!”

"I also bought the gods!"



I don't know who shouted, and the gods and shreds immediately became a hot commodity, and everyone went to **** it.

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