Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2566: That punch of horror

The Holy Spirit is completely boiling!

Another new top force has emerged!

This is equal to the pattern of the Holy Spirit world, and the top power of the rise is still good at the physical flow of physical cultivation, cultivation of 'invincible engulfing' and strong physical exercises, the future must be a huge thing.

The gods of the Eucharist Mountain did not have a leisurely place to go and brag about the shocking scene of that day. In addition, the scenes recorded by various recorded stones were sold at high prices.

The stone that God respected was also collected, and it really regained a god. It is lifelike. It is said that it was re-purchased by the top forces. What is the price? Who knows?

The three characters of the Eucharist Mountain have become the most discussed topic.

Lin Feisheng easily killed the two gods, and was also portrayed as vivid, and everyone listened as if they were there.

The speculation about Lin Feisheng’s main strength has also been rumored.

Second-class **** respect? Third-class gods respect? What speculation is there, Lin Fei Shengzhu suddenly became one of the top elites in the Holy Spirit world, no one can know where the limit is, no one God is willing to die!

Three thousand guards also shine.

That is the crushing of the gods, the defense of God's respect can be broken. If you think about it, it will make you shudder. If you kill the **** under God, it is not as simple as cutting vegetables.

As long as it is related to the Eucharist, everyone has become very interested.

At the same time, an inspiring news came out. Ten years later, the various treasures left by the Shenzun strong were auctioned.

The news spread and everyone heard the wind.

The ore price is coming up again.

Mining mines, the gods are busy, especially the swords of time and space left by the temple of time and space, and the space-time **** wheel, that is the top treasure, countless people are red!

At this moment, they all know that the opportunity is coming!

Tian Yu's paralyzed scepter.

A series of treasures are moving.


The Holy Body Mountain.

Lin Fei is excited about the surge of prestige.

120 billion prestige.

I used to think that there are a lot of billions of prestige. The 500 million prestige easily kills a god, and now that it has 120 billion prestige, it can really be bounced back and forth.

“Hey, it’s detected that the prestige has exceeded 100 billion, and whether the upgrade mode is turned on!”

"Upgrade mode?"

Lin Fei is very curious, and there is this doorway.

“Master, Prestige Auxiliary System can be upgraded. The first upgrade only needs to consume 100 billion prestige. For each upgrade, Prestige Auxiliary Mall will add auxiliary skills.”

Lin Fei slammed his head and realized that it was no wonder that the mall had been empty, and it was necessary to upgrade the system.

The 120 billion prestige is still not warm enough?

"Is there anything else besides this?" Lin Fei asked.

"In addition to the addition of skills, you can also open the prestige mission to help the owner gain more prestige!" the little devil replied, "guarantee that the upgrade is worth the money for the owner!"

Prestige mission?

This can be there.

Lin Fei thinks about it, and does not upgrade for the time being.

Don't look at the fact that the crisis seems to have been lifted. He dare not take it lightly. The strong man on the side of the Beast League has always made him jealous, and prestige must be kept.

"I am still upgrading the perfect body!"

This is Lin Fei’s card.

Perfect body seven floors.

Simply using tens of billions of prestige to upgrade the perfect body to the eighth floor, to the eight-layer perfect body, Lin Fei can not believe that the body can be perfect to this extent.

In addition to being strong or powerful.

The power of a punch seems to be able to penetrate a big mountain lake beyond 100 million miles, even more than a billion.

This feeling is too mysterious!

"Do you want to try?"

Lin Fei really has the impulse to use the perfect body that he has cultivated with prestige, and how much damage it has. This is why he did not try his best.


Leaving the Sanctuary Mountain range.

Lin Feizhen is worried that the action is too big to be known, and maybe it will really scare a large group of people.

"Absolute space!"

Redeemed an absolute space.

Lin Fei mobilized the body's physical strength, and a very simple and ordinary punch hit the distance.

The power of the perfect body instantly surges out of the stream!

A horrible force came out.

boom! ! !

The great movements and moments spread throughout the entire spiritual world. All the gods and gods paid attention to them. Then they saw a force that rushed past. When they passed, the void collapsed and the power of the Yuan dynasty surged.

The barrier is broken!

Space crashes!


In front of this power, everyone feels the breath of death, the real death!

After the punch went out, Lin Fei knew that the movement was too big, and immediately urged the absolute space to escape. After he left, the gods of God respect swept over.

After a loud noise.

The space where the temple of time and space is located has been blasted by this boxing force and spread to nearby temples of time and space.

"Who~~ who did it!"

When the master of time and space came out of space, he saw that all the space hundreds of millions of miles away was collapsed, and a large number of Yuan dynasty forces came in, and black and **** could scare him.

The horror of the Yuan dynasty is well known.

A fist blasted the barriers, so the scope, this is too ~~~ terrible!

"If this is


The gods of the Holy Spirit have witnessed the power of that punch, and they are all hit hard.

Before the mysterious attack!

Now there is another punch attack, the attack power is terrible, they have no doubt that they have gone up. A punch is about to be killed.

God can't calm down.

"You said that the boxing attack will be the master of the mysterious attack before!"

"If it is true, do we still hide a supreme person in the Holy Spirit world!"

"The strongest? That is to wait for the gods and even the nine gods!"

"It's really terrible!"

"Is the mysterious person the Lord Lin Fei?"

"Impossible, he will not be the strongest, the smell of his body will come out!"


God gods are speculating.

The power of a punch is so terrible that the temples of time and space are almost almost blasted, and the scenes are so refreshing.

No matter how they guessed, there was no doubt about Lin Fei.

"Is this also possible?"

Looking at the new prestige, one-time is a billion, Lin Fei really did not understand how to soar.

“The more high-profile, the more people you know, the more prestige you can get!”

Lin Fei thoughtfully.

Looked at more than seven hundred billion prestige.

"With prestige, I can also go to the Xinghai Sea to see what good things are there. If you find a special ore material, you can do it!" Lin Fei has a special liking for some special enchanting treasures.

A perfect punch in the body, Lin Fei knows his strength.

At present, the perfect body is still two layers apart. It may take hundreds of billions of prestige to complete the cultivation. It is necessary to continue to work hard.

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