Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2081: You pit me

All continents.

A big news broke out recently!

The bright **** from the Temple of Light is captured by a mysterious powerhouse from the mountains of the gods. And ask for a ransom to the Temple of Light.

No one will take it seriously at the beginning of the news.

Who is the **** of light, that is the pride of the Temple of Light, but no one can grasp it.

With the news of the big city on the side of the Tenjin Mountains, everyone followed the group dumbfounded.

A mysterious man defeated the bright god, and it was still under the combination of the bright gods and totems.

After the event, the two mysterious people disappeared without a trace.

The confession of the capture of the bright gods has become confusing.

The Temple of Light is even releasing news. This is a rumor. The bright and beautiful God will not become a prisoner. Everything is malicious.

As the facade of the Temple of Light, such dirty water, no one is willing to accept.

What's more, the Temple of Light has not received the news.

For a time, the fake is true and unclear.


All continents.

Somewhere on the sky.

The black warships are not rushing forward.

"Master, let's go to the destination!"

Ever since leaving the ruined Wanshan City, Ye Xiaolong has not been in the cabin.

Everything is under control.

As for the bright god, from the beginning to the end, honestly, under the seal of strength, do not say anything else, the light will fall from this warship, and will fall into meatloaf.

This is the huge impact of seal strength.

The bright **** is not honest.

"quite fast!"

Lin Fei came out of the cabin and came to the deck to enjoy the scenery of the Great Gods.

The bright **** also came to the deck of the ship.

In the sky, not only the battleship where Lin Fei is located, but also seven or eight warships appear not far away. The deck of each warship is full of young people.

"They are all going to participate in the Tianjiao Conference, it is a long-sighted!" Guangming Shenzi stood behind Lin Fei and whispered.

Lin Fei blinked. "It seems that this Tianjiao meeting is very interesting!"

The young people on those warships are quite good in strength, and they are all outside. They are all masters.

Wan Yancheng, the follower of the road, "Adult, I heard that the Tianjiao Conference is very interesting. Every time the Tianjiao Conference, Tianjiao gathered, for this, they also made a list of gods and arrogance, including the arrogance of certain strength!"

Lin Fei is more and more interested.

"Bright God, I don't know if you are in the top of the list of gods!" Lin Fei asked curiously.

The bright **** of God could have answered with pride, but when he thought about the person in front of him, he suddenly lost his temper and honestly said, "I am ranked tenth!"

Lin Fei blinked. "No, you are only tenth. It really disappoints me!"

The light of the gods in the heart of the heart, "the gods are so big, I am ranked tenth, in fact, very good."

"The gods are big, they are really stronger than me!" said the bright god.

Lin Fei knows that he has come to the right place. "So, will the nine arrogants in the front come here?"

The bright **** nodded hard. "Definitely, anyone who is in the top ten of the celestial glory can enter the Hall of All Saints and accept the gift of the gods. No one wants to miss this opportunity!"

Wan Yancheng, the younger brother, has always been concerned about adults. Once he is interested in this, he will explain it immediately.

"Adults, the Great Hall of God, rumors that this is the first superpower of this continent left." Wan Yancheng explained, "The temple of the gods was later controlled by the forces of the gods, and later there was a genius. Used to motivate the younger generation"

"That's really going to see you!"


"Bright God, you bastard, not being captured, how is it here!"

At this time a golden warship appeared in the sky.

An unfriendly voice came.

The bright **** is true to Lin Fei, but other people can't suppress him. Even if the strength is sealed, the fierce atmosphere will not change.

"I have not been captured, are you very unhappy!" The bright **** sneered, "The Tenth Heavenly Pride, you are never qualified, honestly eat behind me!"

On the golden warship, it is a big fat man. It doesn't look too old. Like a Maitreya Buddha, the little eyes are smashed, and the flash of light shines. It looks very bad.

"That may not be!" The big fat man proudly said, "In this session, there will be a name for me on the list of the gods, you are nothing more than a totem fit, hehe!"

The Master of Wanyan recognized the other party. "Adult, that person is the continent of the gods, and the third party of the Chamber of Commerce."

Third Chamber of Commerce?

Lin Fei’s heart moved, this is a good meat ticket.

The bright eyes of the gods turned and turned to Lin Feidao. "Adult, the dead fat man is the continent of the gods, the young master of the Fangjia Chamber of Commerce, and the only young master, the family is rich!"

The **** of light is arrested as a prisoner. Naturally, no one is good, and all of them must be pulled down.

Lin Fei looked at the money and fat man. With a simple glance, he saw that the big fat man, every treasure of his body is very valuable, which is not something that anyone can have.

"Fat, is your family very rich?" Lin Fei asked with a smile.

Fang Qian talent is general, but there is a big chamber of commerce behind him, the financial resources are rolling, all kinds of treasures are armed on the body, and the strength is followed by the rocket.

In the continent of the gods, such a sentence is circulated.

It doesn't matter if you don't have strength, as long as you have money.

You can buy a lot of treasures and improve your strength.

The party money is one of the representatives, behind the Fangjia Chamber of Commerce, that is the Third Chamber of Commerce in the Pantheon, really what you want.

"Hey, Fangye's family, the financial resources are rolling, is it very heart-warming!" Fang Qianyi said, "Don't think that you will follow the light of the gods, tell you a secret, anyway, I will announce it soon, my family will prepare for me once. The totem fit, this time, the Tianjiao list, there must be the name of my grandfather!"

Party money, this is to show off the fruits of the fruit!

Lin Fei’s eyes are bright, and the totem fit is nothing in the eyes of the universe. In the eyes of the gods, it is a strong treasure.


Lin Fei laughed.

To the continent of Wanshen, Lin Fei is to accumulate prestige.

The gods of light are arrested. One of the third owners of the third chamber of commerce is able to count on it. It is a meat ticket anyway. This is something that cannot be changed.

The money of the golden warship is clearly heard.

The face could not help but flash a stun.

"Catch me? Your kid knows who I am?" Fang Qian’s face flashed a sigh of anger. "Don't think that you follow the bright god, I will not dare to move you!"

Lin Fei laughed and said, "Yeah, I am afraid you have no chance!"

Because the Black Dollar is working!

The thick palms stretched out and became obscured by the sky, covering the golden warships, five fingers and one, and the golden warships collapsed on the spot.

The masters in the warships burst open and the blood smelled.

The money didn't even have time to resist, and the hand squeezed his neck, mentioning it and throwing it in front of Lin Fei.

"How, I am right!"

"Who are you?" Fang Qian looked awkward.

The bright man said, "Tell you an unfortunate news. You and I have become meat tickets. We are now a brother and a brother, how are you, happy!"

Like the money, the money is like, "Bastard, you pit me!"

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