Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2154: War mad leader

"Welcome to the Lord!"

"Welcome to the Lord!"

On the border, the Lord of the Stars brought a group of people to meet.

When the starry beasts shot, everyone bowed their heads, and everyone who was sharp and sharp in the eyes of the giants did not dare to face up.

This behemoth, the huge body, shrinking, and finally turned into a mini-like appearance, fell on a silver armor man, closed his eyes and raised his mind.

"Go to the government!"

The silver armor leader is faint.


The owner of the Xinghe government secretly wiped the sweat. In the face of a leader of the twelve masters, the pressure is too great. He is a cosmic god, but in front of the other side, he only feels tremendous pressure, and even the idea of ​​not starting the hand.


Galaxy House, the city's main government.

The silver armor is sitting on the upper position.

The following people are standing, they dare not sit down in front of the leader, give them a hundred courage.

"How is things going!"

A light, unrelenting voice with an irresistible tone.

"Everything is ready, you can start at any time!" Star River House chief bowed.

"You did a good job!" said the silver armor. "When the event is over, the Holy See will not treat you badly. You don't want to go to the Holy See. After this time, you can also prepare for it!"

"Thank you for the success of the teacher." The Lord of the Star River is happy, thankful, in the government, one of the overlords, but far better than going to the Holy See, the strength can be further.


At night, the city government.

"I have seen the leader!"

As the space fluctuated, a figure appeared in front of the silver armor, kneeling down on one knee.

"What have you found out that there are no good seedlings!"

The first sentence of the silver armor leader asked this question.

"The competition for the head of the house has poured out a lot of potential seeds. This is the information collected by the subordinates. The adults have asked for it!" The person in front of him took out a piece of information and handed it up. "Their origins are all recorded in the second. Chu!"

The silver armor took a glimpse of it.

"They really can't sit still!"

A faint sigh of coldness can scare the front of the person and look down at the ground.

"Right, how happened to the Galaxy House in the recent past, and whether those people have action!"

"There is no time, calm!" The black shadow said, "The subordinates think that they should wait until the head of the house competes for the end. After all, the Galaxy House is very lively recently!"

"Give me the guys, let me go!"

"The subordinates retire!" The black shadow dissipated to the figure, disappearing without a trace.

The silver armor has put down the information, and a pair of scorpions are cold. "A group of old things, you will regret it sooner or later!"


"The Lord is here!"

Lin Fei received the news at the first time, "and it’s still a mad-hearted mad leader."

After hearing the celestial museum owner, he could not help but secretly surprised. "I don’t think they valued this time the housekeepers competed and arranged for the mad war lord to come over. This is the loyalty of the eternal Holy See, and the rebellion that died in his hands is not much. No one dares to do any little tricks!"

Li Hu nodded. "The mad war leader, the most insane and thorough one, walked along with the refining body, and was very overbearing. The rumored cultivation of the 'Heaven and the Promise' was cultivated into the realm of Dacheng, and seven or eight cosmic gods could not do this. Bit!"

Lin Fei did not have a deep understanding of the twelve teachers.

But this mad war teacher, how many have heard some, the reason is simple, because the other side is also a refining body, in this universe famous.

The most important thing is that the ultimate universe **** and the battle over the past, but unfortunately has been pressed.

The ultimate power method has unlimited potential, but it is always inferior to the other world's world.

"This is coming to the town, it is estimated that there is something else!" Lin Fei thought and said, "The Yuanfu is not as high-powered as it was in the past. If there is no other purpose, it is impossible!"

Today, there are Yuanhua forces outside the Yuanfu, and there are five continents within Huawei. No matter how re-integrated, it is not as good as it was.

There are still some doorways in this area, which Lin Fei can't guess on the temporary.


The news that the mad war lord came to the town of Xinghe was soon spread.

As for how to spread it, it is not known.

When I heard the mad war leader, many people followed his face. This is the most terrible master. The fierce name spread throughout the universe, and there is no sand in the eyes.

At the same time, in a secret house, a heavy array of methods was overshadowed.

Several people sat together and their faces were dignified.

"We have been too high-profile for some time before, and the mad war lord must be directed at us!" The middle-aged man is talking, and the eyebrows are exhausted.

"Come on, come, let's join forces, afraid that he won't be!" This is a young and young word.

"You are too young, and the mad warlord is the top powerhouse who cultivates the inner world. Once the inner world condenses the star nucleus, it can break through the restrictions, achieve the stellar powerhouse, the star nucleus will not die, and eternal life will not die."

The people present were silent!

The stellar powerhouse, what a terrible existence, is the one who truly destroys the earth.

"The competition for Yuanfu, we can't give up. With the few people we arranged, we can definitely get the first place and become the head of the Yuanfu. At that time, we can wait and see what has changed!"

This is what an old man said.

"In the recent period, you have not contacted each other. The mad war is the master of the mad war, not you and I can contend!" The old man's face showed deep anxiety.

The person is not good!


Things like this happen in several places.

Those who are secretly active, all stop, the shadow of the famous tree, the mad war leader as one of the top powers, not everyone can fight.

He is a mountain with a bone, and he is on the top of the top.

In this universe, no enemy can kill him.

The Galaxy House was quieted down, and the surface was still lively. The arrogant Tianjiao was honest and prepared to concentrate.

This situation lasted for a month.

A month later, the days of Yuanfu’s struggle came.

On the square of the Galaxy House, it was cleared early, and the Galaxy Wei blocked the area. Everyone was guarding the surrounding area, so that the square was empty.

When the first sun was shining on the square, people began to get more.

"You are here too!"

"Can you come?"

"The head of the house is vying for a grand event, not to mention the fact that there are mad war lords who come in person and can't touch it once in a lifetime!"

"Ha ha ha, that is!"


As a top-ranking powerhouse, not everyone has the opportunity to see it. There are not many such opportunities.

All the forces that came to participate in the competition also began to enter the market, entering the center of the square, standing in turn, at a glance, but the appearance of the great power of Tianjiao, can always cause a cheer.

First of all, the government, and then another big government, covering the top forces of the universe, watching everyone face each other.

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