Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2168: Recognition

The competition for the head of the Yuan government has come to an end.

The first Lin Fei took a lot of eternal gods with strong strength, and the people behind him could not catch up, and they would not give up.

Everyone has never seen such a speed of plunder, a blink of an eye, a quick and incredible, it is hard to believe that this is true.

On the Star River Palace Square.

A figure appeared.

Only everyone's face is listless.

Many of the guys with arrogance on their faces, as if they had experienced something, once they came outside, they left the square in the blink of an eye, and there was really no face left.

The people in the square began to go less.

There are still some people waiting for someone.

That person is Lin Fei, a **** horse that is beyond everyone's expectations, and won the first place with incredible strength. What a brilliant result.

In the portal, another figure appeared.

As the man appeared, the square rang out loud.

"Yi Linfei!"

"Lin Fei is out!"

"New nobility!"

When Lin Fei came out, he was immediately locked in by countless eyes. All kinds of negative emotions were there. He did not see it anyway.

"Not very enthusiastic!"

Lin Fei came up with a sentence.

I don't know how many people hear this sentence, you can really talk, the tiger mouth eats food, ask who can have a good mood to welcome you, not to kill you are good.

"Lin Daoyou, please take a trip with us and teach you mainly!"

When the outsiders haven't come up yet, some people came first. They came from the confidant of the Galaxy's lord. In the face of Lin Fei, they are also polite. The new aristocrats have a promising future.


Lin Fei knows that the person is very powerful. It is no harm to go to see it. Only the one who admits, he is the owner, the true head of the government, even though it is a broken house, it is also a noble identity.

In this way, Lin Fei left the square with the other party.


Galaxy, the city government.

The war mad leader lives in the city government.

In just a hundred years, the fingertips are just a wave.

When Lin Fei walked into the city's main government, he immediately had a powerful **** to look at himself up and down. The movement was very concealed. It was not a strong strength, and he could not detect it.

Lin Fei easily noticed that he really didn't know the same.

"It should be the warlord, only the guy can have such a means!" Lin Fei secretly said, "I guess I want to see what my origins are!"

Lin Fei has nothing to reveal and secret.

"Adult, Lin Fei has arrived!"

The confidant took Lin Fei to the door of a courtyard, no longer went in, but stopped to report until a figure came out.

"Young people, you are very good!"

It’s not someone else who comes to meet Lin Fei, but the owner of the Galaxy in Xinghe.

Lin Fei pretends to be flattered. "How is the owner, how are you!"

The owner of the Galaxy smiled. "Why can't it be me? You are now the new head of the government. We are in the same position. In the future, we will be the same. If you know each other first, don't you?"

Lin Fei is restrained. "Actually, I am not ready yet!"

"Ha ha ha, nothing, time is long, you will understand!" The owner of the Galaxy has personally led the way. "Come, the main thing is to see you. You are the best in this session. The people the teacher wants to see, but not everyone." Qualified, your kid is a blessing!"


Lin Fei has no good impression of these old tycoons. If you really believe the other person's words, you must definitely suffer big losses.

Along the way, Lin Fei pretended to be restrained and listened less.

The changes on the face of the Star River House are all in the eyes.

"Teacher, we are here!"

At the lakeside of the city's main government, a figure is fishing at the lake.

The owner of the Galaxy seems to be very familiar. When he has not reached the lake, he shouted.

"You are Lin Fei!"

The figure of fishing did not turn around, but a voice like a blue sky, no warning in the heart of Lin Fei, full of endless majesty.

This sound is extremely powerful.

Lin Fei knew that the mad leader was not so easy, and he was prepared in the dark.

"Lin Fei Lin Fei, I have seen the master!"

Lin Fei stopped a breath or two and then returned to the gods and said to the figure.

The star of the Galaxy House stood on one side and said in the dark, "The reaction ability is really fast. The voice of the leader is not affordable for anyone. This kid can be the first, and he has the skills and the means!"

"You can beat the desperate scholars and defeat the nine great arrogances. You are quite good. The ultimate universe **** really has left a lot of things for you!" The voice of the war mad leader is very ethereal.

The strength of Lin Feizhan’s appearance seems strange. It can be normal in the eyes of the war mad leader. It must be the looting of the ultimate universe god. Nothing is so rare.

"Teaching the Lord's Eyes, these are really left to me by the Master. I am getting started slowly. I only know a small part of it!" Lin Fei said with a word.

Everyone thinks so, Lin Fei can't be stupid to say anything else.

It is not easy to find a back pot man!

The war mad leader is very satisfied with Lin Fei’s performance. "Do you know what you will face as the head of the Yuanfu?"

This Lin Fei is not so clear.

"The re-integration of Yuanfu will inevitably lead to the shooting of all parties, I will try my best to maintain the Yuanfu!" Lin Fei said.

"If you know clearly, then it would be better. I hope that you will be in the same position as your teacher. If you don't understand anything, you can talk to Xinghe!"

The war mad leader waved his hand and a token flew over.

"You are bleeding on it, and the future is the head of the Yuanfu!"

Lin Fei did not think about it, dripping blood on the token, for a moment, as if something was drawn in the body, the token, followed by two words Lin Fei.

"Now you are the owner, this is what the Holy See rewards you!" A treasure came to Lin Fei. "This is the eternal aegis of the universe treasure, which can form a strong defense, and cannot be broken by a few universe gods." !"

Another weapon came to the front.

"This teaching is subjective to your refining line, and the Eternal Aegis will help you to save your life. This is an eternal glove, and it has three layers of strength."

One shot of two pieces of cosmic treasures is indeed a big deal!

No matter which one, the quality is excellent.

Lin Fei was so excited that he was grateful again and again. "I will definitely sit in the Yuan Dynasty for the Holy See. There will be no chaos!"

"Okay, you can go down!"

Lin Fei was grateful and left the lake.

"This Lin Fei, you have to help look at it!"

"Good teacher, as long as I am, I will not make a problem!" Star River House nodded. "I think this Lin Fei should not be arranged by those people. In front of the eyes of the teacher, everything is empty!"

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